and raw finally
Why didn't you just post this first?
What the fuck is her problem now?
She literally made him into her bitch.
It posted like ten seconds later. long enough for me to refresh three times and still have time to rip the twitter version before I can get it. Blame saizensen.
>tfw TL is drunk and MIA
Dammit, fucking friday nights.
Misuzu best girl.
Why don't you just wait those ten seconds instead of feeling the need to post this thread the very second any version of the page is available?
not him but you are acting like a whiny bitch
probably a tanabefag
I missed yesterday's page. Someone post it or else.
smug carol best carol
I had already posted it by the time it showed up. I didn't know if it would be then or two minutes later.
I probably can tomorrow.
Check the archive you lazy cuck
Oh boy, here we go again.
>misuzu wanted to be saved by Jun
Here, homo.
eh nani
Will Misuzu ever be satisfied? FUCK.
>It huuuuuurts.
>Don't worry it's gonna get worse
>Tomo's amazing
>It's easy to see how anyone would fall for her
>I don't know what you're talking about...
>Stop talking nonsense...
>Oh, I'm sorry misuzu, I was just thinking out loud!
>She's single, so no one would mind if I date her right?
Causing trouble for Tomo and making Tomo feel guilty about causing trouble for Misuzu.
say that to my face busta
I'll satisfy her with my love
Carol should have been raped.
>She's single, so no one would mind if I date her right?
yeah nah you're a fag
>She's single, so no one would mind if I date her right?
The absolute madwoman
We get it fukuda, sheis gay.
I call bullshit
I only read this for Tomo.
Nice fake
use the eye dropper tool and pic the white form the speech bubbles rathern than the pure white.
>take the Twitter version if it's posted first
>trim off the top 60 pixels
>trim off the bottom 30 pixels
There. This results in the beloved raw. Everything in the middle 91% is functionally identical.
Yeah, I'm going to wait for another TL just to be sure. This posting style is very different than any of our normal translatorfags.
Title: That's why I like her, that's why she's far away (I'm not sure how this title is supposed to be parsed and looking at Twitter reactions actual natives aren't entirely sure either)
Panel 1
Leader guy: AIIIEEEEE!!
Tomo: Let's go over there and have some fun, shall we?
Carol: Poor guy.
Panel 2
Carol: Tomo-chan ended up coming anyway.
Misuzu: That's how she is, so I had a feeling she'd show up...
Panel 3
Carol: I love that about Tomo-chan!
Panel 4
Carol: Do you not?
Title: He would mind, She would mind
That and he didn't even translated the fucking title
goddamnit /u/ why you gotta be so obscure
legit tl, I got somewhat the same context
So we were right?
>Carol: I love that about Tomo-chan!
>Panel 4
>Carol: Do you not?
And they thought I was bullshiting...
>Misuzu: "This isnt my knight Jun or Tanabe.."
>Tomo: Let's go over there and have some fun, shall we?
Thanks for the advice
/u/ ?
Does it count as NTR if Tomo rapes someone else?
Why is Misuzu upset about Tomo coming to save her?
that barely helps us
>Let's go over there and have some fun, shall we?
Carol loves Tomo-chan like that.
Does Misuzu like Tomo-chan like that?
>Let's go get around and play
>or Tanabe
Noise, reduced, MF thinks in Dolby
Chop that ass in half like Obi-Wan Kenobi
Greatest of all time, God straight up told me
Greatest of all time, the Devil even told me
Misuzu is gay and Carol is bullying her because of it!
Carol hates fags!
Why is Carol so evil
Why isn't Jun in this chapter yet again
>Let's play a little game over there.
>Poor asshole.
>So Tomo-chan showed up.
>Tomo is Tomo after all.
>She'd probably brought some lube with her.
>I... really love that side of Tomo-chan!
>How about you?
It's just a continuation of this, like 99% sure.
>the fake translation first
>I... really love that side of Tomo-chan!
Wait. Has Tomo already dicked Carol?
Carol is the best.
So, back to 17D chess?
Yuri bulling is the best kind of bullying!
It's worth noting that the leading interpretation on Twitter is that it's a continuation of Misuzu's line about only being able to do things for her own sake. The fact that Tomo does things for others is why Misuzu likes her, and that's why Tomo is far away from her (which could be meant in a few different senses)
>I had a feeling she'd show up
This is some anime bullshit. She specifically avoided contacting her. She just showed up by chance.
She's that sort of person.
And she called her BFF. it's not like she didn't know the likelihood.
I don't get it
I'm having a hard time connecting that page with even though they're one after the other. What's the connection with Tomo doing things for others and Misuzu doing things for herself? That seems like a real existential load for a teenager to think about.
Because she wanted Jun to save her?
it should've been this
It gives her the butterflies.
She wants tomo to stop being a manly hero so she doesn't get any gayer
user's TL kinda suck for that page though
Maybe it just makes Misuzu feel like shit? That's the best I can come up with.
Ok then.
it kind of is.
I know it's a ruse, but it's a funny one.
Replace the title with "he would mind, she would mind" I thought about doing that but forgot putting a title that would work with the joke.
Do we have any drawfags here? If this image had a few touch-ups it'd look seemless
Nobody cares about Misuzu
i do
I'm actually the drawfag, and yeah, the butchered parts annoy me, but I'm feeling lazy, it was a long day today. So I'm just drinking beer and posting shit.
You're right. I was having problems with title anyway; it was too long.
Misuzu isn't athletic, she can't stand in the same place Jun and Tomo can. In her mind, if Jun and Tomo got together as they are now, she feels like she would get pushed out of Tomo's life.
So, she wants Jun to fall in love with girly Tomo. By making Jun see Tomo as a girl, rather than his bro, it'll make Jun not want to partake in athletic activities as much.
By giving Tomo advice that she needs to be girly to win Jun, Tomo is willing to do all the girly things Mizusu like to do, which means they spend more time together.
The reason she was upset that Tomo came was because it's the exact opposite of what she wants happening for her plan. She wants Tomo to be girly and for Jun to see Tomo as girly.
What she got was Tomo coming to rescue her, and Jun knowing that Tomo is about to beat up some dudes, reinforcing his idea that Tomo is his bro, rather than the girly Tomo that Misuzu wants Jun to see.
upload this to batoto
So does this mean that Misuzu has been developing feelings for Jun?
>She feels like
She's probably right. The way Jun describes it, even as kids they were also together doing athletic shit with each other. Meanwhile Misuzu showed up twice, once when Tomo had to carry her up a flight of stairs, and another when Jun got beat up. Although at another point Jun did mention that Misuzu did hang out with them quite a bit. I think the flash back retconned that somewhat.
>because it is such a child
>I thought I was coming
I've seen this fucking interaction at least 5 times by now. Fuck off Fumita you fucking hack.
I don't think they are aimed at Jun, user