somebody will defend this
Somebody will defend this
Other urls found in this thread:
I never realized but I'm mad now
Everything with trap Kirito is forgiven
SAO reference? Gainax confirmed for bros.
God damn I forgot how much I love Sinon's design.
I want to gouge out Kirito's eyes with a corkscrew and stuff fire ants in the sockets.
is that quality?
Just turn your brain off.
That's a damn big elevator.
You could put a pool table in it.
Which one did it first
Both reference legendary 18th century artist Maruyama Oukyo and his masterpiece "Two Girls in an Elevator".
I want to turn your brain off.
>not posting the .gif
Eva was made before widescreen was commonplace.
SAO fags need to be gassed. Just like this thread.
I don't understand the hate for SAO. It's so inoffensive.
I wish the eight would never have ended
close enough
It's entry-level. Around here, liking entry-level shows equates to shit taste.
Oh, I didn't know Kemono Friends was entry level.
It's singlehandedly responsible for the Isekai fad cancer.
Least inoffensive anime ever.
But it's not
There have been lots and lots of isekai novels written before SAO.
You're only right in that there was more template isekai stories that got an anime adaptation lately, and that has been dying too.
Now that I think about it, there are a lot of iconic elevator scenes in anime.
>evangelion tv series
>end of evangelion (misato's kiss)
>key drop in 5cm/s
>end of death billiards
>ghost in the shell movie
>gungrave first episode
>medaka box anime cliffhanger
etc etc
>There have been lots and lots of isekai novels written before SAO.
Just like there were many LN adaptions before Haruhi.
But SAO is the one that became a hit and started the trend.
>most polarizing anime in the west is entry level
Too many normalfags are too put off by the bad CGI to watch it past the first episode, let alone give it a chance to begin with.
It was bait and a joke user, I tried to tell that guy that liking Kemono Friends meant having shit taste.
There was nothing wrong with it at the time. They aren't responsible for other writers copying their ideas and executing their stories poorly.
>zero no tsukaima
>spirited away
Not even fucking close, nigger
You forgot the 90s shit like Escaflowne and Rayearth. What even was the first isekai?
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
I meant anime-wise, smart ass.
Probably Aura Battler Dunbine.
Tomino confirmed for visionary and pioneer.
>around here liking entry level is shit taste
Fuck off, a lot of people in Sup Forums like Cowboy Bebop
And they are derided for liking entry-level tripe.
Those Who Hunt Elves
Alice in Wonderland
It's pushing the definition a little, but Future Police Urashiman is a little earlier
>I'm Just A Little Girl But Somehow I'm Following A Rabbit Who's Afraid Of Me And A Gay Cat Keeps Smiling At Me?
>first isekai
>medaka box anime cliffhanger
to this day am still pissed off
This weird out of place reference was one of the only things that made me smile in that Arc, don't take that away from me you fucker.
Going to see ordinal scale in theaters rekindled my love of certain parts of the series but fuck GGO is hard to forgive.
I dunno man.
The way Asuna's character was (man)handled at the end of season 1 was the closest I've ever been to being offended by an anime.
Good to see everyone's missing the point. The first example is usually most definitely not what started a trend or wave of popularity.
this is fun
Kirito needs a reason to Stu. Outside that asuna is a decent character. It's just lazy writing, nothing more.
>>key drop in 5cm/s
I've watched this probably 3 times, and I'm drawing a blank.
they wrote off Sinon after one fucking arc
Little Silica is still the cuddliest and cutiepatootest!
Her head is so soft and pattable. That's why it makes such an excellent roost for tiny little dragons.
It's not the first anime to reference that scene. Don't get all fussy, newfag.
>anime elevators
>posts stairs
Ordinal scale torrents fucking WHEN?!?!
Idol Silica is so cute! She just makes me wanna cuddle her up.
>not webm
>Sup Forums hates SAO so much they'll keep making threads to bitch about it
>if they like something SAO-related they'll preface with "SAO is shit but"
Settle this shit
Cute little Silica is a natural idol! She's really popular!
or not
Poor little fake imouto Silica
B...but Inuyasha isn't Isekai, itz tym travul!
You do have a point there. Kind of a waste of a perfect character design.
>It's singlehandedly responsible for the Isekai fad cancer.
Isekai has been around for two decades, user. Even moreso if you count LNs.
found the newfag
>not posting the webm either
>more than two decades
It's people who repeat what they heard without thinking about what they're saying. Partially to fit in.
Is he like 12?
SAO isn't isekai you fucking retards, it's video games.
To be fair, the games get so fucking advanced in Alicization that the real world is practically nil to the players. It's like Narnia
Those doesn't count because they're unpopular and boring slogs compared to SAO.
Okay, Alicization is.
But those are all extraordinarily popular examples. The first example is probably some stupid show from the 70's.
Most anime that reference it are doing it comedically.
>some stupid show from the 70's
"The first example" as in the first example of an isekai ever - which he was referring to. Not the shows I brought up, which were extremely popular for their time and probably far later than the first true example of an isekai anime, which as I said, was likely some obscure, forgotten about show from decades ago.
What is your impression on Web Sinon?
With your penis?
Kirito or Sinon?
Sinon or Kirito?
SAO isn't bad, debate me.
People like Eva too. Fuck a shitload of the widely discussed or liked anime on Sup Forums is pretty entry level.
>LN selling millions
>still thinks anyone actually gives a shit about your opinion
The joke is lost with webms.
>this triggers the mathfag
Alright, so since it's an SAO thread anyways, of sorts, I guess I can ask this here. I enjoyed the first 25 episodes of SAO. Up to the part where all the coma people are woken up again. I never watched past that. Should I watch it just to see how bad it goes, or will it irrevocably make me hate the whole series as nearly everyone else seems to?
There's a girl who shot a guy to death irl when she was a loli and a 15 year old girl with AIDS.
From what I understand, the Fairy Arc is the low point and it gets progressively better
Sounds a bit silly.
So the part I already watched is the low point? Guess I have shit taste.
Kirito goes into a coma because of the evil NSA.
The surviving Law guys try to train up a peasant army in preparation for the Chaos invasion (Chaos are led by the literal God of Darkness who is also an evil NSA agent who eats souls like rape).
They get rekt, but Kirito's harem save them with GM accounts and deebeezeee powerlevels.
NSA connect UW to the internet and get 50,000 American players to connect (it was advertized to them as a beta test for a new AO-rated VRMMO where you're allowed to slaughter anything and everything you like, with blood and guts), they mass murder UW residents and think it's hilarious.
To defeat them the main characters get 2,000 Japanese VRMMO players to connect. Despite the difference in numbers the Japanese are superior and win because Asian gamer damashii.
Then PoH (who is also an evil NSA agent) unleashes a zerg rush of Korean and Chinese gamers who were recruited by being told this is the a Korean VRMMO that's in beta test but evil Japanese hackers broke into the server, turned off pain dampening and are torturing their countrymen.
Even when some Japs who speak Korean try to explain the situation to them they don't listen because hurr japanese
The other NSA guys are surprised this works, they thought it wouldn't be worth it because they didn't think Japan is more different from Korea/China than European countries are from each other (hur)
Koreans and Chinese overwhelm Japs because this is every Jap's worst nightmare.
Kirito wakes up (thanks to the literal POWER OF LOVE from his entire harem) and wipes them all out in one attack though.
(Also PoH's motivation is that he's Korean and he hates Japanese so when he got stuck in SAO he decided to set up Laughing Coffin and have them and the clearers kill each other for shits and giggles because Nips killing each other is hilarious.)
Kirito and Asuna become gods because of x10000000 acceleration.
The AIs explore VR space with rocket dragons.
I want this book.