Maki smokes cigarettes

Maki smokes cigarettes.

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I smoke cigarettes.

Are you Maki?

Depends, who's asking?

After sex.

Smokers general?

Maki smokes cock.


Nico smokes cigarettes.


So do I, fellow smoker. But it's very easy to quit though. I've done it dozens of times.

5 cute facts about maki:

- She's a girl!
- She's a tomato!
- I love her!!!!!
- Maki!!!!!!!!!!!

How the fuck she smoke cigarettes ?

Thanks a lot Sup Forums you made her a matured slut by calling to her doujins and shit! My waifu is so ruined!


I don't smoke cigarettes but I like the flavor and wish I was motivated enough to buy them. Unfortunately it's hard for me to continue doing something consistently no matter what.


Just buy a pack and take 3 months to smoke it.

That's probably why she hasn't grown boobs.

>it's very easy to quit though. I've done it dozens of times.

The irony

i guess she is addicted to nico-tine

>being too lazy to get addicted to something


Maki supports Nicos habits

Like a good friend.

Smoking is bad

Pretty chill

Well said.


I promised both my father and my girlfriend that I'd quit smoking as soon as I graduate (This is my last semester.).

I intend to keep my word, but holy fuck am I sweating about it.

Nico Nicotine

I smoked for several months at one point, but one day I just couldn't be assed to get up and go to the store. And the next week, I thought "It's fine if I wait another week, I can buy them any time".

Smoking is subhuman-tier habit

>it's that one kid who got bullied by the smoker circle at school

Why is she so perfect ladS?

I find it weird how people have this elevated image of humanity, as if it's some great an beautiful thing. It's not, it's just a bunch of monkeys with big dicks and bigger weapons. Everyone is just a dumb ape, and those who pretend they aren't are usually the worst of all. The humans who are something more are the exception, not the rule, and that wouldn't apply to anyone who is art of any sort of cult no mater what it's description or design.

It's easy as fuck. Last time I quit I did a full year. But I relapsed after a stressful day. This time I've decided to quit again, and I have been smoke free since Feb 22nd. Surprisingly the first week is hardest but you have to just stick through it until it's easy sailing. It helps if you've actually has enough of it as well though.

I'm too apathetic about life to care if smoking gives me cancer. When the time comes, I won't remember it afterwards anyway. Might as well do what I want instead of stressing out because I tried to remove something I enjoy from my life.


Because she looks like a 11 year old girl.

Oh, shit I'm sorry, I forgot that being able to make big boxes and kill things in ridiculous ways makes you wonderful and special. My bad, I'll try not to imply humans are the animals they appear to be again. Wouldn't want to damage anyones world view which includes human being the special snowflakes destined by some great being that's just a glorified version of humanity that still acts like a dumb animal. Sorry about that.


That refined flatness which turns gentlemen into beasts.

I tried smoking.

Though I only "pretended" to smoke by just puffing and keeping in the mouth, instead of inhaling it.

People told me I should smoke cigars instead if your're not going to inhale the smoke.

I'm betting this show made a couple of people go back to their old habits.

I really like the OP.

t. Mark Twain

Is it wierd that I only had sex and be friend with smoking girls? I never went out with a none-smoking, "normal" girl. It's quite common for boys and girls to smoke cigarettes back in the 90s.

How can I be Mark Twain? He's fucking dead dude.

Is this tomacco?

Stop pretending Mark, we know it's you.



Is smoking still a hip thing to do in Japan as it was in the US 4 decades ago, or it's only done by teenagers/addicted/people that actually enjoy it and not for show?

I've just came back from my balcony where I smoked a cig while squatting, obviously influenced by your Nico, dear user. There was that old lady giving me weird looks but I have to admit it was a super comfy smoke.

Nozomi molests underage girls

Did Honoka and Rin peed their pants?

They say that you should piss your pants, because it might make the rapist grossed out and leave you alone. Doubt if it would stop Nozomi

Please tell me there is more of this manga

It looked like she was smoking the post next to her from where I was.

Great. I wasn't expecting the UI to show up too. This is why I don't post unless I'm on my computer.

dumb phoneposter

Its on Dynasty scans. Author is Sakurai Mizuki.

Charge your phone.

what episode is this from? i checked the beach episode in season 1 but i can't find this scene.

From the movie

It's from the movie, retard.

thank you very much
apologies for offence

Its okay user. I still love you.

I really enjoy the smell and taste of tobacco (certain cigarettes and pipe tobacco, mostly) but I make myself refrain from smoking. I've got a crazy oral fixation; I drink like ten cups of coffee a day, go through tins of mints and gum in record speed, and have had an eating addiction my entire life that I've struggled with. I feel the need to constantly have something in my mouth. I wish I didn't.

I'll make you fixated on this dick

ayy son i got sum fixation for u

I smoke maybe like once, twice a week at the most. I don't see how people get addicted to it. it's relaxing and nice, but if you do it more often than very occasionally it just seems to not do as much and defeats the purpose of smoking anyway. I don't know what would motivate someone to smoke the cheap, nasty gas station shit besides being already addicted. getting into a daily habit of anything is something i think is dumb.


dude smoking lmao



Are cigs cheap in Japan and is the smoking culture still strong there?

pretty much stronger than the west at least, you can still smoke in bars over there

Don't be lewd. This is a smoking area.

Low nicotine cigarettes like 1-6mg are less adictive. I think most addicts tend to buy high nicotine ones for more stimulus.
Also, when you buy cigarettes, they sell it as a package which contains 20 cigarettes which easily leads you to smoke more than you need. You can't buy each cigarette at least in my country.


I don't get it.

I really need to quit but it's hard with having to deal with headaches while your working and stuff. I've been "quitting" for over a month now.

Maki is ugly

I really like smoking on a visual level but ill never smoke.

can anyone give me a hurried summary on this guy?

That pasta is bannable now afaik

i've been smoking for so long and see so few people who know me that i don't even think about it being something i do, or something i should consider stopping, for months on end

It's pretty expensive once you think about it. Main reason I want to stop. Switching to vaping doesn't do it for me either since it's not the same.

I've never once even had the urge to try smoking.
Try and convince me to do it.

Why? There's literally no reason to start. Most people start out of peer pressure as teens.



Cigarettes are for immature people who like to pretend they're adults. Real adults like me doesn't smoke but only drink the finest wine.

I bet you smoke cock.

don't dumb ass

>The call that made accelerated explanations a bannable offense

It tastes good and feels great when you're drunk.

I feel you user. I'm super autistic about food though, so I mostly chew on drink straws and paper. I like chewing ice too, but apparently it fucks up your teeth big time.

Any pictures of Satania smoking?

Why are those two characters always used in twitter by lgbt people? Literally everytime a "girl" on twitter post one of them xe is a fucking man.

It's about killing yourself, user.


I absolutely love reading stereotypical misanthropic teenager rants like this.
Fuck it makes me laugh.