Just watched this in theater
did I like it, Sup Forums?
Ueno's face is 10/10 but she's a shitty human being
Is it true that the real reason MC wanted to kill himself is because his sister got BLACKED?
Just watched this in theater
did I like it, Sup Forums?
Ueno's face is 10/10 but she's a shitty human being
Is it true that the real reason MC wanted to kill himself is because his sister got BLACKED?
Why hasn't a proper shot of my boy Pedro leaked?
>did I like it, Sup Forums?
I dunno did you?
Personally I loved it. One of the best anime films I've seen.
Did you read the manga beforehand? I've heard that it changed a couple of things from the source material.
I read it afterwards actually.
It changed a few things,
like getting rid of the making a movie plot point, and just using the important bits from it in the actual film.
But it's pretty much the same story, apart from some missing character development due to film length constraints, it was a great adaptation.
Honestly, was not a fan at all of that particular plot point , good to hear they didn't focus on it too much.
Eh, best I can do is "movie". Now Your Name, that's pure cinema. And In This Corner of the World is kinography.
Did they put an original character?
Was there fanservice?
Was there adolescence (homos)?
No to all 3.
Is this not made by KyoAni?
It is. What do you mean?
I don't remember them putting much if any original characters in stuff they adapt.
And they're not exactly known for fanservice either outside of Maid Dragon, which was basically just them being faithful to the manga, they actually toned it down quite a lot from what it was in there.
Yamada does seem to like putting some yuri undertones into some of her work but there's no place for it in this movie.
It's just bait, ignore it.
Nice thighs.
I sure caught that one. This feels good, I might get addicted.
It was alright but Ueno ruined it. Not just because she was a fucking monster, but because she ruined the moral. Yes, it's bad to isolate yourself and see everyone as your enemy, but there are some people (Ueno) who are genuinely toxic and malicious, and you're not wrong to cut them out of your life.
classic pedro
Best girl. Would love, fuck, hatefuck and everything.
I liked it about as much as I did the manga, which I guess is an accomplishment. I felt the manga had some great ideas but was held back by mediocre execution. The film did things a lot better but also cut out a lot, some which should've gotten cut out but also parts that really shouldn't. And they still didn't cut out enough, the last half of the film felt really rushed at times.
Ueno is such a piece of shit, god I love her. Kawai needs to die in a fire though.
I can't think of much else that could have been cut out without diluting the story.
I think it honestly should have just been longer, I think an extra 30 minutes at least would have really done wonders to bring it all together more.
They could've cut out Sahara entirely. Arguably they could've cut out Mashiba too since he didn't have enough screentime to become a genuine friend anyway, it just made him feel really superficial. Extra time could've helped too, sure, anything to include more of Nishimiya's mother in there since she really suffered a lot in this adaptation.
I could agree with Mashiba yea, but definitely not Sahara.
She had an important part in the story imo.
Definitely the main things I feel should have been retained were some of the Nishimiya's mother parts that showed the trouble she went through and also some of her sisters parts too where she was always protecting Nishimiya when she was younger.
I think those parts would have really helped with showing why Nishimiya decided to do what she did and why she blamed herself so much.
Since in the movie it felt like she only did it because of the trouble caused to her friends, but in the movie it was about her friends and her family.
Some other things that could have been retained too was some of the Ueno character development that helped explain why she acted like such a huge bitch or the reason she hated Nishimiya. Don't think it came across too clearly in the movie.
E-even anal?
What important part? A lot of her importance was already cut away because some of Ueno's scenes also got cut away. In the movie, she's a fairly easily replaceable character. Ishida could've tried to reconcile Nishimiya with Ueno from the very beginning since that's the only other girl both Nishimiya and himself had any substantial interaction with(even if for Nishimiya it was definitely not the positive kind). Sahara was the beginning of Ishida trying to help Nishimiya reconnect but considering how many other ideas the movie had to cram in, it could've afforded to cut her out.
If Kyoani were willing to be quite liberal with the adaptation, I would dare say they should've cut out Nagatsuka. He was great but if he didn't exist, anything to do with Ishida's school life could've been cut out. That would give the film more than enough time to both include important scenes as well as give those scenes some room to breathe.
Yeah. But I want hatefuck to turn into sweet loving
The important part being Nishimiya's only friend from that elementary school and also the only other one from the friend group who could use sign language, which helped not having just Ishida have to tell her everything himself.
And her being the big reason that made Ishida try to reconcile with all the old people in the first place. I don't know if it could have even worked if Sahara was replaced by Ueno for that. Would have had to change quite a lot.
Cutting out Nagatsuka would also be a big mistake. A major theme was exactly that school life. The isolation in middle and high school that resulted from the bullying he did to Nishimiya, the same isolation that really made Ishida think about his actions and try to atone for his past sins.
He was also good comic relief, you have to have at least some of that in a film as heavy as this. Can't keep the grim tone stuff going all the time. And he was also just a great character in general.
The issue with all this extra cutting really is that it would result in too much of the existing story having to be changed, and some of the major themes of the story being lost.
And I doubt the author of the manga would have wanted something like that either.
A lot of cutting would've changed what the story wanted to convey greatly, and it's a good enough story that I can respect the author not wanting that, but it still feels like a waste to me because the movie(and the manga) could've been great if it was less packed with ideas, if it was willing to change.
Yes, showing Ishida's isolation in high school was important, but it could've been given less screentime and without Nagatsuka to go along with it. I will say it's my own personal taste for not wanting any comic relief to cut up the depressing mood the story has. I say it would've been a stronger film for it. As for Sahara I remain unconvinced of her importance in the story, but she ultimately was not the biggest offender so I'll agree to disagree and leave her there.
Personally, the movie felt like a mix of three central ideas. Ishida's redemption and isolation, Nishimiya's existence being a burden on others, and the idea of friendship. I don't think KnK handled friendship well enough, a good amount of it felt forced and shallow to me, that it should've either be rewritten or cut out completely.
Think I've said all I wanted to say about the movie. I still enjoyed it a fair bit. It was nice discussing it here Sup Forumsnon.
Same to you user. Nice hearing others thoughts on it.
Wish these threads were a bit more lively so we could hear other people's thoughts, but guess will have to wait till the Bluray comes out and gets subbed.
Was the animation any good? The trailers look meh
The cutest
yes, very good, there's a sequence early in the movie that involves MC and deafgirl fighting and knocking over a table that really shocked me with it's realism.