Haha, so I was just talking to my girlfriend Saber the other day about swords! I was all, 'Hey Saber-kun...

Haha, so I was just talking to my girlfriend Saber the other day about swords! I was all, 'Hey Saber-kun, what can you tell me about them blades!"
And in reply she said, "I can tell you a joke!" And I love her with all my heart because she's real, so I told her to go ahead!

S: "What do you call a less useful version of a Claymore?"
At this point, I was already LOL'ing into the sunset, but of course because I love her I responded. "What?"


LOL, Like and Subscribe for more of me and my girlfriends antics! xD

I want to die

Go fucking choke on a dick.

Great thread OP.

Why are fatefags such insufferable normies?

Kek, man you need to go outside and take a walk....with your waifu ofcourse.

>tfw falseflag is working keikau doori

You have to go


Why is Saber literally always angry?




I'd downvote your thread but I want to learn more about how you made you're waifu real

Because everyone is trying to rape her

I know you're baiting.
But Unironic shitposting is still shitposting. Try try other underage-kun

go die norman

She tends to get like that when I'm not around, sowwy. >w>"
S: I do get pretty peeved when user-dono is not near me, sigh.

You've just gotta talk to her. She'll respond eventually! ^^


After you boy

Fuck off Satan


Is this the new "us nerds amirite gaise"?

There's a special place in hell for people like you, user.

The cave of infinite NTR

Change your ways before it is too late!

It's normalFAGS
>can't sage in all fields

Why are fatefags such insufferable normies?