The reaction to this is one of the biggest shitshows I've ever seen

The reaction to this is one of the biggest shitshows I've ever seen.

>why is it white washed

Fuck off tumblr the Japanese have their own you stupid niggers

>L being played by a black guy

They couldn't have gotten Mr. ROBOT??



>They couldn't have gotten Mr. ROBOT??
That actually wouldn't have been the worst casting.

Though the guy they have playing L is someone I've never seen before, for all I know he fits the roles well.

Of course there is illuminati "all seeing eye" on death note.

>workmates have varying opinions on this
>have no opinion because I haven't read or watched it
>get called out for watching SoL shit whenever I say this
Having a black guy is pretty fun though

lol if they don't care for the original's appearance then rami malek would have been a perfect fucking cast for L, if you've seen both mr robot and death note then you know that to be fact

Considering this will be Edge of tomorrow-tier adaptation it might be not that bad.

Shill somewhere else nigger.

First GITS now this. Wtf is going on

This honestly looks fine.

The movie is out?

Wait, Netflix?

For this whole time I thought it was going to be a series. You know its going to be shit when an entire series, movie or manga, is going to be stuffed into a movie. It might have had a chance if it was a series.

Calm down fag. Just like in case of Edge~, they seem to be using just the most vital parts of the story. In Netflix movie the MC seems to be pretty average guy unlike genius level Yagami. Whole movie might be focused more on him trying to get away from nigger L instead of creating a perfect world.

I think they turned it into like a tv series.

>Whole movie might be focused more on him trying to get away from nigger L instead of creating a perfect world.
Sounds like shit.

I'm not saying it will be good. But if they are not going to force original story into a single movie it has chance of being decent.

Has anyone seen it yet? episodes? trailer?
But most importantly, does the guy playing light give off that crazy "I think I'm god" aura/vibe? Thats almost as important as L's skin color if you ask me.

Can't have some candy ass playing light.

>Shitty west adaptation of edggyshit manga /anime
Nothing of value was lost

>But most importantly, does the guy playing light give off that crazy "I think I'm god" aura/vibe?
Yeah but more in a /r9k/ kind of way.

What's that supposed to mean? Because at least Edge of Tomorrow had people with good works behind them.

Who the fuck has even heard of half the people involved with this adaptation?
It's a movie

Why the fuck is there a shitstorm about L being black in this, the setting is changed to America.
It's not like the situation with GitS

I'll watch the inevitable Dafoe compilation.

More of a futile angsty teenager "I AM the best, stop laughing!" sort of way. He looks like the kind of kid that'd brag about how awesome he is when he couldn't even fold his own laundry and then burst into futile cuckold tears if you accidentally bumped past him on the street. It's like the polar opposite of Light's complex, but also done very deliberately to pander to some vogue school shooter stereotype

>What do you mean that a Nigger is a super genius ? This won't do at all
>White washing
Take your pick

>Light's complex
It's called a God complex

And yet making L white would have still been less jarring than making him black. It just feels forced in todays climate and you know it.

Honestly, It wouldn't have been as bad i they made him fucking anything BUT black. white, Asian, mandarin, British(I rather like this one), mexican, Italian, Eskimo, fucking Brazilian. But NO he is black.

As we all know, the only way to diversify something is to cram as many black people as possible into it.

>i they made him fucking anything BUT black
>fucking Brazilian
>white, British
You don't see anything wrong with what you just said?

well that sucks. maybe he'll mature as the series goes on. Yep, i'm sure thats whats gonna happen.

I'm actually okay with this, maybe they'll try to do a different spin on the story than just try to adapt it straight.
Your right about this but then again, it's the United States. Black people aren't exactly a minority even if they get called that in some contexts.
Has it been done because of "muh diversity"? Yeah possibly. But it's not jarring setting-wise.

>people complaining the adaptation will be a whiny white boy's wet dream
>implying the original already isn't

That depends on the type of the bIack guy tho
>Ie serious, "niggers are actuaIIy smart, they are ust oppressed" type
>Ie quirky, autistic, manchiId that is straight from the manga, but with things you associate it with bIack guys
at Ieast this wouId be a SOMEWHAT honest adaptation.
>pure nigger stereotype, Iisten to """"deep"""" 2pac or De Ia souI songs and smoking bIunts intead of cakes, but with street smart that aIso transIates into booksmart. With the nigger attitude eventuaIIy be reveaIed to be a ruse.
Best choice. I'II hang around on Sup Forums or Sup Forums for the Iaugh

Isn't L supposed to be English ?

I think he's one of those "innit senpai" black brits.

fine, I typed in the heat of the moment. But you can't tell me L being black has nothing to do with the trend of I guess blackwashing we've seen in modern media can you?

You can't tell me it doesn't feel forced.

>I'II hang around on Sup Forums or Sup Forums for the Iaugh
>Sup Forums
Please stay there.

Sure I can, I'm telling it has nothing to do with this supposed thread of "blackwashing" and it does not feel forced

Because as far as we know he was the best thing they got.

This. USA / normie audience are so fucking idiot they can onIy reIate a megaIomaniacaI attitude with a highschooI boy by making him Iook Iike a schooI shooter. Break the moId and make him Iike yer everyman Iike Raito was and nobody wouId understand anything
This is aIso the probIem with bIack L. Nobody wouId understand if they make a bIack guy acts and function Iike an autist, hence they give him the entry IeveI, hackerman inspired gear and brooding attitude. Its shit.
I'II bet my hair theres gonna be a Trump stand in and Iight wouId kiII him on TV. Thats how casuaI this adaptation gonna be

It's been years since I read it but i don't remember L's race/gender/etc really mattering at all to his character.

Aiden gillen would be an amazing L

Well if L was female then the series would have been a lot less gay. Especially the anime

Oh he Iook Iike a true, modern, adept British aIright!

>I'II bet my hair theres gonna be a Trump stand in and Iight wouId kiII him on TV
Oh boy it's so going ot happen.
I went to see Logan, which was admittedly pretty good, but I cringed hard at the Mexico wall.
I'm not some Trump supporter, I really couldn't care less, but it was so heavyhanded, even though it was only mentioned in passing and shown like in one scene.

The guy who was behind the attack was killed on the spot, what we have there is a wounded man.

>L no longer sits in a weird way
>he does the power stance

A lot of loyalty for a shinigami.

Hollywood is losing their grip on the youth who prefer Japan's entertainment so they are buying the rights to many manga and anime. Can't wait to see the inevitable Stardust Crusaders live action movie featuring Daniel Radcliffe as Jotaro and Arnold Schwarzenegger as Star Platinum.

If remove the notebook, would people stop dying?

>Hollywood is losing their grip on the youth
Open your mouth more, I don't think it can keep out with all the shit it's spreading out.
Fuck off back to Sup Forums shitposters

>Daniel Radcliffe as Jotaro
>Arnold Schwarzenegger as Star Platinum
user, was this supposed to sound like a bad idea when you typed it?

As hilarious as that would be, Jojo is regrettably too weird.
They'll adapt stuff that has wide appeal and are/can be made to look presentable to Western Average Joe sensibilities, like GitS or Death Note.

it's called suspension of disbelief

nobody believes L could be a nigger

Jojo being too weird isn't stopping Japan from making a live action movie

tell me Sup Forums, which actors would you choose for this?

Logan is nice yes. If you ignore aII the retarded entry of character coming into the scene, and how disfunctionaI how the battIefieId was in the finaI battIe, then its easiIy my GOAT movie so far.
But yeah, I ust cant feeI myseIf Iiking this adaptation. Best Death Note movie, if I have to choose, is the first nip adaptation. But even that may have been due to nostaIgia googIes.

death note is very short manga

prime Zac Efron as Llight

>Considering this will be Edge of tomorrow-tier adaptation it might be not that bad.
Not following your logic, Edge of Tomorrow was garbage.

Yeah but that's Japan.

Which is more likely
They chose the best person based on their acting abilities to be L or some kike wanted to shill niggers even harder so picked a black guy to be progressive?

Please keep (((Hollywood))) in mind.


The movie or the manga?
chose the best person based on their acting abilities to be L

And you know by doing ((( This shit))) then you are just playing into their hands.

The guy playing L has some experience playing a character like L that isn't really socially adjusted (not in quite the same was as L though) so he might have legitimately tapped into whatever they were looking for.

As much as I dislike Zac Efron, that would be a really damn fine choice

Translation: Hollywood is aiming at the audience it always has and I'm no longer 12.

If you're over 18 Hollywood does not give a fuck about you. This is why people have been fighting literally for years to start getting R rated movies with actual budget made again.

I don't hate him or like him but it would have been pretty good

Schwarzeneggers a little too beefy to play star platinum if you ask me. More fitting for the world.

But who's physique would be a good fit for SP?

Its not so much his race as his appearance, same with Light.

It tells you a lot about the characters instantly that one is pale, lanky, awkward, dishevelled, bags under the eyes, while the other is well proportioned, handsome, and groomed.

You aren't going to get that by casting a good looking black fella and a weeny little nerd.

They could have avoided this whole shitstorm by just adapting the premise and going with their own characters and story. Its not like the actual plot of Death Note is that great.

It's being directed by the same person who did the new Blair Witch and both V/H/S/ shitshows.
Every single one of his movies has been a piece of shit.

This will not be different.

fuck you guys, now I really want Arnold as Star Platinum or Za Warudo

Fpr me the most annoying thing is Kira being left handed.

Fuck, I hate those people

This is a much better reason to be cautious about this movie than L being black.

>that pic
damn, is there anyone more fitting?

b-b-but I liked V/H/S 1....

You can convay the same kind of thing with mannerisms and costume. One dresses normally, the other covers his face up and wears a hoodie. Anime is heavily expressionist so it feels the need to beat you over the head with these things sometimes.

That's why there are so many sequels and reboots, right?

There are many criticisms to make about Hollywood, but you managed to make one that just isn't true

Does he really? Because here are some movies he was in and roles he played
>Selma-Jimmie Lee Jackson
>Straight Outta Compton-Snoop Dogg
>Snowden - Patrick Haynes
And I don't know about the other two but Snoop Dogg is socially adjusted

The Guest though.

You do realize he'll be 70 in a few months. maybe if you had a time machine and could get him right after Conan the Barbarian.

No it isn't, it's just another reason.
This film is being produced by Netflix which is known for many of their cultural marxist piece of shit originals such as "Dear White People". They're soon going to be pushing that cuckold Bill Nye.

So is your dick

Reboots and sequels are just another trick Hollywood uses to make money. use "Taken" as an example. Popular movie gets two mediocre sequels that still make big money.

user is lying. Adam Wingard (the director) only did one segment on each V/H/S, in the first one he did Tape 56 and in the second one he did Phase I Clinical Trials,

He also directed The Guest

But it is, they make sequels and reboots because of a thing called brand recognition. Even kids know what these things are because of constant pop media references and spinoff media.

Why do you think all the attempts to reboot a bunch of the things that never really survived being more than quotes did well? Why do you think marvel movies are currently the biggest things known to man?

It's not because "omg so geeky", it's kids.

Prime ArnoId fits the biII for The WorId as that thing is pure physicaI attacker.
Star PIatinum needs to be someone who is buff, but taII to get this Iean-ish Iook to convey SP speed and precision.

Both those were the worst in both V/H/S/ which is saying A LOT for the second one.

He also did a movie called You're Next

I was thinking of the character he plays in Atlanta, the guy is basically some unholy combination of drug high and high functioning autistic. He does and says really weird shit at socially akward moments and has a bit of the same don't give a fuck about other people hedonism that we see from L.

Hey reddit. you dont need to type enter twice here, so chiII off.

But don't make it sound like he did the entire movie

Yes, but now I'm beginning realize the implications of what I said.
Sorry was what I had in mind.
Didn't stop them from making a CGI of him younger in Terminator Genisys.
John Cena?

Is it a movie or series?

I mean, Japanese can't really have naturally light brown hair like Light but why tf couldn't they have found someone who suited the pretty popular boy look better at least

Every single thing Netflix produces has been pushing very hard for a liberal progressive agenda.
This is being produced by Netflix.
L is a nigger 2041.

You want star platinum vs the world? I got you.

>Didn't stop them from making a CGI of him younger in Terminator Genisys.
Uncanny valley and you wouldn't need actual Arnold to be there. I mean fuck might as well have Eugene Sandow as a stand.

Netflix just fund shit they think will make money. They're a business and I really doubt they have any significant creative input into their series/movies.

do we honestly have legit Death note fans on Sup Forums? Death note was midcore at best. why do you care so much?

I can tell that you never watched the movie that TV is based on