Junji Ito thread

I really like the girls that junji draw and the stories he created.
How come nobody had made anime series base on his works ?
With the number of shorts he created,
it can make a vary good horror anthology show. We can have Tomi as the horror host .




Given the level of detail and realism to the backgrounds and characters they'd probably have to do it like ergo proxy. But it might not quite capture the same eerie tone.

I think it could work with a less traditional, common style, and it would work better with a more artsy one.
Maybe like kuuchuu buranko but obviously with a darker set of tones.
Maybe like Shaft, not in the monogatari character style, but in the presentation, the backgrounds and so on, or nevermind that, but the Monogatari bgm is eerie as fuck and it could werk.

But yeah, it's a shame, even a short form series could be perfect.

ufotoables Gyo worked fine.


It really didn't. It cut out a lot of the story that didn't need to be cut and the 3D was horrendous. The character design and animations were fine but other than that it just wasn't good.
As evident by the fact OP didn't mention it.

>How come nobody had made anime series base on his works ?
Yeah, user, I think there's something we need to talk about

I want Tomie to murder my soul.

I love Ito's girls. They are sexy as fug.
I wish his non horror series got some scans, I would read them simply for the cute girls.

the greatest comedy of all time




Here are more


I agree they are vary pretty


This question had been in my head for a while.
How do you think a story about a good and kind heart Tomie will be like ? It will make a interesting story.
She has good heart because she's a
mutant but still has the same power and cursed and beauty

This masterpiece is the only one that needs adaptation.


Maybe he can do a pokemon manga

Just read this earlier and it was fucking hilarious.

I hope Yon and Muu are doing okay.

That one story with the beached sea monster made me physically ill. I feel like he is able to prick the disgust center of my brain in very specific ways. Fantastic art and concepts, though I wish more of the endings were as good.

Looks like Tomie is the only one got away, not even the monster woman model got to escape , but she did

Ito's girls seems to always has this unhealthy beauty feel, do you like like the girl he draw ?

And they arr rook the same.

What makes his girls so attractive?

Remina is my favourite.

Don't know exactly, they just seems to have a charming feel in them that I couldn't explain


Afraid to search on my own but ever tried to search in sadpanda?


remina is the best

that and DRR