Can dragon lolis be cool?
Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon
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No, only adorable and in need of spoiling.
Yeah metal
fair enough
Punk Rock Tohru is cool too
I want this series to end with Kanna transform her mouth into a gigantic dragon maw to devour Saikawa whole.
>twintail kanna
>strings have same thickness
My autism is tingling
I want shove Kanna down and reveal her secret tail to her school mates
Maybe it's a weird angled Bass Guitar.
>6 string bass
>still same thickness
That doesn't change anything user
remove this
Maybe they are tone deaf and it's like giving a kid a nerf gun.
this is arousing,,,
Marathoned this shit in 1 day
was good
kanna is for growing up
At the rate they're going...only if she's hammered and on another maid rant.
Jeez, get drunk and rape your little sister just that one time and none of your immortal friends ever let you hear the end of it.
We will know once we get oe by a studio that isn't anti-lolicon horse shit.
>Tooru is not my Dragon maid
Shit, also didn't notice they fell for the six string bass meme.
What a shame
doujins of this when?
Punk rock tooru
I want to cover those tits in my (s)punk.
Hopefully Vol.1 second week will be good.
so what will happen in season 2?
>season 2
I've read The Secret. You just have to hope real hard for something and it'll happen.
It hurts so fucking bad bro
1. She hides it with her magic anyway.
2. Pick a powerset to overpower her with. She could destroy the world on her own.
I'd even be willing to try her tail meat
ain't that shit poisonous?
The Secret is bullshit. For a long time I had hoped for my waifu to become real.
wrong m8, you have to FLAMWENCO nonstop till it happens
doesn't seem to bring manglobe from the ded tho ;_;
She removes it.
Iruru cucks tooru
Don't reply to him, he keeps spamming this shit, mods should start banning his ass.
uhh this wasn't in any of the episodes
did I miss something?
Its the BD special
This. I want see the busty dragon goddess futafuck her sister.
I'm going to read the manga and there's not a thing you can post to stop me.
>not having the drunken oneechan femdom her futanari imouto
>Not having both of them femdom you at once.
Soon. Look how much she mellowed out in only a year.
>More of Tooru's dragon form next week
Hopefully we get the almost naked drunk Tooru too.
go way you ruin a loli
no you only like tits, what normalfags enjoy
Normalfags also like to breathe, you're better than that, you should stop
you are very funny, but this not how this shit works you normalfag
No ruins lolis for you little cunto
Untied Hair Tooru is cute
One or two more of such displays and Kobayashi will lose control.
i wish i was kobayashi
she has literally everything i wanted in life
a nice programming job, a big apartment with a bedroom and a couch
a dragon maid and daughter would be nice to have too
Abe`s hypnosis is taking hold, user.
It`s glorious.
>Final episode on Wednesday.
>Won't hear the story of how Lucoa drunkenly raped her sister.
Thank God I dropped this anime after episode 4. To see that the moe moe uguu Loli dragon is front and center at the final episode makes me happy I dodged a bullet there.
if only you stopped going to the threads too
How do you trick Kanna into lewding herself?
>season 2
only if they rock out with their cock out
Locoua looks even more brain-damaged here than usual.
Most of GodAni's masterpieces have sequels.
Expect they used 4 volumes out of 5 for one season. they have nothing to work expect one volume and you can't do a 12 episode season after that.
So? That has nothing to do with what that user implied and I never said they'd make a sequel for it.
More like in need of bapping