ITT: Shows that will never get a 2nd season
umaru hamstershit
maou shit (both of them)
I really liked the alchemist episodes a lot. Thought the ending was too melodramatic though.
It's not fair.
The one with the Jap loli in France.
Ninin Ga Shinobuden
Mitsudomoe (a complete one)
Bamboo Blade
It hurts.
Witch craft works
Why didn't they kiss? ;_____;
Why would it get a season 2 when it's fucking over?
They did in the novels.
Because there's a sequel novel series.
Three sequel novels, user.
Really? Can you post it please? Please.
About what?
They move to the US and set up a detective agency.
That's all I know because they will never get translated.
This manga was pretty fucking awful.
thank god, gosick was shit
Really? I like it a lot.
no, you're shit.
Ikoku Meiro no Croisée?
Its author dropped off the radar leaving the manga with only two volumes.
Which is a damn shame, literally the comfiest moe show ever.
Now there's four: Red, Blue, Pink, Green. A new one comes out each winter.
I hope you can read Japanese. This took place near the end of the last volume of the first series and was adapted as the very last scene in the anime. I wish they hadn't left it out.
Man don't remmind me of it, I already got the ending stuck on my head.
The opening was also great.
Loved every bit of it.
Every thread.
I see what you did there user.
Good riddance.
at least the ending was fulfilling
Is there even enough material for it to be possible yet?
This and Jintai are all that I ask.
Fuck me, I want to reread the manga now
This one doesn't need a second season.
This one does.
>umaru hamstershit
I don't want it either, but I heard it was actually confirmed.
>go sick
no thanks
Kill yourself.
Obviously nozaki-kun.
Pandora Hearts
Fun the animation.
I really miss it.