What's with otakus' obsession with purity? Why female anime/manga/game characters...

What's with otakus' obsession with purity? Why female anime/manga/game characters, idols and VAs that are non-virgins are so looked down upon to the point that they would destroy merchandise when they found out that their 'waifu' is not 'pure'?

They are not obcessed with it, rather they are told idols are pure and when news hits they're not pure, people are upset.


A hard analysis will show its simple human psychological disdain for disregard of trust.

Because otaku themselves are pure.

Because 99% of any attractive girls you see out there that are older than 20 had multiple boyfriends/partners. Atleast it's like that where I live.

Nothing wrong with being "experienced", but it's not something special. A used up young female is the norm now. "Purity" is the exception. Some people happen to like this exception.

Thus it is understandable that in a society where 99% of the population are sexually active, some people prefer an alternative. Which they can only find in media, since virginity IRL is science fiction.

This. They can't deal with the fact someone has had a past relationship and/or more experience than them in that field. It's not the idea of purity itself, it's simply bitterness and jealousy in the guise of it.

The core otaku conceit is collection. It's why spoilers make them so mad, it's why an industry sprang up on making that 3000-sale target by selling 1000 dudes a copy to watch/a copy to sell/a copy to lend, and it's why they sperg the fuck out when someone popped the shrinkwrap on their prospective waifu.

Read some Azuma.

>in a society where 99% of the population are sexually active
Please, zoo pandas get more action than the Japanese.

You drunk?

You insufficiently introspective?

It's shit like this why used goods such as widows, rape victims will never win

Frailty of the male ego.

No idea about otakus, but I hate used goods, since they are cheap, indecisive, not devoted, etc.. some exceptions though. I don't care about idols or VAs.

>unpure degenerates
Please leave Sup Forums and do not come back. This board is for pure souls only.

Ironically in a society where purity is a thing, there are girls who think that doing anal, fellatio, or titfuck doesn't count as losing your virginity.
That's how fucked this world now.

There is a reason why they aren't obsessed with Hollywood which glories sluts.

You know most people don't know this but in Shakespeare's time, actors had the same low social status as prostitutes, if not even lower.

All actors in Shakespeare's time would be amazed at the celeb worship today.

Would you rather have an 80% chance at a stable marriage or would you rather see it plummet each time she adds a sexual partner?

It's been statistically proven that the more partners a woman has the more likely that she'd be unfaithful, unhappy, and generally not fit to be a marriageable partner with higher divorce rates as well.

RNGesus help us

The plural's "otaku", user.

>wanting to fuck a literal mental child who only puts up with you because she doesn't realize how much of a scrub you are

sounds like you two have a lot to hide, have you considered onaholes

You know I never really thought too much on the topic of "purity" until someone else brought it up.

Like I watched Your Name and was like "man that was pretty good movie" but then I saw a guy on internet contemplating whether or not the female MC was a virgin or not. I honestly didn't even think of whether she was pure or not pure until he brought it up. I don't how to put it in but if stuff like that are all you ever think about you need to go outside more.

What's your obsession with sluts?

but muh statistics

>What's with otakus' obsession with purity?
What's with normies' obsession with sluts? Why all the chatacter in a normie show have to be sexually active to the point of that could ne commonly considered whoring themself out, while shaming those show who promotes a more healthy life-style because "muh sexuality 'nd real characterization"?
It's pretty much the same thing, if you ask me. I still despise purity fag, but denying the exsistence of opposite "faction", which is even bigger, makes me nate normies more.
But anyway, any news with Kannagi?

Nobody likes used goods. Soiled women used to not be able to marry, even today in plenty of places it is required for the bride to be pure
Normalfags in the west just put up with it because its that or nothing


Seeing where this World is going and being aware that I can't change that makes me really sad. I hope anime will keep at least this morality.

Sounds like you want your children inheriting the genes of another man.

>mental child

>mental maturity is acquired through being fucked by random dudes in a bar

You could always become a muslim or a gypsy
They value pure women

I dont see a differance between slut and woman forced to be pure. I talk about mindset.

All women are literal mental children
Whats your point

>What's with otakus' obsession with purity?
You can't realize that from your basement, but in real life men do value purity in women.

Sluts, both male and females, shows lack of discipline. Failed relationships show lack of forethought or shows impatience.

>le men and women are the same meme


Wait, have things gone full circle? Weren't some otaku the ones who wanted purity? Didn't normal men not care about (the otaku degree of) purity at all?

Literally every man has always wanted purity. Women want unpure men to stop being "wild" and pay attention to only them. It's why they like vampires and werewolves and shit so much.

>I dont see a differance between slut and woman forced to be pure

There is a huge difference.
People like you like to think that humans are divine beings who act depending on their souls...
When in reality our behavior is defined in our brains and can be altered with certain hormonal inputs.

When a woman sluts around she literally loses her ability to chemically bond with males, rendering her biologically unable to "love".

Most normalfag men, which is most men, really don't care if their gf has have sex before though

>What's with otakus' obsession with purity?
What would you rather?
A Sandwich
A Sandwich someone stuck their dick in
It's pretty obvious.

What's the problem?
It's not like those greasy basement-dweller otakus will ever get laid in real life so I'd say leave them to their fantasies.

Sandwich that somebody stuck their dick in, and came inside. It's extra protein, and if you consume semen regularly, you'll become more feminine.

daily reminder

Leave them alone. You have everything already Chad, you can fuck girls and any kind you want. They do nothing to you and keep to themselves for the most part. Why do you insist on breaking the NAP and attacking their very beings? Who cares if other people like purity? You can feel free to fuck sluts if you want, no one will stop you.

There's a crowd that wants that thing, and if they get hit with a bait and switch they have a right to be outraged.

You don't see otaku kicking up a stink about the girls in starless being sluts.

Nothing like rancid stink of r9k in the morning.

What's sluting around for you, people having previous stable relationships?

Who cares love is love follow your heart and stop obsessing over arbitrary things like numbers.

Because impurity is one of the ultimate symbols of all that's wrong and disgusting with 3D.

This image is a joke but the subject is not and I'm being serious, there are too many faggots on Sup Forums these days that don't belong here.

Sour grapes.
Read the parable of the fox and the grapes.

You're using it wrong. Sour grapes is when you decide you don't like grapes because it's out of your reach and you can't get them. It doesn't have anything to do with a third party element that affects the grapes.

In this scenario it's more like not wanting to eat grapes that have been touched by a nigger. That's not sour grapes, that's just smart thinking.

>sour grapes
anons want to be a slutty girl, too?

Virgin, keep thinking like that please.
I am enjoying the lack of competition.

>Current year

Oh please.

If you are at such a level where basement dwellers getting out and about is competition I don't know what to say.

Why are you even here?

The same reason you buy new technology instead of old.

Picture two identical laptops that have both been bought a year ago.
The first is waiting in the shop, still waiting to be bought. It doesn't even have a dent in it. If you buy it, you will have the joy of setting it all up yourself, and not to mention, using it.
The second is a laptop that has gone through three owners already. The first treated it right, and the only problem was a scratch at the back. The second messed it all up by being an absolute slob with it. He ate over it, he ejaculated on it, he trimmed his pubic hairs on it, and smoked near it. He sold it at a ridiculously low price because of how bad it looked. The third owner turned out to be another decent guy, so he cleaned it all up, disassembled it, cleaned all the components thorougly, applied new thermal paste and oiled up the fans so they won't be as loud, installed an SSD and installed Debian testing on it and set it up so it would function like Linux Mint (but with extra security and more stability than you'd get out of Mint)

A laptop that is still waiting in the shop.
A laptop that has gone through three owners.

Which one would you pick?

You seem upset.

holy shit please be paste.

Why are you upset?
Like I said, I am loving the lack of competition.
Just my weakness of being nice to the pitiful.

The used one because it would be more fun to nurse back to health. Fuck you, you pushed me into this.

The guy straight up says that you should prefer used goods, what part of that is /r9k/-ish?

>blog posting

Kill yourself.

Nobody likes sluts.

You should commend anime for upholding conservative decency standards unlike degenerate western entertainment.


Is this really that mysterious for you?

Because otaku values pure, life-long love over casual girlfriend/boyfriend relationships, they are hopeless romantics.
If the girl isn't pure, then it means she mostly likely doesn't think same way therefore she might not want to help you archive that dream.
Also if the girl had previous partners, she might and will judge you, so they are afraid because she might leave you for someone better. It's also scientifically proven that the more previous sexual partners girl had, the less likely she will create stable marriage, so these fears are completely reasonable. It's really significant difference between virgin brides and bride that had one sexual partner before.
Everyone knows that the first love is the most intense and amazing, it would be stupid to not choose it. Most otaku didn't had any girlfriend before so they're going to get overwhelmed by this relationship, and would like to share it with their partner as well.
Also most otaku are inexperienced so they seek for inexperienced so they might figure out how romantic and sex things works together, instead of being taught by girl, which many may find humiliating. And many also want to be the dominant one, and you can't really do it as a virgin with an experienced girl.

So if sluts are grapes I can't reach, then where is my pure girl(apple) I can keep myself busy with?


Fuck off, retard.

Purity is a meme just to make otaku feels better about themselves.
There is no pure girls, they don't exist.

>this fucking manga
Jesus Christ just bang already.

Because they've never had sex themselves, so the idea of someone else having it embitters them.

They latch on to these women in the first place for the same reason.

I don't think the aspect of "might leave you for someone better" really fits into the whole thing, it's purely about romanticism.

In the romantic ideal, love is pre-determined by destiny and the two partners would never consider leaving one for another.

The bride being a virgin, and factually this does not just apply to the woman - it also applies to the man - what SJWs who whine about double standards forget is that male protagonists usually are virgins too, is only part of that romantic fantasy and the physical embodiment of the relationship being special, due to the fact that both partners have never had experiences with other people before, which would devalue the relationship they share.

The idea that someone could leave another due to romantic love being a marketplace is completely outlandish and would never occur to the romantic mindset as this sort of thinking does not even exist in anime-land.

He kissed the other girl.

It exists in fiction, which is all that matters.

>my past experiences don't define who I am, user!

Experienced woman > dead plank in bed. That's common knowledge.

Good thing I'm asian :^)

Many people value stable marriage and devoted love more than good sex.
Sex with the girl you love and who loves you back feels better than "good" sex with a whore anyway.

You'll never have sex let alone marry, so why do you care?

This is going to blow your mind, but some guys don't want their woman pre-loaded with semen, and still believe in monogamy. Why would you want to date a woman who you know has a history of falling for and then breaking up with someone? The answer is that's it's become the norm, because the west has become morally bankrupt.
>Y-You're just a fat otaku!
I've turned down more women than you've even worked up the balls to talk to. Some people don't want to get into a relationship unless they're actually serious about it. I don't care if sluts exist, I just won't date them because I don't slut around myself. It's not hard to figure out.

>people actually defending 3DPD

I can't believe how far the state of this board has fallen. Well, I can. Fuck you moot.

>every purity threads is made my someone who doesn't understand or agree with purityfag mentality
Really made me think desu.

>disregard of trust

You'll never get isekai'd, so why do you care about the world in anime being interesting?
You'll never use spiral power, so why do you care about TTGL being so over the top?
You'll never time travel, so why do you care about S;G having plotholes?
Because the girls in anime, just like other these works, determine how entertaining they will be. When you watch mecha, you want interesting fights, when you watch CGDCT you want girls to be cute, otherwise it might not be as fun to watch. Attractive girls are also part of that, some anime you watch purely for seeing girls you'd love to marry and have as your partner for the rest of your life. And you can't enjoy anime like that if the girls are unattractive to you.

I'll never marry but it doesn't matter because we discuss anime girls. I'm in love with my waifu who I want to be for the rest of my life with, and I enjoy it a lot that she is pure and virgin. If she was tainted, then she could not possibly have that pure, innocent personality of hers that I love so much.

Because purity is good

Generally speaking, nothing defines a person more since that's what leads to the current version.

Why are normies so obsessed with otakus obsessed with purity?

t. angry roastie

C'mon lads. At this rate, you are all going to die alone. Can you accept that?

So what, if people started liking sluts in the anime, they will suddenly get laid?


These unvirgin Chads think that if we changed our thinking we could magically get laid, but that's not usually the case. We won't get the girl whether or not we open up ourselves to unvirgin girls(who tend to prefer experienced Chads anyway). So why not prefer pure girls when discussing fantasty/2d? There's no loss and it's more kosher.

Yes. By promoting more healthy and positive view on human relationships it will in fact lead to getting laid.


>believing anything you read on retardchan

Protip: you can't promote anything in Anime, this is not western national TV. They can only do Anime that will be profitable and people desire pure girls. You can't change that, it's natural.

Death isn't too scary compared to living an eternity in this shithole.

Real life doesn't work like that.

>I like girls with experience ;)))
a.k.a "I'm a cuckold in denial"

Hello newfriend.

But dying is painful.