What is it that makes this show comedy gold?
What is it that makes this show comedy gold?
Your autism combined with your faithful membership with the website reddit.com
Now go back
>this show got popular so now its bad I only watch elite underground anime produced in some jap's basement
fucking retards
But they're right. Go back.
ok, enjoy being the highest tier of sperglord watching your "objectively superior kino japanamation"
I'm gonna be watching shit that makes me laugh
But I didn't say anything about "kino japanamation" though?
Dumb konoreddit fag, always with the retarded assumptions.
The way they animate the eyes at times.
you first faggot
have you considered killing yourself? just taking up space on the thread, bump yourself off
>his dick is so small it's like she's slapping air
Nothing. I didn't laugh once. Honestly I never laugh when watching an anime. Last anime that really made me laugh was GTO, more than 10 years ago. Probably I'm just old for these shitty jokes
Comedy of this show is ok to good.
The strong points of this anime are the delivery of the jokes, the timing and the dynamics of the group.
I would say this anime got the perfect balance between comedy and comfy
you having low expectations for comedies
It doesn't need to try hard to be funny. The characters are funny by themselves, and the situations they get into make them funnier.
>It doesn't need to try hard to be funny.
Expect it's a legit tryhard comedy. 90% of the jokes are based on characters overreacting and making lol so wacky faces.
Sorry, I though anime comedies were largely based on overreactions. Was I wrong?
Yes, they are, that's why they suck.
Ah. Well, perhaps I might redirect you to another board more suited to your tastes? >>Sup Forums, perhaps.
Yeah, because anime has nothing but comedy and I can't dicsuss anything else, right?
I mean, you could, but I must ask why you would come to a thread specifically discussing anime humor when you don't enjoy it, and more to the point, why you would subject yourself to an entire genre of film that bases its humor (a part of most anime, even if they aren't comedies) on overreactions, which you don't even enjoy?
I found genuinely funny because of the "her face when she sees your dick" meme. It's like someone from DEEN browses Sup Forums.
The voice acting is very good an expressive and feels like they're actually characters
Aqua suffering.
This. I never seen such a bullyable cast that I still liked at the end of the day
>I mean, you could, but I must ask why you would come to a thread specifically discussing anime humor
Because it's a thread about anime humor?
>why you would subject yourself to an entire genre of film that bases its humor (a part of most anime, even if they aren't comedies) on overreactions, which you don't even enjoy?
I said I don't enjoy anime comedies, not humor. Most of the SoL anime use comedy parts to set the mood and make you feel good and relax while focusing on other aspects. Pure comedies have jokes that are supposed to make you laugh and nothing else, and that's why I said they suck.
Only neckbeard weebs find it funny.
Yeah and that's us ain't it?
Speak for yourself.
>funny and expressive animation
>great comedic timing
>fun VA's who ad lib constantly
>avoids cliches
>actual gags that have set up and payoff
>fun characters who deserve everything that comes to them
It reminds me of Always Sunny in Philadelphia actually.
>avoids cliches
You have no idea what are you talking about
>posting on Sup Forums Sup Forums while in a 72 degree day Friday
What anime is this?
The MC isn't a doormat who lets girls attack him for every little thing he does.
I identify with Kazuma, I think that's what makes it gold.
except where you're a cum guzzling nigger who will NEVER get 3 (THREE) girls to live with him.
It's pre-season 3 of Family Guy. Where the expectations has been duped by a bait and switch. Instead of a Simpsons-style family comedy, it's a highly dysfunctional family with stubborn values and traits. The appeal is taking trope situations and gutting your predictions. KonoSuba achieves this on a lesser, if not same extent.
The question now is how long can this formula last, especially with a continuous, over-arcing plot. LN readers from what I heard are starting to see a spike in the writing between good to bad between volumes.
Say this to my 3 dakimakuras, faggot.
I'd say it plays off of the cliches.
do'nt give me a thumbs up, i don't interact with dumb big headed alien losers that make crappy beverages.
She's really the only character I dislike. I get what they were going for but I don't find her funny but rather annoying at times.
Take that back, Samantha. Take. that. back.
This formula got stale in s2
>haha darknes enjoys getting hurt
>haha aqua is dumb and acts dumb and Kazuma gets mad at her
Rinse and repeat
And megumi basically didn't even exist throught the whole season
Everyone is terrible at their jobs.
would you like this formula
>haha megumin is unconscious
>haha im gonna take off her underwear
>haha im gonna prone bone her for the duration of the episode in an open valley with frogs croaking in the distance
No, I said it because she didn't have any notable scenese at all, not because I'm upset she was irrelevant.
wiat do people unironically like these three? i thought they were just meant to help introduce yunyun eris and wiz as the new party members when kazuma sells them off to a bunch of orcs.
>crappy beverages
because kazuma is just like me: intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor
There's a little more than that. Sure, they'll bash you over the head with simple interactions like that, but now the setups for larger punchlines had been established. For example, Megs explosions began ruining the ecosystem that monster cycles and weather affects the locals and gang themselves. Or that by trading off Darkness to a suspicious nobel to draw Kazuma off some accusations, she was selected for an arranged marriage, only to be completely dismissed when that she claims to be pregnant with Kazuma's child, very cunning and deceiving of her usual character. The entire first episode and trail is a huge punchline to Kazuma and party's actions from season one.
I don't think it's all lost yet, let's look forward to better serves when Deen is contacted for another season or two.
It's Always Sunny is a masterpiece.
Konosuba is aight.
honestly if she gave me her shitty cawfee i'd vomit uncontrollably and proceed to suplex her and the other cafe boonies for recompense.
Those events sound good on paper, but the execution is always the same: Aqua does stupid shit, Kazuma gets mad or complains about his stupid companions, she cries and makes a scene, something happened, most likely featuring ecchi scene with Darkness masochist gag and in the end they somehow make it. They always suck, they're always dumb and it stays that way for 20 episodes. Why can't they learn at least a bit? I guess it'd be too much of a task for mediocre author to figure out different jokes and scenes in that case. I'm not saying it's a bad comedy, it's just very lazy and gets stale after 7-8 episodes.
Is Dennis really gone?
I'm scared
It's not made by Kyoani
likable asshole protag with cute dumb girls and just the right amount of QUALITY
>What is it that makes this show comedy gold?
My only complaints about shows like Konosuba is that they are adaptions of light novels with no ending. Then i have to read the inferior medium that its sourced from. Sure im not a dyslexic country pumpking that dosent know how to read and appreciate litterature and am actualy willing to stoop low enough to read the said inferior media, but damn the translating groups cant translate for shit and gives me cancer. Not to mention there is no official translation or a store i can buy from in my country.. So previews: The animations are bad
Most anime post 2008 are basicly repetitive / episodic shit that gets stale very fast, thats mostly because most of those authors are young people who have become famous/had their work serialized from winning a manga/light novel contest. With little to no writing experience their work are terrible early on and some improve over time if they make it that far(most get axed before they get good).
Older authors produce good shit tho.
There is actually an official translation now for the first two LN
I didn't watch it, they went pretty far
>Probably I'm just old for these shitty jokes
Or too young.
In my personal experience childhood is discovering anime for the first time and thinking Naruto is the best thing ever. Adolescence is realizing that a lot of anime isn't all that good and becoming a jaded kinofag who takes the criticisms of youtube e-celebs to heart. Adulthood is knowing that most anime are shit but enjoying them anyway without sacrificing your ability to distinguish between shit and good. Just look at this season for example: Gabriel Dropout isn't art, but it brings a smile to my face.
If I can get critical/jaded again for a moment I also think a big problem is that anime has become "incestuous" in that a lot of modern/young authors basically copy what older generations did. So you get copies of copies of copies, and somewhere among the line the influence of that creative "spark" becomes less and less. That's probably why a lot of new stuff feels pretty generic. I think archetypes like the tsundere are the best example of this. Once upon a time some authors wrote female characters who, for some reason or another, were dishonest about their feelings. These were later recognized and named 'tsundere' (in other words, we went from character to trope). Now a lot of authors put tsundere's in their stories almost for its own sake (so we go from trope to character). It's like the character's motivation and relatability come second to checking off certain cliché boxes.
I agree that its a terrible character setting and its overused to hell because most authors cant come up with a decent beliveable personality or perhaps we as humans are not yet capable of any better. Thus the dozen other dere types came to be like yandere, kuudere, dandere and all famous deredere's from moe shows.
I wouldnt call it comedy gold. Gintama is comedy gold. Compared to gintama Konosuba is comedy shit.
danshi koukousei no nichijou is another example, perhaps not as good as Gintama, but i rewatched that shit four times and still laughed til i peed myself. saiki kusuo no psi nan was also better to some deegre.
I've watched Gintama and danshi koukousei no nichijou like 7 times each and im still loosing my shit when watching a few scenes. Didnt watch either for 1 1/2 years tho. I'm hoping to forget some jokes/scenes so that i may once again miss myself watching.