348 translation: mangastream.com
349 comes out April 28th
Volume 38 is coming out on July 18th
Volume 39 is coming out in Japan later this year
Season 2 starts April 7th
Season 2 PV: youtube.com
Season 1 dub is out funimation.com
Posting again
As most of us I'm hypes for the coming chapters. One can only hope he keeps this up for the coming months till the end of berserk.
I just hope he finishes it in the coming 10 years. Once he is 60+ I doubt he can still make comedy jokes with a loli like schierke or make berserk feel the same as when he started it
we /improving/ now
I wish the scans weren't shit, that's not helping
>he doesnt like Farnese's dsl
Lmaoing at your life.
"Cleanup" is cancer, I'd honestly rather have it scanned straight from the page of the magazine.
Yeah it would look even better if the scans didn't have 10 line rounding filters applied
>expected them to literally witness Casca's demon dicking/the slaughter of the band at the Eclipse
>get dream symbolism instead.
Has Miura toned down with age?
It's only the beginning of the dream, user. Anything could happen as they go deeper.
What do you think Griffith will look like in her dream?
schierke is not ready for what's ahead
>expecting clear memories from someone with less active braincells than an elf
That mini Casca is CUTE
Cascabug and Dogguts spinoff when??
i thought the bats impaling the dog kinda reminded me of Femto
Same, that's what I thought they would become at first.
I bet Griffith will remain distinct from Femto, so we'll get 2 different images of him.
tfw you will never have your very own chibi casca and loyal guts doggo
Studio 4c Black Swordsman OVA when?
You will never scratch behind Doggo Guts' ears and tell him he's a good boy
they could also be God Hand analogs
a bird with a big schlong?
does Miura read Sup Forums or something?
it seems like all the "art is too cute" complaints got to him
Trigger Warning
So I watch the dub of Berserk(2016) and I didn't know I was mispronouncing Farnese's name. All this time I was pronouncing "Far-Niece"[/spoiler[
That's how I always say it in my head, even though I know it's wrong.
Isn't it Far-ness?
How is Sch-whatever, loli witch's name pronounced?
They say Far-nay-say in the dub, they also say Is-a-door-e
Farnese should be "Far-neh-zeh" I think
Schierke is kind of like "Sheer-kah" as far as I know.
Started reading Berserk a couple of years ago
Did you guys really endure 7 years of that fucking boat?
i always pronouced it far-niece
When I started Guts was fighting the hydra on the beach
Samurai jack came back, Berserk is finally out of hiatus, 2017 is dong dam well.
>tfw no magic portal to transport Jack into Guts's world so he can help
>even if there were, he's lost his purpose
>Berserk is finally out of hiatus
This happens nearly every year. We'll get our handful of chapters before he goes back to not being productive.
IdolM@ster wont play itself you know
i started when serpico appeared for the first time tabun.
enduring HxH boat its going to be rough tho.
I'd agree, but the dream world isn't just purely in their heads in Berserk, it's all astral or whatever kind of shit, the whole IoE thing was basically a product of people's subconsciousness. Plus Miura is pretty direct with his writing style - Shierke commented that the dog is how Guts exists in that realm, and Farnese said it represented his guilt, which pretty much just spells it out in Miura fashion.
Makes me wonder how they'll pronounce Schierke
I pronounce it Sheer-eh-kay
All we need is one more piece of the puzzle.
I always pronounced it "Sure-reek"
Posting more colored Berserk
He has to support himself with a sword because he got fucked so hard he can't walk
Guts is a cute dogger.
Is he supposed to look like Jesus here?
I'm more of a "Sher-kay" guy myself. German words are hard
This chapter fucking destroyed me
I pronounce their names like "Sure-key" and "Farness"
I'll stop now
Guts has some perfect fucking teeth for someone living in the equivalent of the late middle ages.
Nobody wants to see him in a close-up having limey teeth
I've just said far-niece and sheerk.
>farnese no longer a hideous moeblob
Now she's straight up moe. Thank fucking God. Not as sexy as Conviction Farnese but still an improvement of what she looked like recently.
This. What's with all these wacky pronunciations?
>Sup Forums
>still having trouble with name pronunciations
This smells so bad of newfag.
Farnese being spelled the way it is just makes me say Far-ness. I just call the witch "Shirk" for sake of convenience
Patrician taste only allowed ITT.
Some try to pronounce them the way they're pronounced in their original language.
>Femto-bats don't attack until AFTER Guts-Dog begins to snarl and bark at them
>In her mind Caska blames Guts for starting the fallout with Griffith
Does she ever close her fucking mouth? She's got worth fishmouth syndrome than your average feminist.
The perpetual 'agape in astonishment' stare is really getting old.
Farnese is Italian and Schierke is German. If you know the correct pronunciation and still insist on using your bastardized accentuation you're an asshole.
So is the doll her id and the sprite her ego? I forget how this works.
Do you pronounce Mexico "Mehico", then?
what year was that?
>everything about this chapter
God damn this is the first 10/10 chapter in a while. That poor Guts doggo.
Only when speaking Spanish.
But how would you pronounce Luis? Or Javier?
i was actually curious about dental hygiene back then, and apparently it was actually pretty good
That's because you are retarded. Why the fuck did you expected that if we clearly saw Farnese and Schierke's dreams to be full of symbolism?
Luis is just "Louis" with emphasis on the "i". Javier is "Ha-viehr".
The point is, the correct pronunciation for a foreign word is often just dictated by how most people in your country pronounce it. If you're speaking in English just say them however you think it should be, normal people won't care or think you're an asshole.
I'm 39, I started reading this in 1998. Existence is suffering.
It's Farnase and Sheila.
>mfw I just read 348
This shit is bleak and I love it.
It's Farny and Sharko.
In the Musou they pronounced it as Far-nay-suh
and Sheer-K
Does anyone else have a ritual when reading a new Berserk chapter?
I take my time and listen to Waiting So Long on repeat.
That's kinda correct. It feels weird saying Farnese like that, though.
>Sharky & Porge
Does anyone else feel like Miura gladly stalls out the story progression to show of his drawing skills and edginess? (This chapter, sea god, troll cave shit, etc.)
Not everything has to be story related/driven.
>Or in this case drag it
Other way around sounds more likely