Why is Anime more drama oriented than Western cartoons?

Why did Japan develop cartoons that are more based around action and story development where as the west just mostly makes comedies?

That's because they have a vibrant comic book market (unlike the west) and the low barrier of entry means that there is a gigantic number of material to use from that originated from the comic book style.

I don't know, but I prefer it that way. Japanese can do cheesy cool shit well, but they aren't that amazing at comedy. Even though animation works really well for precise, visual stuff, I really don't think I can name even one instance of good slapstick in Japanese animation at all from any era or series.

Japs are too busy working 46 hours per day to be unwound enough to enjoy a comedy. It would be too jarring, so they use edgier stuff.

It's seems you are forgetting JL and JLU.

Why do something another country is doing amazingly well.

American's cartoons were at their prime in the 80s and 90s. After that, they went from mediocre to total shit.

Japanese are generally bad at acting, so much more stuff is in animated form.

Have you heard of SOL? Cute girls doing cute things?

>in the 80s and 90s
>not the 30s through the early 50s

Costs less to make, have a firmer merchandise operation running so they can get more out of the adult nerds that just pirate the episodes. Plus the comic industry in the West will probably never get out of the mess the Comics Code put it in, and animation for adults outside of cheap comedies will not be taken seriously.

Because cartoons in the west are for children so they don't need to.

One thing you find in comedy through east-Asia is that it somewhat reflexes elements of social hierarchy and interactions, the same way it happens in the west. An important element in the east is "losing face", which is about one of the worst things that can happen to a person and social interactions are all happening with the underlying intention of not making anyone including yourself lose face in front of the group. You do not find nearly as much of a pressure in that regard in the west, so to speak.
It reflects in a sense into slapstick, since this sort of physical comedy requires a victim that would thus be humiliated in order to be the butt of the joke. That constantly happens in american silent slapstick comedies, and way before that existed in european theatre. It never really existed in the east where humor took a much more verbal form.
And the divide still exists to this day. Which is whyjapanese comedies (among others) do not translate at all into anything else because since the attack on the person is not possible to too large an extent, it has evolved into being completely centered on wordplay, puns, referencial humor and the like, all forms of humor that are nearly impossible to translate.

tl;dr : stiffer social norms make it more uncomfortable to ridicule someone, or laugh at someone's expense so instead of mocking people, east-asian humore has gone completely verbal

Western cartoons are frequently used to fill empty slots on TV networks. They naturally evolved the lack of a plot so they could be aired out of order.

Who is best girl in that picture?
For me it's between Nara (yamato nadeshiko as fuck) and Kagawa (It's a feminine great bridge)

>western cartoons
"Western cartoons" are also "anime" (animated), you fedoralord.

>implying the fucking midnight slot isn't worthless on TV
Anime doesn't air in prime time.
Infact it airs at any time that isn't already filled by something more important.

Since Kurosawa, they understood Live action is literally dead, and they sinked into manga
>Avatar 2009 is anime

Because after WW2 the Japanese didn't have the money for a film industry like Europe and the US did, so they relied on animation to tell stories.

They just record them if they can't watch them live I think.

The US was pouring money into TV and production studios and in the media overall. Good way for them to keep some form of control over what could and couldn't be published (which is also how american culture so quickly became influent there). Think Marshall Plan except worse.
How do you think Toho and the like got so big in the first place?

Yes, exactly. They also fill useless slots in station schedule.
Infact cartoons in the west arguably get better slots since they have the morning so that kids can watch them.

>Comics Code Authority
This is honestly a large part of what shaped comics/cartoons in the west. More than most people realize.

Western cartoons are for children and anime is for mature people like myself.

Touhou started as a video game in the 90s you dumbass.

>Okinawa is actually a smal island separated from Japan

Didn't know that, cool.

>but they aren't that amazing at comedy
I mean, I disagree. Some of the comedy manga they do are pretty great. I certainly get more laughs from them from Western cartoons and comics.

Anime is basicamente 2D telenovelas

Apparently my state's (Michigan) sister prefecture is Shiga. In fact, pretty much every midsize city outside Detroit and the Thumb has a sister city in Shiga. So, in animeland, I'd probably end up with a Kansai dialect. Fuck.

Why fuck? That is nice.

If I were animefied, I'd be shoehorned into a boke/tsukkomi routine. The horror.

Why is Mexico allowed to exist?

>The 1980s saw the decline of the major Japanese film studios and their associated chains of cinemas, with major studios Toho and Toei barely staying in business, Shochiku supported almost solely by the Otoko wa tsurai films, and Nikkatsu declining even further) (went bankrupt because it didn't do anime)
>During the 1980s, anime gained in popularity
>The 1990s and 2000s are considered to be "Japanese Cinema's Second Golden Age", due to the immense popularity of anime, both within Japan and overseas.

Anime saved jap cinema itself so they don't want to censor it so much that the whole thing collapses again.