ITT: Anime characters that deserve their own spin-off anime

ITT: Anime characters that deserve their own spin-off anime


What does she even do besides rub up against shota-kun and wear skimpy clothes? She's not a very good character, even for Maidragon which is pretty shallow and one-dimensional to begin with.

That anime dosen't deserve it's own show

pretty much all the dragons really

just think an entire anime of Kanna and her loli companion

It would only work as hentai.

My mummy Lucoa is so cute!

Back to the topic: every side charactet from Kyoani shows deserves his own spinoff more than any MC from shows that other studios shat out every season.

I'd read/watch an Isekai starring her

>generic ded joke goes here

Dammit life sucks

The only thing I really like about her is her eyes, instant waifu candidate

But dude tits and le thicc maymay

These retards.

>no 7-year hand drawn OVA series about Machinehead's rise to the top


>getting spinoffs
>not just taking over the main series for yourselves


I will never understand why they weren't the main characters.

>jackfags at it again

Everyone knows Hopper and Depp carried the show and it would be boring as shit without them. Jack is a shitty meme character.

>Not bathhouse owner

Get some fucking taste, plebs.

they had some good adventures in the manga

Actually, Hiwako and her driver, from Gingitsune.
It never happens though.


Chuunibyou without Utah & his dumb gf & crush.
Purely SoL comedy about Mori Summer, Deko, & Kumin.

I totally agree.
"Adventures of the young and beautiful witch Kazane" would nice, too.
Preferably with her being the unreliable narrator.

>tfw we will never get to see them as parents

Fortunately she got the spinoff that she deserved. And it's the best thing that came from Fate.

>best thing that came from Fate.
That's Carnival Phantasm, but Prisma is still good.

A great thing about Slayers is that all of the main characters could have helmed their own series, but I always dreamed of one with my favorite girl (and her chimera sidekick).



Absolutely nothing.

Her character begins and ends at "has cowtits".

Sauce? Reverse image search turns up nada

It's Kazane from Witch Craft Works. I can't remember the exact episode.


Thanks very much user


I want an anime about Quetzalcoatl set shortly before the Spanish conquest.


About what?

Killing other gods and the sacrifices offered to her?

fuck you user!

>Implying you wouldn't watch an anime that shows thousands of shotas being "sacrificed" to Quetzalcoatl

she was honestly too good for this shit show

naw men, i mean i love lucoa but lets not go that far

Madam president & Vice shenanigans.

Oh wait.

He's more of a character in Amagi to begin with.

And had more air-time for that matter I think.



literally one punch man with one girl