Finally getting to the start of the Cell Games.
DBZ Abridged Episode 57
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>abridged series
I mean, I get that editing is time consuming but did this really take 4 months to make? Aren't they full time on content now?
Fuck off.
my understanding based on twitter is that the next episode is almost done too, and they spent another 2-3 weeks on extra cellgames stuff for fun
>They didn't do Cell vs Alucard
For a mediocre 12 minutes. Their version of Satan is god awful. Hell, original Satan only got good when Buu showed up.
Hopefully the new episode comes soon then. I like the series but it's annoying as hell waiting months and months for 15 minute episodes
I'd say they took January off to have a cry-in over Trump getting elected.
The Cell Games stuff was edited by Innagadadavida and I think written mostly by Taka. I doubt it took much time away from the show.
it was 5 2-minute mini episodes. That's about the same as a full one, especially because they had to get assets from other shows
love it when they're putting out other content, spending time editing it/voicing it and claiming it isn't delaying the show
>almost done
great, so maybe we'll have it by summer.
>my understanding based on twitter is that the next episode is almost done too
Wouldn't shock me. They made a joke this episode that's going to require a lot of editing for future episodes to remain consistent (killing off Mr.Satan's pupils who in this were rivals). I wouldn't be shocked if they wanted to make sure they could pull it off in future scenes before pulling the trigger on the joke proper.
For as much as they talked up Antfish, he wasn't that good.
Hell, I've heard Lani do a much better voice just dicking around in a stream.
It seems more likely that they just removed Satan entirely from the following episodes. The only change they'll have to make is how 16's head gets into the arena.
He'll regain consciousness right before 16 gets blown up.
Well they say editing takes up like 50% of the production time, if that's true and they started this episode immediately after Broly then there'd be about a month total for everyone not named Kaiser to dick off with side projects.
I think the issue is that they're just getting lazy now that they have fame and a sizeable tugboat coming in.
This episode was ok, the intro was great, the ChiChi convo was fun, but too much Mr Satan, who's exactly the exact same way he is in the real show, with the same exact gag.
What could you do to change Mr Satan while still keeping him funny?
Not have him be the entire focus of the episode. This was pretty much point for point a copy of the actual DBZ episode, even ending at the same moment
of course they're getting lazy. they realized they can make money off playing video games, so why the fuck would they actually work? the episodes are getting worse, too.
how about actually fucking changing him in any way shape or form? he was the exact same character. they stopped trying to make their own show and starting making a carbon copy of dragon ball Z
I think the delay was "Let's not release the episode until these mini-crossovers are done", not "Let's take a break from editing to do these!".
They probably had 57 finished and were working on 58 whilst the #CellGames episodes were coming out.
Speaking of Abridged series, when is SAO 11 set to come out.
It's by far the best Abridged out there, but the 6 months between episodes is just ridiculous, especially as they have a "this totes isn't for the abridged series" patreon.
It's a problem for the writers when a character in the show is actually a one dimensional joke character. What do you do with that besides make the same joke? They overplayed it a whole bunch in this one episode but we won't see Satan again for a long time.
>Oh hey! A fan just pointed out that the 29th will be the four-year anniversary of our first episode! Do you think 11 will be done in time?
>YamatoSFX: If it isn't, I think I might die of shame...
Oh shit nigga that's less than a week away.
Can't wait until they get to the incest filled fairy shit.
Do they know about the incest shit? Or will they just pass over it?
God, this was the worst episode in a long time.
For sure, its basically just the show. I did laugh a bit still though.
>literally killing filler characters
The video game stuff used to be good before they stopped doing in-character stuff. Renegade For Life was often legitimately funny, but now they just put out videos of themselves playing and having circlejerk sessions.
Yeah 2 back to back not great episodes is pretty disappointing
Those shorts were somewhat entertaining at least
From the way it's written, it's VERY obvious SWE has watched all of the series. There are too many in jokes and pokes at its flaws for that to not be true. So I'm sure they're well aware
ep17 is the best
nothing will ever come close to it
I am not a pokemon.
Two Saiyans play was funny. Renegade for Life was incredibly hit and miss. 75% of the episodes were Lani either plating a shitty physics game and overacting or him playing an FPS and screaming "everything dies" 50 times.
Fuck up and fuck off underage newfags.
That is true. Super Wagon Adventure Turbo and I Am Bread were the ones I really liked. I'll give him credit for giving the series an ending instead of just stopping making them like they did with Goku's Gonna Show You.
If the Buu arc and everything after it filler as well?
I skipped all the Mr Satan stuff.
All that "kill Son Goku" buildup for THAT!?
>pic related is TFS
I hope they make him a broken man in later episodes and in the future
The original joke for the Kirito/Asuna sex scene was to suddenly cut to Sugu crying on comatose Kirito after he saw Asuna naked, so they definitely have stuff planned.
These may be characters in Kai but they don't appear in the manga
They were only funny until you got tired of them screaming the funniest lines from season 1. It's amazing, they ruined their credibility and season 1 at the same time
TFS has been trash ever since they started their lets play streamwhoring and other cancer, Patreon was the final nail.
I wish those fat Hillaryloving fucks would die already
The Simcity one will never not be hilarious though.
Is Little Kuriboh still making things? And are they good?
Their best content is still the fight against Raditz.
>Damn it! And there was no way to get out of it!
>You know you could've just flown
>it was 7 years ago
Look, a triggered Sup Forumstard
Back to your safe space
Die libcuck
You responded to that insanely fast. Were you just sitting there waiting and hoping someone would reply to you? Hilarious.
Libcuck scum you're going to be executed once Trump opens his FEMA camps
He's actually been releasing episodes much more regularly in the last couple of years. Still about 2 and a half months between episodes, but better than his usual track record.
He doesn't edit them anymore though, and you can't subscribe to him without getting tons of his depression vlogs or wrestling updates.
This is the kind of thing that i dislike from TFS now, they just keep repeating their own "memes"
Make him a genuinely noble and selfless character, trying to save the world from the evil monster for the sake of those who cannot save themselves.
WTS dbz dubs are better
Now you're just falseflagging a Sup Forumsack
that cell and ten exchange was awesome
You are now realizing that the abridged is the best version.
still the best
DBZ Abridged went from a funny parody to simply being a better written more concise version of DBZ that takes fucking forever for an episode to release that lost the funny.
It wouldn't be quite as bad if it didn't take this long for a 10 minute episode to release, that and this episode apart from the interaction between Cell and Tenshinhan had me completely bored.
The WWE Satan joke just dragged on for soooo looooong.
I think the next ep is better. Either way it's definitely their prime.
He put out a new episode last month. They're ok
I feel like ygotas at least eventually embraced that they're repeating old jokes
Start at 2:45~
Cell: And Yamcha! What a surprise, how's it going man?
Yamcha: Oh, ah... good. I brought towels and water bottles...
Cell: And like that you've already contributed more than Vegeta.
hardly and absolutely not.
>"Oh, this episode has my favourite joke in it! Wait for it..."
>[new episodes every week]
Are you a wrestling fan?
If so, yes. It's called The Mark Remark.
>you can't subscribe to him without getting tons of his depression vlogs or wrestling updates.
Fucking this
>yu gi oh abridged episode 50 is now online.
Now that was disappointing.
>DBZ Abridged went from a funny parody to simply being a better written more concise version of DBZ that takes fucking forever for an episode to release that lost the funny.
satan wwe was terrible. the rest was really good. fuck all yall
>a better written more concise version of DBZ
I dunno what the fuck that Android 16 bit was. Besides that, I liked it okay.
I wish it was longer, but, whatever, this is where TFS is now and I doubt it's gonna change. So much for "one episode a month", eh, Kaiser?
>post yfw Satan is dead and Videl grows up an orphan.
>Satan gets remembered as a hero and Gohan still doesn't get credit
That would make Videls and Gohan's relationship a lot more interesting
Mr. Satan is either dead or he's going to be half-retarded from brain damage for the rest of the series.
Satan would just get revived at the end of the arc when they revive everyone killed by Cell (with the exception of the people that were killed by Piccolo Sr.)
>he's going to be half-retarded from brain damage for the rest of the series.
There's no way they could pull that off and have it not be shit.
YGOTAS is the first and last good abridged anime series.
Until they say otherwise, he's not dead, just very badly injured.
What about yes yes love adventure go? Whatever happened to it?
if he ends up with braindamage for the rest of the arc it was worth it
it's not a video game though retard
I wish purpleyes wasn't dead
>So much for "one episode a month", eh, Kaiser?
>expecting a homo killary supporter to keep his promises
Here's your (you)!
>Tien/Cell interaction was good
>Android 16/Goku interaction was okay
>Offscreen FUCK by the reporter after Hercule pushed him was good
>Hercule wasn't good
>KILL HIM was good
Decent ep for them
>spent all that time on #CellGames
>didn't reference any of it
>have resorted to just copying DBZ episodes 1:1 almost so their content lasts longer and they're no longer irrelevant
>taking longer and longer with each episode
>drop the Sunday line for the Cell Games to start
>he won't actually be Sunday ruining the wrestling thing
>you'll be waiting another 8 years for the Buu Saga
>let alone them finally getting to Super so they can still have content and jobs
What a mess. This isn't even an Abridged anymore, its just...DBZ.
DBZA really took a slide in quality after Namek saga, just like the original.
DBZA Vegeta was the best character in the best arc, just like the original.
Cell Saga feels redundant and a little stale, just like the original.
I'm only here for Kai Abridged, which we won't get until the post-Cell hiatus.
I'm more worried about the creepy rapist villain
What pisses me off is that they were full-fledged on the Bern train in the summer, talked all kinds of shit on Hillary, then the second she gets the nomination it's "lel, anybody but Drumpf". Reason the system sucks so much now is because of cucks who don't wanna stand up for /theirguy/.
But honestly, Kaiser's probably the least obnoxious. His twitter is cancerous, but he's not as bad as Lani and Taka are on stream.
Unfortunately it took a nosedive in quality ever since the Noah virtual world filler arc... just like the actual show
>What pisses me off is that they were full-fledged on the Bern train in the summer, talked all kinds of shit on Hillary, then the second she gets the nomination it's "lel, anybody but Drumpf".
This is how rational humans acted, though.
>killing babies is rational
They're gonna be revived by the Dragonballs, though.