Don't drop the soap, Donald

Don't drop the soap, Donald.
Your cell is almost ready.

Other urls found in this thread:

Your a goddamn faggot

Trump Just Fired Mueller's Ass LMAO


He hasn't got the balls.

leftys sure do love showing penises

>the obese plebbitor with crippling social anxiety and a job history only a 16 year old would be proud of has come into unfamiliar territory and is attempting to bait the denizens of a Indonesian Claymation board

Oh no a redditor came and posted on Sup Forums this will surely be the end of Trump's presidency

>He hasn't got the balls.
The left really can't meme right some of the dumbest things I've ever seen come from the left so sad they try to copy it but

>b..but Sup Forums is muh trumpkin safespace
u fatties nervous?