Is Trump insane?

Is Trump insane?

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Fucking Mad King Drumpf. I predicted if Obama won he'd be the last president of America. And here we are.

Somehow this is Obama's fault?

No. It's just a prediction I made based on the flow of the country. How much it's rotting. Donald Trump is America's first king. And in predictable fashion, he's loony fucking toons.

He is. But I'm not following you on Obama's relation to what is happening. What if he hadn't been elected, I guess?

No. He is sane. And he's angry.

He sounds like he's delusional

America would rot a bit slower. Obama was the token black president. The state was running out of gimmicks to keep people involved in politics. Nobody votes anymore because every American citizen knows the state is owned by the rich and corporations and nothing they do or say short of revolution matters. So the government apparatus fished Obama's black ass out of nowhere and now we have le hip based black man for president and people settle down a bit. This time they tried the white resentment vote to keep THEM entertained and interested, but of course, that was destined for incredible catastrophic failure and here we are.

The government has basically run its course. They're even dipping into blue beam more heavily than usual. They tend to sprinkle it now and then when they get themselves into real trouble - but they've never gone this far with it. America is dying. These are its death throes. And good fucking riddance to the diseased, fat whore.


Not going to bother. They don't even pretend to be impartial. The US is always evil, whites are always at fault, men are always the aggressors.

None of those aren't true. Retreat into denial all you want. Every lost civilization has done so before you. You'll die all the same like they did also.


So Trump destroying everything to enrich himself and his friends at the expense of everyone is neither here nor there.

Go ahead and say fake news.

kill yourself shill rat

You a Trump fan btw?

Well, you linked to a famously anti trump website. That place would have nothing to talk about if trump wasn’t president. If you really cared, you’d just read the original times piece, and not some shitty smear website’s opinion of the article.
But I hear even college texts are picture books in Canada, so I do understand that reading is incredibly difficult for you.

The article is a dissection of a new york times piece. Do you respect the new york times?

>Donald Trump is America's first king
Praise be upon him!

Trump reduced Muslim refugees by 95% in one year. I could go on, but I sure as fuck don't need to.

Citation needed.

Nah, I could in like 30 seconds but I'm not going to just to irritate you.
Hint use a search engine and some math. Good luck!

I’d read toilet paper before vox.
It’s like getting a third hand story, from a biased source. If you open vox, every other story is how the sky is falling because trump.
>Trump has been in office one year, so he’s killing the world with global warming.
>Trump is going to kill us all with his twitter account.
This, I’m sure, is just another crappy hit piece on him. I’ve read enough vox to know most of it is written by lit major drop outs, and is usually full of inflated opinions and short on facts.
If you wanted to have an honest discussion on the article, you’d post and read the article. Not someone else’s opinion of the article.
Instead you’re posting some drop-outs cliff notes version of an interview. Not really worth reading.

youre a fucking autist and probably a mass shooter

hopefully the unmarked vans are only a few hours away

>None of those aren't true
your blue pilled faggotry doesn't belong on Sup Forums
Sup Forums is a place for the logical, the realistic and the rational

not the ineffectual whining of minorities who have had it too good for too long

go back to africa nigger


Racism out of nowhere for some reason.

>He is
you say trump is insane but you think he's america's first king. sort yourself out

I don't think Trump is america's first king. That was some other asshole that said that.

>inb4 american reading comprehension

anyways you're not going to get unbalanced view of the president from some liberal rag known as VOX

holy shit im retarded. balanced. you will not get a fair assessment of our president from a liberal rag

Go ahead and say fake news.

>It almost goes without saying that literally zero congressional Democrats have said that there was no collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign during the 2016 election. Zero.

Here's a Democrat Senator saying it.

of course. not going to get a civil discourse with someone who is as close minded as you. the first sentence of this article is that he is mentally ill and then the author complete contradicts themselves by saying that they cant make an assement because they are not a medical proffessional. continue to live close minded canuck

>As for Trump’s contention that “it’s been proven that there is no collusion,” it’s hard to even know how to begin responding to that. In recent months, Trump’s former campaign manager and national security adviser have both been charged with crimes by Robert Mueller

Which of them were in connection to collusion with Russia? Oh, right, none.

Vox = fake news. Fuck off you nigger.

So by you saying that are you implying that fake news is not a thing or that anything we disagree with is fake news?

It’s someone’s opinion of an interview, maple nigger. It’s not even news. It’s a blogpost at best.
It would have to be news, to be fake news. It’s lower than that. It’s just some drop outs opinion on news. You might as well get your political opinions from a crack whore as vox.

I love watching Vox, it goes down well with my morning soy chai latte and soybread.

My tits have gotten bigger recently for some reason, but what can I say?

I just love Vox!

This whole lefties believing narrative as face while actually claiming to care about facts is mind-boggling.

Nothing said by trump or his enemies is factual truth. Its mind boggling.

The only ones yelling the the truth and dealing in facts (on a regular, not "gotcha" basis) are his supporters.

Trump is an obvious salesman, a carnival barker, a story teller playing gotcha with him doesn't shake his supporters one bit, because they like his stories and is a waste of everyone's time.

OP look at what you've posted. This is not facts, this pure narrative with cherry picked facts from other stories to support it. This is not REALITY you are dealing with here.

This story, and the thousands of others like it, from Trump shouldn't have the nuclear codes, to trumps medicare is going to kill everybody, yada yada yada is a Jewish game of what ifs. It is NARRATIVE, it is not fact, just like almost every public word out of Trump's mouth. Show a material and legitimately un-recoverable serious failure from his presidency, then we can talk about what an incompetent mad man he is.

The fact is the billionaire president of the united states is not a lazy, incompetent tv addicted moron that is going to get us all killed. It is the opposite. His EXTREME competence allowed him to rise to this occupation - just that his very powerful enemies he made along the way haven't forgot the precariouis position having a potus against them places them in and constantly work to keep him in check. They care less about the American people than the Trumps do, I assure and care more about fucking with Trump and saving their own hides than future of the country.

its a bait thread mate, first two posters are just fellatiating each other to bump the thread, sage if you want to post or just hide it.

Holy fuck, how does he talk? I mean, i am reading but somehow failing to understand what he says because the way he words shit.

For example :

>I don’t want to get into loyalty, but I will tell you that, I will say this: Holder protected President Obama. Totally

>I don’t want to get into loyalty, but I will tell you that :

Do american people actually speak like this?