>god-tier award winning light novel source material
>adapted by the best studio
>animation and art is a 10/10
>headed by perhaps the most talented TV director in the medium
How will this change the industry?
How many BD sales do you predict?
>god-tier award winning light novel source material
>adapted by the best studio
>animation and art is a 10/10
>headed by perhaps the most talented TV director in the medium
How will this change the industry?
How many BD sales do you predict?
This light novel is shit. Don't fall for the "award winning" meme.
>a bunch of big names makes a good show
Remember Chaos Dragon? Of course not, you're a summershit
It won't change anything.
Probably 4k.
Same fucking face
How though this is the only LN they are adapting that actually managed to win their fuck mothering award
As what?
Teach me how to read Moon runes,Light Novel Professor.
Other studio makes same face:
Kyoani did it:
>How many BD sales do you predict?
>kyoani shit
Roughly the same as phantom sale and meme dragon
Regardless of how great it will be, it will be shitposted to death here because of the studio. Studio wars have always been Sup Forums tier bullshit and you all saw how bad it got this particular season.
Pretty much hyped, nothing can stop GodAni now.
Japan would be suffering from post KF hangover when VEG come out. Anything made this year is going to be overshadowed by it. Kyoani is finished.
What's wrong with it?
>How many BD sales do you predict?
Of course this shit would boil down to sales for you, KyoAni fag.
Fuck off. You didn't even use footage from the second PV, you lazybum.
Kyoani have insanely high standards, you need to be at least Charles Dickens or Oscar Wilde tier to won their grand literature prize. Really makes me think.
>How many BD sales do you predict?
Looking at recent trend, not high.
Previous 3 kyoani shows all was "beaten" by underdog show.
Musaigen no Phantom world was overshadowed by Konosuba.
Koe no Katachi movie got nuked hard by Kimi no na wa.
And the most awesome part, maid dragon this season have a rematch with konosuba s2, only to get shat on by Kemono Friends.
Is this how Violet Evergarden threads are going to be from now on? Blatant reverse trolling?
Depend on target audience, Fujoshi and homo have more money lately.
I remember when I was young and stupid like you, OP.
Someday you will learn that hyping anything will only result in disappointment.
Haruhi Season 3 announed
Kemono Friends beat Maid Dragon?
When has kyoani ever disappointed? They're the most consistent studio out there.
hibike s2 sucked
It will probably depend on what it's competition will be. If it's second seasons of anime that were insanely popular in their first season then it's screwed.
>Oscar Wilde
>anything but shit tier
what kind of fucking goddamnit what the HELL DID ANY OF YOU PEOPLE E
kmemofu is set to be winter season's top bestseller.
Personally, I believe violet will do well on par with hibike because of the main character, who will get enough lewd nakedness scenes.
>>award winning
>light novel
In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king
Every single show since fmp.
Endless Eight
it won the kyoani-award, which means that kyoani believes it to be the least terrible light novel it has in its selection among utter garbage titles.
This will probably be the first Kyoani show I'll watch in years.
The first KyoAni disappointment after some time is quite a strong hit, user
Are you sure you'll be able to bear it?
Honestly it's a rare occasion to see real award-winning adaptation. It feels like you won a lottery. I wondering how great writing and everything else can be.
You can stop with this falselflagging. It's their in-company award, not something meaningful.
I find most KyoAni shows painfully mediocre. Technically competent but otherwise dull.
Hyouka was 5 years ago.
It's time to top the best anime of all time already.
John Green is award winning.
how about you provide an actual explanation because a single fucking sentence by a random user means fucking jackshit.
Stop replying to your own posts.
Hyouka was shit.
Why do you keep spamming these threads?
Kyoani sends invites to their special events for those who shilled them enough hard in the internet and I am not joking.
Hyouka was the
KyoAni raped him and he's also butthurt that his false flagging against Maidragon didn't work.
Inb4 flop
Is KyoAni really that desperate for the dozen gaijins buying shit from them?
Becoming new Ghibli (I mean, worldwide known studio) is their next goal. That's qhy KnK airs in 30 countries and VEG PV translated to 12 languages.
I dunno, everything I've seen about the series seemed like pure fluff and no substance. I'll have to see how it goes, and if it's not yuri, it should be better than it already is.