How does it feel to live in a post Naruto world, Sup Forums?

How does it feel to live in a post Naruto world, Sup Forums?

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Boruto starts in 2 weeks so it really makes no difference.

Same as before

We've been saying goodbye to Naruto since late 2014 and it still isn't over.

If Naruto had zero fillers and the same pacing as the manga, would it still be criticized harshly as it is today?


It'd probably be easier to stomach.

Keep in mind some people aren't cynical about the filler (as it typically provides head canon for side characters).

I'm more on the boat of people who enjoy filler but tell people that since it's over, skip it and be done with the series.
The fan made Naruto Kai attempts to fix the pacing issues (and releases one "episode" per manga volume, however long it may be) so there are options.

I'm only up to chapter 355, so I don't know what to say. teeny bit Sad I guess.

This garbage is finally over

But will Boruto have Hanabi?

I didn't think so.

hilarious skull

Too bad Boruto starts next season

well she would be around 14 years older. neat

Are they not doing the other LNs?
I could care less about Sakura or Gaara, but I was excited to see Akatsuki hiden

Kinda weird. I remember watching it on toonami like in 2005 in 3rd grade and now it's over. Makes me think about how I've grown and things are different today.

>hanabi will either be jonin or chuunin
Yes please.

she will be Hokage as Naruto got killed by the edgelord from Bort chapter 1


>3rd grade

That means he's 20 years old, you are the one who's out of place on this forum for children's cartoons not him you old faggot.

Didn't saying anything about age.
Why you hostile?

Just because you faggots cringe at the thought of yourself wearing a leaf village headband and running through your junior high like naruto doesn't mean this was a bad show, every single one of you faggots watched this shit until you started getting made fun of for it here in your little weeb safe space.

I never had that problem growing up.

Bad because you faggots are still making threads.

>every single one of you faggots watched this shit
Nope. Fuck off, retard.

>Bad because you faggots are still making threads
Tonight is the last night, so who cares?

Why are antifags out in full force today? It should be a joyous day.

would watch the whole show just for more of her

More like, why are haters entering the threads?

because they have nothing better to do
besides, it's the end of an anime we're talking about

I don't care much for the Anime, but I think I'll follow the manga for the time being. Not like there's much competition at the moment. So many series ending or jumping the shark recently, halfway interesting material is hard to come by.

When you make a post without saging it bumps the thread to the first page, where people who aren't part of your circlejerk can freely see and post in the thread without opening it. In fact, I'm doing this right now.


Platinum qt fit for marriage.

Even more reason to acknowledge you as less than garbage, then.

Hanabi > Sarada

do you think she's still traumatized from Toneri stealing her eyes?

>desperate for (You)s
Go somewhere else, contrarian little snowflake.

at least I'll still keep listening to this music
the only one I liked

forget the eyes, her leg needs to be checked
curse mark or something

Does she do stuff in Boruto?

Feels like cancer cured

Most probably don't dislike naruto and in fact have kept up with it, they're just faggots who follow the groupthink.

> Naruto
> over

They will continue to milk it and I'm surprisingly okay with that. At least the worst and most embarrassing weebs have grown and moved onto other fandoms to continue be embarrassing there.

Naruto was a gateway anime of the worst kind. It was a bad series, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that wasn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempted to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and DARKNESS. The normal user could see this as the shit it is, and may have enjoyed it, hated it or been indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, was plain bad.
However, these very aspects that tried to smear over the shit of its core made it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engaged in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The superpowered characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the jutsus, peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole ninja faggotry and everything about the Naruto world fueled their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on revenge, and overall preachiness of the series made it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that made little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up.
Naruto was basically THE series to attract the most hated anime fanbase known to Sup Forums, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it was the responsibility of every user to troll the fuck out of this show and everyone who liked it, and ensure that no Naruto threads ever encouraged the newfriends to show their faces here.

RIP in Piece ye olde pasta

exterminate your clan, friend

>Become ninja god
>still asks ineffectual low tier ninja to act as his dad

Not gonna lie, this scene did get me a little teary.

Well this wedding was pointless because we now know that Naruto is a terrible father despite him being so self righteous about his own apparently being a dick despite him being fucking dead

The end of an era

This made me cry, no lying

Imagine having your eyes re-implanted into your sockets and knowing they had been inside some creepy fuck's head.

I want her to step on me.

Worst anime. Is it finally dead?

>start reading Naruto as a kid
>in my mid 20s now
>all the original Naruto characters are also grown but with kids
>whole new generation of Burrito on the way
C-Can we please go back to the chunin exam and pervy sage?

This fucking scene.

if you seriously believe Naruto is even close to anything resembling worst anime of all time you have to be delusional.

There have been several anime this season which were worse.

b-but they don't matter because they're flavor of the month, one and done!

>that wink

My heart. As if she wasn't already cute enough before.

glad you like it because it's permanent

Believe it!

Believe it.


Just take me back to my childhood.

JUST believe it!

I mean the manga is still heavily criticized, so yes.

The real question is how would Naruto be regarded if there was a high quality adaptation of just the first arc?

I haven't been following anything related to Boruto at all. Does Naruto actually die in the new series?

So is my boner for her. If she appears in Boruto I'll pick it up.

Temari is platinum qt.

How has iruka been ineffectual?

I'm 20

Omedetou for making it this far

it's hinted that Naruto is dead at the undisclosed point in the future, but not during the current point in time of the Boruto Manga. But from the looks of it Boruto is about 4-6 years older at that point than he currently is in the Manga.

pic related might actually be fanart, but I really want Himawari with that hairstyle in the future.

Look at those Himawaris.

What's the name of that track that plays right before the ending of this episode?

>that salad

MY GOD, Sharingan really is the genetic lottery.

Padded as fuck.

Can't wait for the borutoXhimawari doujins

>Fuckboys: The Cast

I still remember coming home from 6th grade to watch DO YOU BELIEVE IT on RTL 2

>seeing that Chuunin Exam Arc

I still remember being so excited for the upcoming tournament battles and being really pissed at the Sasuke Snatching Arc. In my eyes the whole thing kinda fell apart for a while at that point until you get the bigger battles again.

Shikamaru's not fooling anybody

I-I don't mind if they're pads.

Is that to say you like filler?

>it's hinted that Naruto is dead at the undisclosed point in the future
Sure, if you call an obvious red herring a hint.

They should give his kid a new hairdo. Oh, and that pic should include Mizuki.

Just take "Not Shikamaru" and make him a hip young not adult, dude bro.

if he is i will stop reading and it will not be cannon to me

>people actually think Naruto dies in Boruto

Reminds me of when people thought there was even a chance of Sarada being Karin's child.

Chuunin exam Arc was the best thing in Naruto. I think the wave country art with Haku and Zabuza was pretty good too, but the chuunin exam oh boi.

RIP Naruto

I mean I'd fill Himawari up, if you catch my drift.

it's kind of too on the nose to be true, yeah

"send you to your father"
"last Ninja"
it's kinda like Naruto just kinda fucked off Luke Skywalker style to a Monastery and Bolt is sticking around in a Post-Ninja Society or something. Like the Meiji Restoration where the Shogun and the Samurai lost many of their privileges and political Power.

But over all I'm not very interested to see how this turns out, knowing Kishimoto and his Editor, and how the Pain Disaster panned out, this Kawaki schmuck will not be the be all end all.


I teared up a little bit. I pretty much grew up with Naruto. Discovered the manga in the eighth grade and the anime in my first year of high school. It was the first anime and manga that I really got invested in it.

I watched Dragonball as a kid but I grew up with Naruto. It's always going to have a place in my heart.

Why do you keep reposting this?

what a horrible tattoo

>Salad and Himiwari

I'm sad

>tfw speedread all naruto manga in 1 week
>end up crying like a bitch when Naruto ask Iruka about being his dad in the wedding
Fuck ;_;

damn they look like shittier versions of their parents

It's over. This is really the end of an era. Two of the Big Three shounen have ended, now all that's left I'd One Piece and a huge part of anime history will come to a close. What will end up filling the power vacuum left by these shows?

Nah I was manga only aside from fight scenes. Always had the superiority complex to go with it. I was the kid who spoiled the anime only fags.
