Little Witch Academia
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First post for best ship
Thats called delusion user.
Is there hope for Akko?
Not even close to best ship.
I won't be surprised if Andrew/Akko is canon, but I still prefer Akko x Sucy. They got such great comedic moments.
Also Diana is overrated and works more as an antagonist/rival. Like Dio to Akko's Jojo
Something's odd about her face
is this
Of course. Lots of dorks manage to live long and happy lives.
Bagging groceries for their betters.
I want to eat Fish-Sucy's roe.
More green team when?
I hope you dont mind if borrow the Shiny Rod akko.
cute maid...
God tier
I wanna take a road trip with Cruisin' Sucy
Would Amanda ever ground Constanze?
>I'm paralyzed, please help me
Of course not
I'm still waiting on someone to draw them doing the Yotsuba pose.
Please do not abuse the mentally ill
Its not abuse if she likes it
Early Green-team is exceptionally cute.
I want to FUCK Akko!
I agree
all ships are cute though
l would have sworn there was a colored version of this.
I have only the cropped one
That artist has a knack for drawing cute Ursulas. It's definitely a welcome change from the lobotomy and pleasing old men memes.
So....what would happen if Akko choose the Chariot future instead?
Nothing, it was just an illusion.
They deserve each other, I hope trigger gives them some kind of ending.
Maybe Akko becomes a teaching assistant
I will never not like this picture. Such a cute and clever way to bypass her autistic uneasiness with physical contact and emotional interactions.
She doesn't even like him, she thinks he's a jerk
I would like you better if you stopped replying to yourself.
Sorry for the question but was this manga already ripped/scanned?
>fluffy amanda
>Akko being able to ride a broom
I want to be that broom
What was Akko's best subject back in regular normie school do you think?
Well, someone on /wsr/ asked for this manga so I'll also post it here.
>Akko was a fairly good student back in the muggle world but is just shit at magic
>doesnt like him
>blushes as red as a tomato when he compliments her
>Best Sucy will never take you drifting
Why live?
diana condescends on akko because she wants akko to be angry enough to sexually assault her so she can pretend she wasn't into it to save face from her secret lesbian desires
I mean, she mentioned on one ocassion she was kinda proud of her physical prowess. She probably also took gymnastics or some similar shit in order to do all the acrobatic stuff Chariot did in her shows.
Drifting? I wouldn't expect that from her, she's all about a comfy relaxing drive in the countryside
Cute. I hope they get some kind of romantic conclusion at the end. Kissu seems too extreme since she's so young but I'd really like for him to acknowledge his affection for her (sans bee juice.)
I'd like to think she was some sort of savant in advanced physics but shunned it because she could not quell her interest in magic and had to pursue that instead
PE. She probably got first place in the kilometer run in the fitness test and always got picked for the relay in the sports festival. Not because she's particularly fast, but because she has so much energy that she can go full speed from start to finish without getting tired.
Probably english.
do you have a single fact to back that up?
Andrew is 17-20 and Akko is 16.
It's the suit that makes him look older, he's just a kid like everyone else in the show.
yes *whips out dick*
I fucking hate this anons, I can just see what's going to happen on the next few episodes
>Diana finding out about the seven words
>Connects 2 and 2 and figures out about the Shiny Rod
>Professors find out about the words being revived
>lol diana was reading some shit about the 9 olde witches
>probably her doing all along
>diana's the chosen one
>Diana gets all the credit for restoring magic ability without sorcerers' stones
Every single fucking media I hate this trope anons I hate when the fucking perfect priss bitch gets all the credit and the protag has to batman it all from obscurity
When will this music play?
How about no romance, straight or gay, and no more andrew and frank. Would greatly improve the show, it would have at least made 6 and 10 good episodes.
after, simply create a dog-shaped hurricane about the in-store experience
You autistic faggot, it's posted every thread that every anime OP and ED CD comes with at least one extra song, that song was an extra on the OP CD.
>No fun allowed
this is certainly the most comfy Sucy
Imagine waking up in her flat somewhere in France while she is sitting on the balcony, drinking a coffee
Go away
Andoryu and his group are a likable bunch and they improve the show
I would like no romance of any kind, but I would keep Andy and Frank and them being written as decent characters rather than them being shipping fodder. I mean, they represent the muggle side of things and are one of the few regular humans that are a bit more open to magic (well, more Franky than Andrew, that is).
Also, Andrew should totally become the next Earl (besides playing piano on his free time)Seems pretty convenient for the magic comunity to have a potential political ally.
>Akko is 16
Oh man, I thought she was more 12-13. They seem so much like middle schoolers.
Lotte is taken
>implying that encountering love isn't a natural part of the growing up process and thus a suitable subject to include in a coming of age story
All anime girls seem much younger than they actually are
>We will never know what crazy adventures Amanda and friends are having offscreen.
The principal is 120 and looks quite young, maybe witches age really slowly.
I kind of like Frank and FrankxLotte are sweet, but for some reason, my stomach churns at the thought about the Akko-Andrew romance thing. It feels so fucking wrong and I'm not even an Akko fag.
So can we banned y/u/ri from Sup Forums now? It is like a plague.
Akko first saw Chariot at age 6 and she's been missing for 10 years, so that makes her 16, yup.
>coming of age story
this is on a literature bingo chart i'm sure
Suitable? Maybe. But that doesn't mean I like it.
Periods are also appropriate for a coming of age story, but a I doubt many anons would want to see Sucy's vagina dripping blood.
not that there wouldn't be an audience fit that, though.
I may need to rewatch the episode but I got the impression that Diana realised what the Shiny Rod is as she was reading the book, I also didn't get the impression that she wanted to read the book because she had an intention to use the information in any way, like how everyone's saying she'll inadvertently unleash some kind of horror, it looked to me like she's just reading up on this stuff because she's such a fucking nerd
>Implying that I would disagree with that.
I said that I would personally like it to no have romance, because like it or not both Andy and Frank have little value as characters other than being like the girls characters in most shonen, relegated to be only paired to someone.
As much as I like them, that's what they are.
Also, goddammit, there needs to be more Frank x Lotte fanart.
Only if we can banned straight, too.
Then, and only then, will we be free.
everything is on a bingo chart somewhere, user. hell,
>user wastes trips by posting faggotry
is probably on a chart somewhere
just as
>user is a digitsfag plebe
is on a chart
>So can we banned
Only if we can ban ESL too
meant to this what interesting timing on my post though
>Ok, just don't fuck up anything.
Fuck off.
Only if we ban shipperfagging in general.
Usually, I don't mind them, but when they get cancerous, they totally do.
Is Lotte in the distance or just really small?
I wish Dendo didn't delete his twitter, it disappeared out of nowhere