Europe before christcucktianity and civilization
Europe before christcucktianity and civilization
Lots of anti Christian threads lately.
Lots of anti religion, its a good thing.
>Europe before christcucktianity and civilization
Literally a shithole.
Divide and conquer threads.
Nuns are exactly like Muslims
> "Good thing"
Found the Atheist, Go back to Plebbit Retard.
> Nuns are exactly like Muslims
Imagine being this Gaytheist.
These paintings are from and depict live in Christian Europe though, lmao
>europe before Christianity
>posts a beautiful work from a christian painter in a christian art style depicting a character from christian legend
PLEASE tell me you're trolling
Threadly reminder that Jews are the biggest, most virulent anti-Christians on the face of the earth, and a large chunk of what they're doing in the west is designed to destroy any last vestiges of Christianity and its influence. Enjoy doing the kikes' work while you LARP as a viking while waiting for your mom to heat up your pizza rolls.
>Lots of anti Christian threads lately.
it's finally happening, Sup Forums is finally waking up
If you support Christianity you give an additional tool the government can use to control and manipulate people. It's common knowledge all they do is parade for gay rights and suck on African feet
had a lot more joy, was a lot closer to nature.
different tribes were very different, i.e.: the Teutons were quite different to the Saxons. but they fought in a more civilised manner than now. they were proud to die. they accepted reincarnation.
Was full of even more rape
Daily reminder that Christians worship a Jew and the Bible is the most Jewed book in the world.
>christian art style
You mean European art style.
>christian legend
Arthurian myths are Christianized pagan.
dont let up on the christcucks. you're doing the lord's work.
it's like you haven't read the bible at all. but please keep doing the kike's work for him.
Here is a quick rundown:
1. Baptism/Confirmation are the gateways to being chosen, not ethnicity.
2.Some of the original chosen - Judeans followed Christ and became Christians, others, the talmudic offshoot of the Judeans (became part of what we know as Jews today) renounced the true Messiah.
“For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendants, heirs according to promise” (Galatians 3:26-29).
The best of European art is Pagan
wtf are you talking about the whole art culture of the Renaissance was heavily Catholic.
Bouguereau was raised Catholic, he painted angels in many of his works, was inspired by similarly Catholic Italians. (Who not only deeply felt their Catholic faith but painted for Cathedrals and would otherwise not have had many of the opportunities afforded to them.)
Christianity built our culture and that culture is under attack.
Without religion the State is the absolute authority and you can't make an argument against it. You are literally ass-backward in what you say.
>God gives life liberty, pursuit of happiness
Can't take it away since you didn't give it
>State gives universal health Care or gun rights, etc
They can be taken away since they had the authority to give them
>That bulge
Hfs give me sauce
>Europe before christcucktianity and civilization
KEK, what a faggot, this artists was a DEEPLY RELIGIOUS CATHOLIC you fucking MONGOLOID
This painting is christian
>Europe before christianity
Apparently Putin actually does age.
that pic makes no sense historically
Empires existing has something to do with religion hurr durr
Daily reminder you're either uneducated or a shit poor troll.
The majority of people on Sup Forums are atheist, newfag
KEK Fagans are extremely retarded. King Arthur is the alter ego of Jesus christ himself the 12 knights are a reference to the 12 apostles.
Haha, du är lite bakom lyckta dörrar eller hur?
The majority of people in the real world aren't you Neil Degreased cuck.
>Defending Abrahamic sandnigger religion.
That abrahamic God built the western world. Odin's power is useless once you leave your basement user.
Christcuck calling me a cuck? That's rich. And i'm talking about on Sup Forums, not in the real world
Fucking heretic Pagans! They need based jew Jesus to be more civilzed. Greek and Roman civilization are fake civilizations constructed by Satanic heretics.
Baseless claim.
I get that you hate the Jews and even religion but you can't really compare a major world religion with any polytheistic belief. I'll even give you that Christianity is too polite and passive. But it's also very anti-semitic at it's base. It's laughable to consider it as a way for Jews to control whites. It's also a huge cultural, ethical, and social force.
You're actually wrong. Almost all of that art work was commissioned by religious nobles.
You'll see the personal works are almost always pagan or un-Christian in nature.
The sculpture particularly is clearly Roman in origin.
And the majority on Sup Forums are Christian. Go back to your futa/robot board
>art portraing Jesus and angels
Pick one.