What would Sup Forums do if their waifu was pregnant?
Pic is relevant
What would Sup Forums do if their waifu was pregnant?
Pic is relevant
Take responsibility.
cool dubs
>take responsibility
90% of Sup Forums can't even take care of themselves.
Chance is they'd just deny it or run.
This. I'll do anything for my waifu's happiness. I don't care about anything else.
This to be honest.
I'd take responsibility and work my ass off and be a loving husband and father and on the child's tenth birthday, I will walk to the corner store for a pack of cigarettes, hop on a greyhound and leave town and change my identity and never see them again just like my old man did shit builds character
Demand DNA test first and foremost, I ain't taking care of some kid that ain't mine.
keep fucking her
Take care of her
What are you supposed to do if your waifu is underaged in the country you live in? Hide her until the baby comes out? If you take her to the hospital and it slips that you're not her brother or something, you'll be in some shit.
99% of Sup Forums can't make a woman pregnant even if it is their waifu.
well raising a child is a responsibility that is absolutely capable of changing/ruining your life,
but luckily i'd be able to take solace in the fact that anime isn't real and she doesn't exist
Have pregnant sex
Try to be a good dad.
All of these
What would you do if you got another user's waifu pregnant?
Pray that it's a girl because a boy has a higher chance of inheriting by eye disorder.
I approve
Masturbation-induced blindness?
I wish.
My genetics are so fucked up that I would have to be a monster to have kids. My waifu deserves better than me.
I would take responsibility.
Would that make your kid half-monster?
Why does she have a pregnancy test outdoors? Was she peeing in the street?
Clearly she stepped onto the balcony to get a better signal
I didn't know pregnancy tests needed a signal.
Good taste
>no Bogdanoff shoop
It's a pregnancy test with built in mobile phone.
''I'm sorry, do I know you?''
This tbqhwyfam (to be quite honest with you family (alternative for friend))
Go to Hell.
>the call that saved her marriage
Like this?
Well considering that Nozomi loves Eli over me it would be likely that I raped her so I would not claim responsibility
>forgot the transparency of the pregnancy test
Shameful, now it's just a bogcall.
What if she branched out to you willingly to be a surrogate father?
That guy calling her, can I get some info on him, preferably posthaste?
It's a trap
I'd agree to meet her then kill her
I want Nozomi's fat sweaty tits all over my face
We all do, user. We all do.
>no peripheral vision.
>near sighted but glasses can at least fix that.
It's a horrible combination, especially if you're tall as you'll trip over shit all the time and hit your feet off furniture.
I try my best to be a father.
THERES A 1% !?!?
It would probably light a fire under my ass, and start trying to become a better person for my waifu and our unborn child.
My waifu has made it clear that she wants kids, if possible I would like to wait a while though. If we're talking about present tense, I'd probably be panicked but I'd try to stay strong for her.
This is the phone call that saved anime.
That is stressful to think about, how do I raise the kid to not be me?
>implying the child will be alive after my waifu's daily beating
everyone knows walls and such can interfere with pregnancy test signal