Why don't they make Girls Und Panzer season 2 about an international tournament?
Why don't they make Girls Und Panzer season 2 about an international tournament?
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but the S1 is already pretty much an international tournament already in all but name, as each school are country-based
The schools in Japan already were pretty much international, although in a caricatured way.
I'd rather they just animate the tournament matches we didn't see. I really want to see Gloriana vs KMM.
That or Maginot animated.
Who is this semen demon?
they all japs my nig
Klara's just there for the rest of Pravda to grope.
stop acting like you didn't understand what I meant
Your wife
>series not in title
You had 1 job
>Alice ready for her date with user
Are you ready?
As ready as I'll ever be
Latest Rabu Rabu 4koma Web Edition:
Only one page?
I marathoned the whole thing in one or two days, so I did not pay attention to the chapters' length. Sorry if it was a stupid question.
I haven't been able to keep up with the threads with the last few years since I had to stop being a NEET.
Can someone fill me in?
>stop being a NEET
New OVA/Short series 6 eps, 40 min each
Why should they?
DESU, the only thing I would want is an American team that breaks out all the prototypes and oddballs in the arsenal. The University team was close, but they're disqualified on account of being cheating cheaters who cheat.
>all the prototypes and oddballs in the arsenal
Even the T34s?
If we see this, i want to see Maho bring in a captured H-39 with Wurfrahmen.
They weren't selling beer and Rock CD's, were they?
I won't be satisfied unless they bring in a M4A3R3 "Zippo".
Vodka and Industrial, but close.
But what else do they want from me, I've already given them headpats, but they still won't let me go.
Try hugging them, while thinking for an escape route, until they get dizzy. If you don't think you can get out by yourself, we will send an extraction team by helicopter on your position.
that brings some memories from lost planet,,
4:00 >
>Try hugging them,
Just tried that, now they've grabbed me by the wrists and are not letting go, they're also licking their lips while saying how much 'fun' they will have with me.
I'm scared...
Tickle their bellies. It'll make them vulnerable so you can make your escape.
We're sending the helicopters armed with anti-loli counter measures. Can you overpower them with strength and run for it?
Please tell us where you are located and a description of you environment.
>Overpoweing her with strength
Pull the hat over her eyes
One doesn't simply pull Nina's hat over her eyes
Oh shit.
Abort rescue mission. Sorry user, but I'm calling a fire mission. May God have mercy of your soul.
Clara wasn't around for the nationals.
No one ever said you can't modify Pershings to go fast.
Rest easy user, I'm sending in our best agent as we speak. If all else fails I'll call in an orbital pizza strike on your position.
Final...right. Watch them make 1 billion with each OVA at the theaters and sell avg 50K discs each. You think they wont do "GUP: TNG" in a few years?
She get a boob job after the movie?
She's trying to seduce Maho.
>Saemonza taking a peek at the guy she's just fucked.
Why not Oysherman
Mama Mia just look at those white edges.
Maho needs your help with changing her pantsu. Please help her.
Of course, I'll get her a fresh pair of pantsu right away.
Hana going to the beach with Hanafag.
I'm going to boop her butt and then run away, cackling like a madman.
Post that Yukari.
Please and thank you.
Hmm does she want a pair of her normal white cotton pantsu or does she want one of her more fancy pairs of pantsu?
What Yukari, Yukarifag?
Nevermind, you're just going to taunt me now.
Do you mean this one by chance?
Nah man, just wasn't sure what you meant for a second.
Don't touch my waifu. You can look but can't touch.
Yes it was.
Thanks for it, I really appreciate it.
I'd pay good money for a continued story after Final Chapter to be Gyaru und Panzer. With 4 girls who admire Miho and want to get into senshado but have no idea how.
Erika should be removed from garupan threads
You should be deleted from life
She needs to be sexualised
Maho is not a threat.
>not a prequel first so the name remains relevant until they've proven that fans will buy more
Miho's boobs aren't that big
I've been thinking about that too. GuP is too popular to end now
>you will never ride a tank into battle with a crew of cute teenage girls
For what purpose should I even continue my existence?
Girls und Panzer has shown us a better world. We must dedicate our lives to transforming our own according to the Garupan vision.
Safe bet every KMM match except for Oorai lasted about 2 minutes.
That's a very cute face she's making!
Has any info even come out to reveal what final chapter will be about?
I can't exactly make this planet a 2D one, without flattening it between two larger planets, and I don't think that would produce the desired results. Still, it would improve the solar system a little bit.
>he doesn't want to improve the world through flatness
My wife on the left
Cow tits are better
They got bigger because someone massaged them for her.
Do you guys think Maho's body improved with age?
I can think of 2 reasons why its much better now
Can you guys post flats already?
What does her butt feel like?
Lumpy bag of sand