Why are people that oppose Trump so weak looking?

They all look like like they need hormone replacement pills.

Most of them are pussies. Pussies don't like strong men. Strong men tend to back other strong men. Pussies want the the things and people that scare them to just disappear. They focus on their feelings and other assorted faggotry.

It's the glasses that get me. Why do they all wear almost identical frames? Did they have a Groupon or something?

Because anyone who wants to be taken care of by government overlords isn't a real man.

Real men are self sufficient, and wish a nigga would and workout

"Strength" and "weakness," as concepts, are productions of the culture of toxic masculinity and Euro-normative problematic concepts like objective truth that are used to oppress PoC and other oppressed minority groups. Words have no intrinsic meaning, so your whole argument falls apart.


Seriously though


They most likely have an average IQ higher than that of a Trump supporter, and thus tend to be more intellectually focused as opposed to athletically focused.


Soy boy alert


Double soy boy alert

Who is this fag? That collar is restricting his neck.

Fascist pig alert.


Kike alert.

There is no standard definition of what constitutes a "real man." That's ridiculous. None of us want to be controlled by a fascist overlord, either, unlike Drumpkins. What we do want is to acknowledge our governmentment had a duty to provide for those less fortunate and give protection to marginalized groups in our society. Sorry that your bigoted, most likely white supremacist mind can't fathom such a concept.

Oh look, anti-Semitism, the mark of a true intellectual! Please tell me how I control everything and I'm keeping the poor oppressed white man down.

I can feel you shaking from here faggot

Shaking with laughter at the pitiful excuse for human being you are.

Do you know where you are right now? You're getting anything besides a hearty emotional rape at this rate. Post a pic of your undersized testes so we can laugh at you


You actually want to look at a picture of my balls. And I'm the one who gets called a homophobic slur. Trump voters, everyone.

It's called a fear response. You're just signaling how much your submitting right now. Dicknose

Sage and reported for off-topic, faggot mods

You seem upset

Have you not watched enough CNN today?

Triple soy boy alert!

This is either b8 or OP’s pic is you.

Wow, no one told me there would be scientists here. Can you also explain to me why the average Trumper is too stupid to understand climate change? I could never figure that one out.

Is it gay that I want a blowjob from him

Klrumpfhpranzee "arguments" are getting absolutely demolished in this thread by superior left-wing logic.

What else could have been expected?

Yup. You unironically picked the meme flag to suit your ideology best you're not even trying it's embarrassing. Low effort shill eternally butthurt because you can't accept the world is tired of your shit(including mommy and daddy)and wouldn't even care if you expired in a ditch somewhere. Now make like a good commie and go protest injustice on the freeway

You seem to have a below average IQ, what's wrong, haven't watched enough Trump speeches and old videos of nazi rallies on YouTube today?

Holy shit I bet you really believe that

>[student loan debt intensifies]

Um sweetie if we're so retarded how come you keep losing to retarded people? Oh and don't forget to take your insulin

Someone screencap this whole thread , these two could teach a class on trolling Sup Forums

I seem to have struck a nerve. Sorry pal, you will never get to see a picture of my testicles no matter how much you try to goad it out of me.

That's literally a child.

Kek, I'm an attorney. You're trying to conflate a joke about your idiotic ramblings with a reference to pop-news, with nazism. You're a troglodyte.

Was it her turn?

Could you not find them?

Leftists are mental zombies so why wouldn't this begin to manifest physically?

Back to the jungle with you, you savage Euro-normative-toxo-masculine-right-wing-ne'er-do-well-pan-zee.

Getting asked for pictures of my balls and called slurs ad nauseum is considered losing an argument here? How could I ever compete with your undoubtedly superior rhetorical skill?

Also you goad people INTO things not OUT of things. brittle bones

>he can't even use "rhetorical" correctly in a sentence

You're an attorney? I'm sorry. I bet you get a ton of calls from people asking you never to represent them.

Roses are red

You're a stinky fucking Jew

If I were your wife's son

I'd be a nigger too

So fuck you

And your gay little crew

You get paid to shill for Shareblue

Is this really is the best you can do?

If I were your boss I'd catch heart attacks too


>of, relating to, or concerned with rhetoric, or the effective use of language.


mid-15c., "eloquent," from Latin rhetoricus, from Greek rhetorikos "oratorical, rhetorical; skilled in speaking,"

We might actually have a real life disgruntled soy goy on our hands. I'm so excited what questions should we ask xer?

>american education

plastics, styrofoams, alcohol, dairy, and a lot more shit is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy worse than soy could be. but you're right, you should avoid it if possible. soybean oil seems to be in fucking everything.
people just need to stop being fucking pussies and eat simply. fruits, vegetables, grains sparingly, and hunted shit.

The education of trumpets, everyone. I can't make this shit up.

I'm honestly a little embarrassed for you. You think we're here to actually debate you! You're entire existence is for our amusement. Tell us s little about yourself

And then an alpha chad punches you in the gut and your tl;dr liberal college rant falls apart as stronger specimens mock your lack of testicles.

Is a tendency towards liberalism a genetic thing?

>marginalized groups
So essentially you want a transfer of wealth and power from white taxpayers to foreign invaders who who share no sense of identity with us, all while ignoring the big Jewish elephant in the room. Everyone already knew this, babe. Sorry that your low IQ, shitskin brain can't understand the concept of freedom, or tyranny for that matter.

The toxically-masculine fools that come here
And hope that we'll give right-wing nonsense an ear,
Are, sorry to say in their views quite mistaken;
Euro-centric ideas will never re-waken!

You could start by asking me how to properly use grammar, I may be able to help you out sweetie.

Are you going to tell your friends everyone clapped for you in this thread

Notions like "identity" and "tyranny" and "freedom" are Euro-centric essentialist fictions. They exist only within the addle-pated right-wing brain.

>Trump is a strong man
Good one. He is obviously a snowflake that gets easily triggered when his feeling are hurt. This whole president thing is just an attempt to compensate for the fact that he has never been accepted by the smart and rich as one of them. To satisfy his narcissistic tendencies he created the illusion of a strong man for the stupid people who are unable to see the weakness in the personality of this pathetic man.

How does it feel to be a poorfag with resentful parents

This imo

Yells the tiny, socially awkward racist 30-something from the small window in his mother's basement.

>le argue you can't be stronk and smart

“Racism” being immoral is also a very Eurocentric ideal that was established post elightenment.Way to cherry pick

Reminder that ALL memeflag posts are shitposts/shillposts

>hi r/the_donald
Now kindly go and gas yourself along with antifa.

>preaches on the invalidity of toxit masculine principles
>proceeds to use it in an ad hominem attack

Good one. This is why most leftist males I know that preach pro feminism excuse more toxic masculinity than the average male. You basically use a Pseudo feminism to get laid

Morality may be ultimately subjective but we can still create our own subjectively-based system of morals in spite of that. And according to that system (which is on the right side of history) you and everything you stand for is evil and is to be opposed.

So essentially you want the majority of the nation's wealth to reside with 1% of its citizens, ensuring that the poor stay impoverished and the super-rich continue to accumulate wealth while you struggle to make ends meet with no hope of ever reaching a comfortable middle class lifestyle but it's okay, at least you didn't have to give a few more pennies to the gubment!

>hops on new vpn to continue shitposting

There are quite a few people on the other side that look similar user. I know, I'm one of them.

>can't refute real world example of alpha males being dicks to betas
>resorts to ad hominems
I guess I'll resort to posting meme gifs

>Virtue and abstract thought are a product of the European mind
Yeah, I know.

They are transitioning...

>morality is subjective
>there is a right side of history

Can’t have both. Subjective morality means that we live in the law of the jungle and validates social Darwinism
Also what is it that I stand for?

No, I'm just going to be happy I have friends. I assume you're not familiar with that feeling.

>half the world live in urban centres
>Hunt shit
I live rurally so I'm lucky but a lot of people including 4/5 Americans can't farm nor can they hunt.

pictures of weak trump opposers

wait this isn't duckduckgo

i don't like trump much, and i posted my pic on a soyboy thread and
everyone says i should transition, yet they're supposed to be alt-right and
against any degenerate behavior, this place is full of hypocrites.

The progressive subjective morality says those things are wrong; we hold the reins of power and so we will defeat you. Join the right side of history or perish forevermore.

>reads the first paragraph of a study claims to be enlightened

So again you advocate for social Darwinism the very basis for nationalism and fascism in the modern world yet you fight against fascism? Neck yourself you uneducated fuck.


Logical consistency is Euro-normative tripe.

The 1% are a marginalized group though.

You literally just full tilt exposed yourself as a shill. Everything you say in this thread or anywhere else on the board is a punchline. Back to Tumblr you go fatty

>actually believes that only Europeans care about logical consistency

How euro centric of you. Might want to read up on some eastern philosophies.

>Right side of history

How overweight are you again?

Oh yeah, I found it impossible to refute your vision of angry muscled "alpha males" randomly walking around punching "betas" in the stomach for using their intellect like some crappy 80s high school movie. I have been thoroughly exposed as a fraud.

If we say 2 and 2 make 5, then 2 and 2 make 5, and there is nothing you can do about it. Consensus is reality. It doesn't matter what facts or arguments you present. We have the power and we will succeed.

Might want to read up on Dharma and Indian based philosophies you euro centric oaf

>thinks all normative things are euro based
>hates people who are euro centric
You clearly haven’t read on the Dharma and how it’s entireley based on the need of logical consistencies

Something tells me you got beat up by these "alpha males" you hate so much.

The idea of the 1% existing drives people to be successful and work hard. If there was no goal in hard work nobody would work.

Go back to school you uneducated oaf. Your inferior Anglo education system is showing

T. Italian