Sup Forums will defend this

>Sup Forums will defend this

Other urls found in this thread:

fake picture.

fake post

>posting the altered version

Those are not Jews! Those are aliens that the Nazis experimented on!

I’m a white nationalist but I agree the Nazis were bad. They weren’t white nationalists at all. They were Aryan supremacists. They saw Slavs as subhuman and put them in the same category as niggers. Their science was junk. Nazi anthropologists made up blantant lies about Aryans that all other anthropologists disagreed with at the time. The Germans are just the fucking worst. They made nationalism taboo when it used to be normal

Well maybe if they hadn't been trying to destroy Germany they could've been left alone and been able to eat.

As a fellow white person I call for Israel to return its colonized lands to the Palestinians and end islamophobia.

>wants to feed enemies of the state
>wants to starve my grandparents eating ersatz food in Berlin

Ya' dun' goofed, OP

Fuckers didn't know that Ayrans were shit skins from India

Defend what, something that never happened?

>defending anything with jews

your grandparents generation sacrificed their lives to stop the nazis and you celebrate them, you are a disgrace

No, it is a fake picture, it is edited.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

If they knew what would become of the nations they were fighting for, they wouldn't have fired a single shot against the Germans.

>They saw Slavs as subhuman
wasnt that the jews that saw the slavs as subhuman that needed to be holocausted or was that only the armenians

why would Sup Forums defend an aids orgy


What else should Germany have done with communist saboteurs

Yep. I think we're all starting to see that at this point.

t. jew spotted

You mean like this?


You know they ran the experiment with the frog and the pot?

You know what I'm talking about. They say if you put a frog in pot of boiling water, it will leap out. But if you put the frog in a pot of cool water and then slowly turn up the water, it will stay in until it dies.

We've done this test. It doesn't work. At a certain point the frog wises up and works to say it's life.

What I'm trying to say is the goyim know.

I can't defend that picture. It's indefensible that there are still Jews alive today.


*save its life

"Likewise the Russian genius would have intervened, and in a considerable way, I am sure, in the refinement of a too German Europe where two hundred million East Slavs were to be integrated. Four years of living mixed with the Russian people, they made the anti-Soviet fighters esteem, admire and love them.

The misfortune lies in the fact that, for half a century now [we have been aware of when this was written], the virtues of those two hundred million brave people are drowned - and are in danger of being for a long time - under the enormous lead slab of the Soviet regime. .

This people is quiet, sensitive, intelligent and artist, and at the same time possesses the gift of mathematics, which is not contradictory: the law of numbers is the basis of all the arts.


You can imagine the surprise of the Germans, crossing Russia and finding only blondes with blue eyes, exact types of these perfect Aryans who had been forced to admire them exclusively. Blondes! And blondes! And what blondes! Great peasants, splendid, strong, with heavenly eyes, more natural and healthy than those that the Hitlerjugend could have gathered.

I could not even imagine a race more typically adapted to the sacrosanct canons of Hitlerism!

ould not have resisted more than ten years of Russian-Germanic interpenetration. Russians of both sexes would have known German quickly. They were already getting to know him well. We found German manuals in all the schools. The language bond would have developed in Russia more quickly than anywhere else in Europe.

The German has admirable qualities of technical and organizer. But the Russian, a dreamer, is more imaginative and more alive in spirit. One would have completed the other. The blood ties would have done the rest. Young Germans, despite what they would have wanted to do against propaganda, would have married hundreds of thousands of young Russians..."

OP is a fag

Fucking dumb and fake, you'll never find a picture of the Jews actually doing work.

My grandfather was a Nazi faggot kike nigger

By your standards most of them are Nazis anyway