
Why do people watch this boring anime? I watched 1st ep it sucked dick then watched the 2nd one hoping it would get more interesting but holy shit I almost dozed off

Nichijou is one of the most universally hated shows on Sup Forums tho.

do you want muh deep plot you fucking faggot
it is literally the three stooges animated

maybe anime isn't for you

Because people with different tastes enjoy different styles of comedy.

nichijou is by far the greatest anime of all time
nothing can even compete to the glorious anime that is nichijou
kill yourself for your lack of taste

Holy shit what a concept. We should spread this message far and wide.

I enjoying watching GOOD ANIME highlighted all the good shit for u user

If you take a few hours to watch one episode it isn't so bad. Just pause every time something completely uninteresting happens and come back later.

>boku no hero
not even gonna read the rest lmao

I'm almost sure this thread is bait and you only want to make people mad or something
But maybe it isn't and you can't understand that comedy can be difficult to get. Maybe Nichijou is too smart for you.

It's not really bad, I mean it is slice of life afterall so I wasn't expecting a deep plot or nothing.

But I felt that the "randomness" the show threw at me wasn't very funny.

It's like the teacher is standing in a swimsuit and Yuuko is staring at him with a shocked look on her face. It's like a joke with no punchline.

worst new trip


dumb phoneposter

Why do you phrase your opinion as if it's true for everyone? That's the real question here.

>It's a bait thread

Another pseudo-argument. What a miserable thread.

What did he mean by this?

Also it's hard to have a good thread when the OP is so shit.

>Why OP made this boring thread? I read 1st line it sucked dick then read the 2nd one hoping it would get more interesting but holy shit I almost dozed off

Why do you hate fun OP?

All nichijou-threads have been bait threads. No exceptions.

the humor is something you get used to. it took me 7 episodes to really start loving it.

Honestly, truly, if you are unable to appreciate the masterpiece that is Nichijou, you don't deserve to watch anime anymore.

>watched a grand total of about 50 anime
>all of them post 2010 save for Spirited Away
Just stop posting, your opinion is less than worthless.

Now THIS is some high-level bait


Stop replying to yourself.

just turn your brain off

it's just kyoani dicksuckers pretending it's good

they do this with every kyoani show

Dropped it half way second episode
You need some high level autism to enjoy this

The "randomness" in Nichijou actually contains a lot of hidden messages/puns that require you to read between the lines a little and know what's happening instead of just watching it like a regular sitcom. But what most people like to do is wait for a punchline because they're too stupid to realize that it isn't a regular sitcom.

This anime is incredible. it's so deep, but seemingly very simple, complimented by the art style none the less.
this show, i can't really put into words how incredible it is, because it itself is so unique and different that...
it's the equivalent of any person who, when they're preforming, are introduced as "a person who needs NO introduction."

cute girls doing ______

Holy shit

Nichijou has about 8 bad jokes for every 1 good joke.

It's because most of this is exaggerated from normal Japanese day to day shit, but you wouldn't understand that if you weren't from japan or a total fucking weeb.

Nichijou is not about the jokes it's about the charm.

This is probably too autistic to be bait.

Wow. You should really go kill yourself.



Why tho. Isn't it like Azumanga with a higher budget?
There isn't anything else like aZUMANGa and it makes me sad. Tis is the is lcloseset thig to it.

time for bed my friend

Go home user you are drunk.