ITT: First time you were ever saddened by an anime character's death
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ITT: First time you were ever saddened by an anime character's death
Pic related
Yang Wenli.
Dumb sheevposter.
Come on user, I liked Yang as much as anyone else but his death was lame, and even then, happening after Bucock's makes it even less memorable.
>'bro don't watch those.'
>meh it's just anime, and i started to like the--
As pleb as it might be, I legit went through some five stages of grief when Kamina was killed, and in my defense, other people I turned on to the show were also equally affected.
Why would it be pleb?
she came back to life
Sup Forums's seeming need to shit on things that are nice. Figured if I phrased it like that, would avoid a bunch of >Snarky green-text bait.
Anyway when I first saw that I thought the series had actively committed suicide.
Well, that's just show how unfair world is, heroes died like a garbage sometimes
Nagisa desu.
To be honest though, Spike's ambiguous passing left a melancholy note in my mind the first time I viewed the series as a kid.
Godlike OP in S1, fappable girls.
Irredeemable dogshit otherwise.
Why god