Why are lolis so sexy?
Why are lolis so sexy?
Cause you're a pedo
Tight vaginas
>tfw haven't been this attracted to a character since Hestia
It's literally not possible for me to see Kanna as anything but sexual.
Ultra pleb
Because you were dropped on your head as a kid.
>cartoon drawing
You think they are sexy because when you where young your first crush hated you so now you focus on that age group because you haven't menatly matured past the age of five because your ego at the time was to big to process rejection but hey keep thinking its normal
It doesn't matter. If you're attracted to underage girls, real or fake, then you're a pedo through-and-through.
still better than being attracted to 3D women
>Not being attracted to 2D AND 3D lolis
you ok there pal
Lolis are best, no matter what the dimension. But 2D>3D holds true for lolis as well, so even the cutest 3D loli has nothing on the worst 2D loli.
there's already a proper loli thread up man
>there can only be ONE thread up at the same time
>we need /ag/
Fuck off
But I'm only a pedo because lolis are so sexy
His point still stands, regardless of preferences.
Because you're a kiddie fiddler.
I love cute loli drawings, makes me feel warm inside. Can't say the same for noisy, ugly 3D kids though. How actual pedophiles are attracted to real children confuses me, as there's nothing sexy about them.
Once again proving that 2D > 3D. Especially with kids.
Because Kanna was given the legs of a thicc girl.
I am not a pedophile. But Kanna makes me feel uncomfortable because she has such sexy womanly legs.
Children are so sexy that they're illegal
I'm not a pedo, I just like to fap to little girls.