
348 translation:
349 comes out April 28th
Volume 38 is coming out on July 18th
Volume 39 is coming out in Japan later this year
Season 2 starts April 7th
Season 2 PV:
Season 1 dub is out


Your guess, how many chapters until potato is solved?

If it happens at all.

>Midland bows to Griffith
>In contact with demons
>Possesses fate manipulating abilities
>Controls Falconia with an iron but fair fist
>Owns humans and souls globally
>Direct inheritor of the Egg of the Conqueror
>Will found the first cities of the Gods (Falconia is the first city)
>Owns 99% of apostle breeding grounds in Midland
>First designer Apostles have been Griffith babies
>Said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on this plane has only existed deep in Gaiseric's ruins & in the Holy See
>Ancient Midland prophecies tell of a white-winged Hawk who will descend upon Midland and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented spiritual progress with them
>He owns Kingdoms around the world
>You likely have His dream inside you right now
>Griffith is in regular communication with the God Hand
>He learned total mastery of fate in under a week
>Kingdoms entrust their destinies with him
>There's no gold in Castle Midland, only Castle Griffith
>Griffith is about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, He is timeless curator of Fate existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe fated to complete the cycle of destiny and fulfill His sacrifice by achieving His dream. We don't know His ultimate plan yet. We hope He's a benevolent being after all.

Volume 39 is coming out in June in Japan

Griffiths' death will be a gruesome one.

Within the next year, but the sight of Guts is instant PTSD for her.



What is she even gonna do once she's fixed?

Keep tagging along as moral support? Start fighting again? Ditch her off somewhere to live the rest of her life "waiting for Guts to come home from his quest"?

I mean does Guts even have a reason to still go after Griffith now?

The only way I can see for Miura to rail Guts back on the story is to make that arabian ninja human kingdom convince him to help them somehow.

what is he doing in this page, howling or barking?

Dogs don't open their mouth like that to howl.


>What is she even gonna do once she's fixed?
She will probably want to find Griffith.

For round 2?

I know I know it just seems weird for it to bark like that

>A faint light can be seen in the gloom.

Maybe it's referring to reborn Griffith. That may be what he was barking at.


>I mean does Guts even have a reason to still go after Griffith now?
Well yeah. They still have the marks so will be hounded by monsters until the god hand shit is sorted out.

>Every sword belongs in it's sheath. Go back to the sheath your master holds.



I reckon griffith would see a fixed Casca as an affront to his godhood.
So I am pretty sure the demon's will come

Also I want to see them fuck up elf island.

Fuck Caska, let's bring back qt tiny instead



Gaah i just can't see any good outcome of this.

Best case scenario would be that Idolmaster has melted Miura's brains so much that Casca gets her senses back and has a autistic meltdown and leaves somewhere safe.

Well, if she still her babbeh back...

still want her*

>Casca was broken beyond repair during the Eclipse!
>idiots believe this

Griffith was the one who lost in the Eclipse. He's become a shell with nothing but a nebulous, insatiable sense of "ambition" left. There's nothing left of him. Casca at least might come back.

>Griffith was the one who lost in the Eclipse.

>If you rape your enemies they win.

So what's Griffith's endgame?

that is deep

balls deep

sacrifice literally everything, destroy the idea of evil and become the idea of gayness

Probably take over the Godhand, maybe kill them.

On a side note, I think Zodd will may against him eventually.

Will the be a new God Hand?

I wasn't really enjoying the latest chapters of Berserk, but this chapters feels so bleak and miserable. I love it

I want a tiny casca.

>What is she even gonna do once she's fixed?

Tranny arc, she has to get swole again for the revenge mission.

It remind me a bit the situation in The Sopranos when Melfi was raped, she alsko dreamed about Tony as her doggo-defender

I think the new artstyle took away from the atmosphere. Maybe it's the think outlines, but Schierke and Farnese look a bit too cartoony.

And then mini casca rolls in and flaps around

>Volume 38 is coming out on July 18th
>Volume 39 is coming out in Japan later this year
OP really is a faggot, this is all wrong.
Volume 38 was already released, Volume 39 is coming out in June, and there's no word on the volume after that.

>Season 2

>Griffith ascends into some kind of elder god
>Whole fucking universe is dying because of his bs
>Guts uses Skull Knight dimensional warp to have a final fight with the fucker
>Guts shoves his sword so hard into Griffith's ass that it creates the big bang again and the universe is reborn.

a man can dream. man can dream...

such is the life of us strugglers

Yeah the sudden change to digital and the moe face were affecting Berserk negatively, but Miura seems to have honed his artstyle again during the break

Was it good for you too, babe?

Awaken My Masters!

If Games of Throne can run on TV past the point the books stopped so can an anime - the profit motive for being a berserk that will actually FINISH in a human life time is immense.

>all those people saying she enjoyed it

Doesn't look like the face of happiness to me.

>tfw you are shell of a man yourself and didnt even get raped
Truly the end of times.

She was raped by a whole bunch of demons before that.

Afaik the BD sales of S1 have tanked in Japan pretty hard.

She just enjoyed the sex.
the killing of all her close friends who were essentially her family around it was what ruined the mood a little.
But she is a women. She will still want the alpha even after he killed everything she loves.

they only groped her and cut her, guts stopped them before the apostle with the spike could penetrate her

Fuck you mini-Casca is adorable

What characters do you ship?

Does she even know she was raped by Griffith? All of the members of the Hawk dying without knowing what the fuck was going on.

>Doesn't look like the face of happiness to me.
You are right. Looks like guilty pleasure.
She definitely liked being dicked by Femto/Griffith, but being an irrational woman other feelings like regret, indecisiveness and shame got mixed in as well.

Yeah, she would have already been sverely traumatised before Femto raped her if that was the case.

Plus, i dont see Griffith as wanting sloppy seconds.

I think its more like the divine hold Griffith has over people. I think thats what drove Casca over the edge. Your own sense of will vanishes when confronted by cosmic forces beyond your control. Lovecraft shit basically.

Has Kentaro aknowledged Lovecraft as an influence?

She had passed out and wasn't particularly coherent when she sort of woke up. As for Griffith, keep in mind that he didn't want Casca herself. It was all about getting back at Guts.

Isidro / Isma

Does being raped by an Apostle affect your sanity or only the Godhand?

The wounds dont seem severe enough either.

is she retarded?

>literal reddit posting


>Get raped by horrific eldritch beings
>Mind so broken that i almost don't know how to shit anymore.
>People still arguing that i liked it almost 20 years later.

Just fucking kill me already

To be fair, we also spent 13 years thinking Big Dick Rick was going to go back to Griffith.

When did he lost track about what he was doing? When the several hiatus started?

She did like it.

Split cour

What the fuck happened to Berserk?

There is usually cute bits before shit hits the fan - even the lost children arc had cute lolis being cute and then shit got fucked up.

Maybe is our fault what happened to Berserk?

Miyazaki was right


Quit bitching. The next few chapters will show if Berserk will become great again or if it will go down without much bravado.

>muh manime
Go back to Sup Forums and never come back.

i have swallowed the griffpill

>I mean does Guts even have a reason to still go after Griffith now?

Nigger what? He might have overcome his anger to fix Casca, but Guts still hates Griffith with the fury of a newborn sun

Thanks for the rundown

Don't jump to conclusions user. I am talking about how Miura will handle the Eclipse being shown as how it is burned into Casca's mind, as well as Shierke's and Farnese's reactions; and what will happen when (if) Casca regains her sanity. These are very intricate things for an author to handle and they will show if Miura still knows what he is doing or whether he has given up on Berserk and become tired of it entirely.

i don't remember anymore, is dragonslayer "enchanted" by being bathed in so much demon blood and was it explicitly stated in series or am i just letting headcanon go too wild

I don't recall the exact chapter, but it is stated explicitly.

Headcanon gone wild. It makes no sense whatsoever.

getting mixed messages here guys

Pretty sure it's stated and was the whole reason this attack even worked.

It's stated explicitly by both Schierke and Skull Knight

Nothing prior to Isma's island with all the tentacle people felt Lovecraftian. That place, though, had an Innsmouth vibe.

But you admit that your post was written in a way that invited that conclusion.

>an Innsmouth vibe.
it was an obvious homage/ripoff

fishlooking village denizens? an elder god sleeping under it all? please

early fantasia is easily the weekest berserk to date

Yes, I should have taken the influx of Sup Forumsermin on this board into consideration. My apologies.

she is retarded

why isn't there more doujins of these dicksucking lips

Cuz raep


>350 chapters
>still nothing

being raped itself affects your sanity

if it's not consensual, yeah