Is it safe to say One Piece is bigger in Japan, while Naruto is bigger worldwide?
Nerdier kids know what One Piece is here, but it's not even close to the size of the phenomenom Naruto is.
Is it safe to say One Piece is bigger in Japan, while Naruto is bigger worldwide?
Nerdier kids know what One Piece is here, but it's not even close to the size of the phenomenom Naruto is.
Thanks to 4Kids.
alot of hablo espanol watch naruto
this. naruto resonated much more with the post-dbz communities
Stay in your Toonami threads, faggot
>Is it safe to say One Piece is bigger in Japan, while Naruto is bigger worldwide?
Not here, a lot of anons hate Naruto so much that would lie just to avoid to point any thing that could be taken as positive.
is one piece over better when it comes to sales tho?
both are shit compared to DBZ. Get this kiddie shit out of here.
Don't fool yourself, nostalgiafag. All of them are shit.
opinions discarded.
>one piece over better when it comes to sales tho?
It's the top selling manga. Also seeing as you can't go a block in Japan without seeing OP merchandise, it must be pretty large in overall sales as well.
>while Naruto is bigger worldwide?
not anymore, since it went to the shitter after pain arc many years ago.
Which one had a 4Kid dub and appeared on Fox before they aborted their kids programming?
You don't hear children killing themselves wearing a straw hat, OP.
they're playing with their invisible guns
Is it safe to say that both of them are garbage?
The anime? Sure. But the OP manga is far from being garbage.
I can attest to that. Kids love Naruto even tho it's shit.
One Piece had 4kids, and it was killed.
That's how we all got introduced to it, and we all wrote it off as shit. Most Sup Forumsnons probably didnt even realize OP was good until they browsed Sup Forums in their later years
Unless they had access to the manga when they were younger.
All shonen shit is garbage you autistic manchild.
Schizoid womanchild, actually.