A bit late finishing this, but god dammit this was fucking good. Season 2 announced to air on 2017 fall btw. Opinions...

A bit late finishing this, but god dammit this was fucking good. Season 2 announced to air on 2017 fall btw. Opinions? For me, it was a really good anime, with maybe too much ''comedy'' since i was expecting a heavy drama, still it was a pleasant ride.

while I enjoyed it, the manga is so much fucking better. the anime just does not suit the pace of how the story is told.

It's good that it didn't become melodramatic.

Jokes don't stop existing just because you're depressed.

I've read that season 2 will start with one of the better arcs, is it true? How about the pace? Should have been slower or faster?

What comes after that is really tough shit without spoiling anything. It gets better and with more development and unraveling.
Like I said, it isn't about the pace being slower or faster. It is how the story is told and anime simply does not fit 3-gatsu that much.

On a side note; FUCK YOU YOU RADIOACTIVE SLIT EYED CHINK MOOT! Get fucking Fukushima cancer and die. Since when are spoiler tags disabled on Sup Forums?

Not that guy, but the best arcs will be in season 2.

As for pacing, I can't really judge it because I've binge read the manga before the anime aired and loved it. The manga is really worth checking out

>Since when are spoiler tags disabled on Sup Forums?
Is that true? testing testing

Fucking nice, 2017 is shaping up to be a really good year for anime. On another note, un-fucking-believable how shit like Masamune-kun Revenge ended up being more popular than Sangatsu.

is it a similar situation with the honey and clover manga

I got the vibe from both shows that the manga would be better so stopped watching both a couple eps in

Let's just say that rei will need a wheelbarrow to carry around his balls

The next arc will depend on HanaKana's ability to step up to the plate in terms of acting ability.

I'll watch this when the BD comes out, like everything with Shaft.

The final few episodes were fucking weird. The story seemed to forget who the main characters were and focused on a completely new protagonist, it was told out of order, it focused on this big 7 match tournament but we didn't actually get to see a single one of those matches yet were somehow expected to be emotionally invested in the results and struggles caused by them, and there were so many ultra long metaphorical dream sequences. I would say it lessened my enjoyment of the show, especially since it completely undercut Rei finally deciding to pay the 3 sisters back and move his character arc along, but it was so out there that I'm not sure whether I disliked it or not.

There's a reason why the manga is popular in Japan you know. It's fucking good.

i guess you could say it was pretty cool. Looking forward to more.

>it completely undercut Rei finally deciding to pay the 3 sisters back and move his character arc along
Because that's coming in the next season.

OST is out and by god it's fantastic. Yukari Hashimoto does excellent work.

>only 1st season OST is out
Those pieces during some of the shogi games were fucking great

The girls are a very crucial weak point in the series.

3-gatsu is defintly the best anime of last year

Once again
>shitty girls
while it has its strong points, it will never be AOTY