There's four Muslim Syrian refugees in my high-school they all have girlfriends. All the blacks except one that i know of have a girlfriend. The hispanics all have girlfriends. The only ethnicity besides whites that don't have girlfriends is Asians. I mean seriously why the hell do girls not like white guys anymore? Is this the fault of the Jews since they control the media and that controls our standards?
Why Is Race-mixing So Common Now a Days?
Why is gay acceptance so common these days?
Why is accepting women being sluts so common these days?
Why is mass immigration so common these days?
They all have the same answer. Brainwashing from the media and projection of guilt if you speak your mind.
Once you stop caring about upsetting people in your life and say what you want then you have won and they are powerless.
Because hormones. If there were no laws against murder and assault there would be chaos because violence is just as innate to the human specie as fucking.
because globalism
there is more access to it, so to say
100 years ago, there were hardly any niggers or sandniggers around (in Europe anyway) and if they were, they weren't here for peaceful reasons (not that they are now, they just hide it better)
Obvious concern trolling is obvious.
Didn't answer the question. Shouldn't they be attracted to white guys?
oh you're an obvious troll
Hispanic's not a race fucktard
Do i give a fuck retard?
So you would blame a spaniard for a mestizo crime? Fuck off kike
Holy shit you're stupid.
Because what you are saying is empirically false, as I just showed.
Empirically, yeah according to stats from some shitty dating website. I know what i see at school. and why the hell do i not have a girlfriend im jacked as fuck, smart as fuck, tall as fuck, and blond hair blue eyed. If the jews weren't tricking us i would be swimming in pussy.
Hispanic isn't a race
> Expecting us to believe your claims
> Not understanding what anecdotal evidence is
> Failing to realize I linked a study done by Yahoo Personals
My claim was girls don't like white guy. Are there girls that don't like white guys? YES, so my claim is CORRECT
You contradicted yourself in one sentence.
> My claim was girls don't like white guy
Herein, you imply it is all girls.
> Are there girls that don't like white guys?
Herein, you state it's a small minority, which is contradictory to what you said in OP and the beginning of that sentence.
I never said it was all girls retard.
If you can be attracted to anime girls who don't exist, why is it so far-fetched for you to understand that you can love people of other races?
Hence, why I said imply; your continued usage of statements like "why the hell do girls not like white guys anymore?" quite clearly implies more than a few to any reasonable observer; you're being extremely intellectually dishonest, to say the least.
I don't understand how anyone is attracted to cartoons
White men are attractive, but you need to stop limiting yourself to only talking with white women because women can pick up on insecurities.
Because brown guys are cool unlike pasty white nerds. Deal with it faggot.
The nerds part is true. It's all in the behavior.
Black men can't even get action on Tinder despite years of BBC propaganda. Stay mad, bro.
Cuz america whites=low test and all the celeb white whores have black bfs
I remember this show, I liked it.
If I go back will it all be SJW nonsense I don’t remember?