Why do people pretend to like this crap? Is it because it's popular in Japan? Looks like ultimate casual weeaboo bait to me.
Why do people pretend to like this crap? Is it because it's popular in Japan...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Looks like
Every time.
Probably to fit in with the Japs
This basically. It's just the pleb's instinct when something gets big.
It doesn't LOOK like ultimate casual weeaboo bait, it IS. The show is actual shit but Sup Forums eats it up because Japan is making memes out of it. It's like the Naruto of meme shows, popular but shitty and with a vocal fanbase.
I see a fallacy in your post. If it's crap then why does Japan like it in the first place?
Japan has shit taste.
>Japan has shit taste.
True, but it's still better than Sup Forums's.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe people like it because it's actually good?
Sup Forums didn't buy 27 000 Infinite Stratos s2 BDs.
Sup Forums didn't buy 52k SNK BDs
I genuinely enjoy it, but I'm sure you won't believe me because you're neck-deep in cynicism.
After watching it, I can say with utmost certainty that isn't the case.
At least those are actual anime instead of something made in Adobe Flash
>LOOK like
Are we gonna have more of these "guessing" posts before someone actually points what they didn't like about the show they actually watched?
do you remember Mayoiga shitposting threads?
There was like 10 threads a day
I'm afraid the average casual anime fan is more likely to have a response like yours
It's just generic SoL shit with belove average characters, autistic humor and the worst 3D animation I've ever seen.
Same reason why people like MLP
>animal looking girls in futuristic park
>slice of life
But I am not surprised because only newfags would not understand the source of Kemono Friends' popularity.
the show is super comfy
the music is nice, the clunkyness of the animation actually adds charm, like it's something a child made.
The show is mostly about innocent-childish warmth so if you expected mature story/jokes it's no wonder you are let down but the show does the former pretty well.
be careful, user
Comfy is just a buzzword and doesn't mean anything. Similar to "fun".
>Saying people pretend to like it
You obviously never wanted to fuck shoebill
Just look at those ass cheeks.
But it is genuinely fun. Are you so jaded that you can't have fun anymore?
Shows like this are part of a genre dedicated to pandering to the kind of adult male who go out of their way to watch childrens cartoons. They're not for human beings, they're for -literal- manchildren
So nah you wouldn't like it OP
Ew, gross.
comfy means it fills you with a warm-calm feeling
did you got lost on a wrong board?
I know I'm not on /mlp/ so no.
I will be back
Actually, not even Japan liked it.
Well, not until episode 4.
I just started watching but we'll see
>Actually, not even Japan liked it. Well, not until episode 4.
I'm not even sure what you're trying to imply. It's not like they hated it before episode 4, it's just no one even knew about its existence. It always takes time for any non-hyped anime to become popular.
>Initial reaction was poor,[8] including criticisms of the 3D CGI animation style and character design. Critic Hiroki Azuma reported on Twitter that he stopped watching partway through the first episode. However, its popularity has increased explosively since the release of the fourth episode.[9] Referring to the simplistic and childish but addictive nature of the show, it has been described (in ironic disapproval) as "causing one's IQ to melt" and "lowering one's intelligence"
They hated it until ep 4. I can't really say much though as I just started watching
>made in Adobe Flash
It wasn't honestly much better though.
>"causing one's IQ to melt" and "lowering one's intelligence"
I'm not sure if this is supposed to be positive or not
I love it.
Shoebill is the best girl
Only furrybronies like it.
Because of kemonomimi. Also memes.
Konosuba ends.
The peaceful Friends threads gets shitposters.
Do you see the relation?
Because they don't have a stick up their ass 24/7.
All wiki articles have [citations] for a reason, try following them, retard.
>They hated it until ep 4
That's not what this wiki article was trying to imply and not what sources are saying.
It's obviously Mad Max: Furry Road
Got you covered
I agree, you kemonofags need to be gassed.
Jiggling Otter's butt would be たーのしいぃ~
Anybody who was watched even a single episode of Kemono Friends has ended up liking it a lot. You can tell OP is just mad that a 3DCG show is selling more than his favorite anime and won't even give it a try.
>Anybody who was watched even a single episode of Kemono Friends has ended up liking it a lot
[citation needed]
>So bitter and jaded fun is only a buzzword
I'm sorry someone hurt you user
> Looks like ultimate casual weeaboo bait to me.
What? It's like the polar opposite of that.
Weeaboos love and get interested by stuff like Gabriel, anything Kyoani or Shaft make, battle harems and isekai.
There's a reason for why MAL hates it.
And before you get butthurt, I'm not saying any of the anime I've listed are particularly bad, I'm just saying those are the genres low tier weeaboos care about.
Watch and find out.
public sage
Sugoi! You must be a friend who is good at being an unfun faggot!
Stop typing like a total faggot.
product name [ Birthday ]
I think
The last episode of kaban chan's perspective
It's not fun. You just think it's fun because you want to be like the gooks and go against what most sane people already know, the show is shit.
You're right it's actual trash we just like it ironically. Not watching it makes you better than us
>being this asshurt
Most sane people know those who watch anime at all are filths
you are
I thought about watching a few episodes to see where the hype comes from but the 3D models look just too fucking ugly. Especially the eyes look always misplaced.
keep watching faggot
>Looks like ultimate casual weeaboo bait to me.
And then they watch the show for 3 seconds, see the CGI, and immediately drop it while complaining that anime is dead.
Looks an awful lot like some of the reaction threads since episode 11 exploded doesn't it
The exact same thing bronies say about their show for literal children.
Autists learning to mimic cartoons because they teach basic emotions and social interactions to elementary kids.
so the feeling of staring at garbage for extended periods of time
I guess, if that makes you happy? Sounds little strange to me though.