Best sakuga
>no naruto
one of these shows has a very large, very obnoxious vocal fanbase on Sup Forums about how it's the greatest show ever,ever since it aired gee I wonder which show will have the most votes
Star Driver?
What was the best sakuga of the 00s? Redline?
Is this bait?
Either some Ghibli shit, whatever Satoshi Kon did or Steam Boy
Mob Psycho 100?
Definitely Mob but since Im a Kyoanus licker ill vote for Nichikino
It's not sakuga if it's not KyoAni.
>Ghibli shit
>superior to the film composed of frames hand-drawed 10000 times over the course of seven fucking years
Except that it doesn't have a vocal fanbase.
>Literally every second of KyoAni anime is sakuga
>thus by definition, literally every second of KyoAni anime is simultaneously sakuga and not sakuga
Explain to me why One Punch Man, a show literally built around sakuga, is not on this list.
Wow when I saw those choices I was expecting the worst but it looks like Sup Forums decided to use it's brain today.
This season was the ultimate proof that animation quality is not important.
The whining threads I keep seeing asking why it flopped and all the normalfags acting like it's god's gift to Japanese animation tells me otherwise.
Flip Flappers had occasional sakuga, but where it actually excelled was the background.
Animation quality was never important, but it is a nice thing to have.
Flip Flappers?
Non Non Biyori Repeat was both a better anime and a better sakuga anime than One Punch Man, which was a bad anime for Sup Forums with bad animation and bad humor.
Where the fuck is Tesabu you fucking ultimate pleb?
If these are the only sakuga candidates in 6 years anime fucking sucks animation-wise. Specially considering none of them are anything special and have quality drops.
>maidragon barely has any sakuga
>it's still better animated than everything else this season
Where's Naruto? Also had the best visual direction.
what is saguga?
Name a TV anime pre-2010 with better animation than Dandy or Nichijou
>quality drops
There will come shitposting once I say this, but actually, LWA has best sakuga this season. Not only it has more than everything but it also is better on quality on its high points.
You may like Maid Dragon all you want but you shouldn't demise other things because of it.
Mob's fanbase is barely vocal, much less large. Threads have been dead for months now.
Is that a correct usage of the word "demise"? Also I agree, it's inconsistent but ultimately more creative.
Started pre-2010s, doesn't count
>Fate garbage
>no Hyouka
How nee
What's the most well-animated laugh?
nichijou is by far the best anime ever made nothing even comes close to the miracle that we have received that is nichijou
Turn A Gundam?
Nichijou > Space Dandy > Mob Psycho > Hyouka >>>> the rest
All the threads I see are mentally retarded people saying Nichibros is better
I agree that its high points are better, but overall it is very hit and miss. Recent episodes are noticeably more static and sloppy.
Do you mean best sakuga in an anime or best anime that used sakuga?
If former then it's Nichijou, if the later then it's Mob Psycho 100.
>best sakuga
This is what the poll says. It does not say "best anime that used sakuga" or "best sakuga anime." It says:
>best sakuga
>Do you mean best sakuga in an anime or best anime that used sakuga?
The former.
>no Yozakura Quartet
Is Nichijou kino?
What did you expect from OP? He's just a faggot.
It is KyoAni, thus it is kino. It would not be kino if it was not industry leaders and Sup Forums's favorite studio Kyoto Animation.
That's a stupid rule
If forced unfunny comedy is kino, then yes.
How long do I have to wait for them to make another Nichijou-tier sakugafest?
There is Violet Evergarden next year.
forced animation
My corrector is retarded, I meant dismiss.
>no ping pong
Violet Evergarden maybe?
It won't be 2 cour, though
is that pedro?
Violet Evergarden probably won't be a good show, but it seems to have a lot of effort going into getting it to look nice.
>doubting kyoani magic
The unbelievers never learn.
>looks like it was drawn by dying aborted fetuses
I guess we'll see if Ishidate is really doomed to be a shit series director because he's Kigami's student.
Do actually believe this, or are you just pretending to be stupid? Say what you will about the fanbase or the writing, or the overall aesthetic, you can't deny the amount of skill that went into its sakuga.
It's completely dishonest to ignore this show's fuckton of sakuga simply because you don't like the show itself.
It seems like most people in this thread are treating it as the latter.
>non non shittori
Kill yourselgf
It looks like shit. Deal with it.
Yeah right, you won't get something like Nichijou or Hyouka until Kyoani gets those Kadokawabucks again. Which seems like never at this point.
Fate UBW is the best looking anime of all time so far, people just hate fate and don't vote for it.
New Game has better sakuga than half of these shows.
Doga Kobo is the second best studio behind KyoAni.
>the best looking anime of all time so far
Even you don't actually believe that.
>the discussion is about animation
>posts some random still from a paused sakuga sequence
You do understand what "animation" means, right?
Not art style.
Not character design.
Things moving in an interesting and intricate way. You can take a still from literally ANY animated sequence, from the most detailed work like Redline or Sword of the Stranger, and it will look weird.
>Basic as fuck red/blue color composition
>Low quality ground/sky images used as textures
>Shitty weightless animation
>Bad choreography that looks like it was made by an edgy pre-teen
I know you´re baiting but there are actual retards who believe in Fate, or any UFO anime for that matter, being good looking.
Space Dandy>Nichijou>Mob Psycho 100>Star Driver>Fate/Zero>Flip Flappers>Fate/stay night UBW
It doesn't matter because it lost to Mob Psycho hard anyway.
>train self in computer programming
>write program that moves imagery of feces in an interesting an intricate way
>entire endeavor validated when calls it sakuga
It's still on a completely different plane from Fate/Zero and deserves mention as a standout sakuga anime.
I mean, for fuck's sake, what's remarkable about F/Z is its digital effects, not its sakuga in particular.
Amagi looked like poo
fuck off kViN, autistic SJW
Wow, great argument. If you can animate as well as Yoshimichi Kameda, literally one of the most renowned animators currently in anime, you really should feel validated.
I mean, light novel adaptations man. Statistically speaking, it'll be bad.
What are the top 10 best animated works in the last 7 years?
Amagi was very low key but compared to most other anime, it was decent.
why are people so obsessed with "the decade" or "the last seven years" or whatever?
Even their low tier productions(Tamako, Amagi, Phantom World, Maidragon) look nice.
>Fate/Zero>Flip Flappers
Nigger Phantom World wasnt a low tier production, it was definitelly the best sakuga show of its season and 3rd of 4th of 2016.
>Hyouka not on the list
Look, Hyouka is fucking boring, but in terms of animation and looks it blows everything in this list.
From what i remember f/z's fight had a lot of weight behind them and relied way less on cg than the F/sn one's but maybe im wrong its been a while since I've watched the show
That's an overstatement, but it deserves a spot.
Why use the term "sakuga" when "animation" works just fine.
Secret club.
UBW did a better job animation wise, and Flip Flappers was far better than both.
Zero isn't that impressive when it comes to sakuga. Ufo as a whole gimmick is that their digital post processing looks pretty, not that they have great animation.
Fate relies a lot on the dragon ball style of fighting, with the `so fast you cant see the sword move, just when they clash´, there is definitelly no weight put into the fights. FliFla was the same, though.
Because "sakuga" is a particular kind of animation, it's not just mouth flaps moving or static images sliding around the screen.
Sakuga is animation that stands out, not every second of an anime is sakuga.