ITT: Best Plot Twists
ITT: Best Plot Twists
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None. Plot-twists are a substitute for an empty/uninteresting/badly written plot. Since the plot itself cannot excite, the author relies instead on artificial excitement.
Kind of how shitty horror games spam jumpscares to make up for their lack of a scary atmosphere or horrific plot...
The difference being that you kind of expect jumpscares to happen in any horror genre. Plot-twists are unpredictable and xan irreversibly change the series.
Greatest twist of 2016.
My fucking hopes and dreams crushed
Guillotine Gorilla
I still remember back in 2009 people were insulting Kubo and the whole Yammy thing is how Kubo being a troll started
>artificial excitement
There's such a thing as subtle foreshadowing. Plot twists don't need to come entirely out of nowhere to quailify as such.
The truth of Versailles in Pandora Hearts. Didn't see it coming.
Suprise best girl dies
Why Yammy is such a weak espada?
From all the bleach plot twists this has to be my favorite.
If it's foreshadowed, then it's all good, but if it's not and completely comes out of fucking nowhere, then that's badly written.
The best thing about this whole "cero espada" thing is how inconsequential it was. I still remember people theorizing Aizen would use him and all the souls he has devoured as a basis for the King's Key. Good times.
Plot twist is too broud of a term to say something like this. What's the definition you're using?
Oh, I get it. Artificial difficulty and Forced fun pasta.
>a centuries-old writing mechanic is written off in this way
The Shakespearean cometh.
This one wins
this one still rustles me years later
Indeed, I was surprised that Euphy was able to find out how to reload a gun.
Even animals can use guns nowadays
Why'd you post a box of tortilla chips?
It would have been a lot more believable if Lelouch jokingly told her that he could make her commit suicide by jumping out of the window.
Yammy being Espada number 0 meant absolutely nothing since he jobbed offscreen.
Added that and a few more before the "kill all the japanese" order is said, would have made it feel a bit more natural I guess.
The entirety of Danganronpa 2
Yammy bein arrancar number 0 was in 2009?
>Aizen was defeated in 2010
Jesus christ where did time go.
I don't remember the quincy arc being that long.
post yfw quincy arc started in february 2012
a fifth of this is worth a response here
I honestly thought untill just now that Aizen arc ended in 2012.
Unironically one of the best executed plot twists in anime, and in romcoms in general. This is what happens when you have a clear idea of the storyline from the start and can establish the groundwork properly.
>completely unpredictable yet recontextualizes the entire series in a way that not only makes sense, but explains things you didn't even realize needed explanation
>gives the MCs whole new dimensions that redefine their characters, their relationships and how they fit within the series' (particularly it's major metanarrative)
>makes so many scenes become hilarious, meaningful or sad in retrospect
>flips the manic pixie dream boy trope on it's head and contradicts seme/uke tropes
>was just generally an extremely fun reveal that managed to be funny, sexy, romantic and cute all at once, and was pleasantly adult oriented in a medium that favours teenagers
what ?
>If it's foreshadowed, then it's all good, but if it's not and completely comes out of fucking nowhere, then that's badly written.
You're wrong.
There's a difference between asspull and believable plot twists that come out of nowhere.
You're right in the way that asspulls are bad writing, but plot twists can be believable and make sense without foreshadowing because the villain just wasn't incompetent enough to warn the protagonist of his big surprise.
>Best plot twists
>No "The time of the execution... was changed!" .gif yet
I never wanted to fuck Ada until this page
Wait how was this a plot twist? Nice digits btw
>villain warning the protagonist
Forshadowing doesn't have to be that blatant. It's actually better when only the reader catches a hint.
>He then dies offscreen
Nobody could see this coming
I love QB. Good villain anagonist or whatever it is.
both of these were terrible and pulled out of kubos ass because he needed something exciting to happen
no foreshadowing or consequence whatsoever
>no foreshadowing
Maybe Yammy, but Unohana's been already foreshadowed to be one of the most feared, almost as much as Yamamoto, of the captains.
What is this supposed to mean?
What are you talking about? Both of those were foreshadowed, you just missed it while speedreading, poorly at that.