Is Sword Oratoria going to be worth it for these two?

Is Sword Oratoria going to be worth it for these two?

aiz cream >>> bell
this is railgun all over again

>Danmachi without Hestia
What's the fucking point?

The other girls in the show have infinitely more appeal than that meme oppai loli

Hestia doesn't get LN spin off


shutup and post more hestia!

I remember disliking the whole show and almost all characters. I don't think this will change with this arc.

They are going to be main cast so it is

I read the official Twitter said she will appear but not main cast

When's the main manga going to get its thumb out of its arse and actually start making some real progress, though?

I'm not normally a brownfag but can't argue with my dick.

It's worth it if there's more porn of them.

Pixiv had better not let me down on this one.

Are we ever going to see Freya kill Ishtar animated? See that bone chilling confession from Freya to Bell animated?

browns molesting aiz pls

Yes. I hope there will be more doujin for them in the future.


oh sweet christ no

I need more amazons losing to the cock

Has anyone translated that Elf spinoff yet? She's the only good girl in the show.


But this should be more action oriented. It's the other way around.

It will be worth it for Lefiya.

My brother of godly taste.

Shit doujin.

A man of taste has appeared

Remove knife ears.

For the love of God, Asanagi better fucking do another doujin with these two.

>Remove the only reason I watch this show

For what purpose?

>Most popular Danmachi doujin is that one
>Not any of the hundreds Hestia doujins

Loki familia are pretty good in general. There's a nice cast of characters there working in large scale stuff unlike Bell's solo or small party adventures.

Didn't realize until I rewatched Danmachi that furry Accelerator is also voiced by Nobuhiko. Surely that's not a coincidence.

Is watching this worth it for those two?

Asanagi is just boring to me now. Like watching those Saw movies

>Brown anime women
No thanks.


the only good kind of brown women

This, can't wait for new doujin


Is Haimura the artist?

>Tried fapping to this
>Fapped so much to this couldn't get hard
What do with my limp dick now?

Railgun had better action scenes in S1 than all 2 seasons of Index.

I really like Bete. Getting to hear him in a more prominent position is going to be great.

So is this harem or does MC only like Aiz?
I hope the brown girls are in the harem.

She is liked by Bell, Bete and Lefiya.
One brown is Finnsexual and the other is just a good friend.


>Hestia is Bestia meme
>Dropped the show because of her

Give it a break, or give it more extreme/novel material.
I suggest the former, because the latter will just make the problem worse down the line.