Your most hated love triangle?
Your most hated love triangle?
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Source is Nanashi no Asterism, by the way.
ones like this
Update when
What about?
The Third Wheel is basically NTR.
>the interloper
I think it got canceled.
Detective Conan.
Conan/Shinishi loves Ran and vice versa.
But then Ayomi also loves Conan
(the interloper)
And Haibara might have a thing for Conan too (still the Interloper), but Conan loves Ran, and Mitsuhiku loves Haibara.
The show is really fucked and i wish Conan and Haibara would just get together while Ran dies
>Is My Hobby Weird?
Made me chuckle.
Now this is monogatari
So just an orgy?
Also almost a get user.
Have a (you)
The manga or the translation?
get out of Sup Forums
There should be a few smaller dot.
Whats it called when its the the opposite?
Mylene and Gamlin love eachother
Mylene loves Basara
Basara doesnt love her
Still Mylene doesnt commit to Gamlin even though she has no chance with Basara
>School days
any MMF is cancer
So basically, both men love the wife's sister.
And the wife is the dumb bitch that's just being used for sex.
The manga.
The "Is my Hobby Weird" from a doujin right ? but the other girl is just a third wheel.
Stop that
>The Interloper
Strawberry Panic
>Stop that.
Matsuri and her Oneechans
Nanashi no Asterism
>but the other girl is just a third wheel.
A friend with benefits
It's advanced NTR. The one that stole away the life ultimately ends up getting double NTR'd, he has a superficial relationship with the wife while she thinks of the husband and the sister has sex with the husband, making him the loser.
Ah fuck. Well, it was fun while it lasted.
The interloper always ruins fucking everything
>the real monogatari
all of them
It wasn't fun when the BL couple had more development than the GL love triangle.
The Kidou Senshi Gundam ZZ.
The interloper is the worst one that's for sure
>guy wants to bang girl
>girl wants to bang guy
>girl's female friend who is also a lesbian XD butts in and has to go all PMS on the guy
It's done to death and so fucking boring, no the guy and girl never reacts realistically to the third-wheel who constantly fucks up their intimate moments and the story will always use her butting in to stall any relationship development that could occur.
Which dot is who?
My best kind of story
Death is the most hated and the most common.
Shit's got me really bummed on romance now because it's in literally everything now.
Everyone is simultaneously dense as fuck and emotional as fuck without ever, for even one second, stopping to think about anything.
Every love triangle is irredeemable garbage.
OP has inspired my inner math nerd to build a catalogue of all love triangles.
Ignoring gender, the number of possible distinct nontrivial triangles is 13, as represented by the columns of pic related. When gender is considered the number rises to 84, as represented by the 42 circles in the table (each gender combination is represented as a row, and you get the remaining 42 by flipping the gender of each of the three participants).
A cross indicates that the particular combination is a duplicate of some combination above it.
The interpretation and naming of each of these triangles is left to Sup Forums as an exercise (in shitposting).
The name for all of them is stated in the post directly above yours.
>When gender is considered the number rises to 84
except none of those involve 2 dudes & 1 chick
I had the same thought but
>you get the remaining 42 by flipping the gender of each of the three participants
yeah, oops, my bad
that said, i like 7C best, particularly when the bottom-right meets with a tragic end of self-sacrifice, good stuff
>up to 3 girls
>up to 1 guy
whats this shit from? that guys a trap isnt he?
I'm number 11 in real life.
My oneitis is a girl, but she loves a different guy, but he doesn't love her. kek.
but to make the image complete you'd have to add my current girlfriend (that i dont love), and the girl that the guy actually loves, and the guy my oneitis will probably start banging as a backup boyfriend
Move to a monastery immediately.
I fixed your love triangles for you
reminds me of this
I just wish for once the guy will punch the yuri in the stomach and tell her to fuck off.
Option one doesn't make sense.
pic related is probably the best
Stop making waves
That would be "Hell", user.
2 girls who love each other and the guy who also love both of them. Sound like harmony.
Death and DHPS are the worst, with The Interloper coming up close second. These three configurations offer nothing but endless shitty drama with no resolution in sight.
That's 3 girls dummy
That's actually just called being a shallow degenerate. No matter genders involved.
Not really, it's just a relationship where they all love each other, not too different from polygamy.
Coincidentally gundam had that triangle recently.
No, that is polygamy you moron.
And polygamy is what's shallow and degenerate.
I hate retards so much. Can you just go read the dictionary until you have a basic vocabulary and are able to hold normal conversations.
Polygamy isn't shallow or degenerate. Not when it's between cute anime girls anyway.
You're wrong. But it's not like any argument, valid or otherwise, will make you accept that. Because you're just shallow and self serving yourself.
Not that guy, but what are you, some sort of Bible basher or something?
Polygamy has two women married to one man, they don't love each other while polyamory DO have them love one another.
Whether it's degenerate or not is your opinion, it can work well enough and I'd be glad to read a manga/watch an animu about this subject.
Wouldn't a Bible basher be for polygamy, since they bash the Bible? Fucking English and its lack of complex word endings.
Wait, the Bible has polygamy too, doesn't it?
>Not that guy
Confirmed for that guy. Also confirmed for being new and stupid.
>Bible basher
That would be someone who is against the Bible.
Not like you even have any arguments.
>That would be someone who is against the Bible.
Educate yourself you ignorant fuck:
A bible basher is a very religious person who uses the bible to "bash" others.
I wish this was an autoban word. Not a single person who uses it is ever smart enough to use it correctly.
No, it is objectively degenerate. Because it involves relationship that are shallow and un-committed. And no, they're not committed just because you say they are. They aren't faithful to a partner, so they are shallow.
Polygamy is any relationship where multiple partners are involved. Polygamy has multiple sub-sects which you are thinking of. Not sure why you think polygamy must mean they don't love each other.
>(US) A person who finds fault with the Bible, Christianity, or Christian teaching
Looks like the Zangetsu.
I love Sheryl
>(pejorative) A fundamentalist Christian preacher, who is seen to take every opportunity to talk about Christianity and attempt to convert those around them.
It's time to stop posting.
Now not liking Sheryl actually is objectively degenerate.
Under a strict definition polygamy does mean marriage, but whatever.
It is not objectively degenerate, those things you are saying about it are in fact just your opinion.
>And no, they're not committed just because you say they are.
Correct, but the opposite isn't true either.
>No, it is objectively degenerate. Because it involves relationship that are shallow and un-committed. And no, they're not committed just because you say they are. They aren't faithful to a partner, so they are shallow.
There is absolutely no basis for this at all, if a man is married to two women who both live under his roof and he doesn't go to anyone else he is faithful. If those three individuals promised to be true to each other and want to live the rest of their lives together, then it's a successful case of polygamy if the women communicated enough to work out their jealousy issues. If the girls actually have romantic feelings and sexual attraction to each other as well, then it's a polyamorous relationship.
Our culture is actively working against such harmonious households so it's a given that it's very, very rare or non-existent.
>Not sure why you think polygamy must mean they don't love each other
Who gave you the authority to decide how relationships works? All people need to do is communicate. some will be compatible with a group-type of love, others aren't and that's perfectly fine.
You're shallow and degenerate. Which means you're not smart, meaning even rational arguments will not make sense to you. You'll just dismiss everything said to you.
Love is just like anything else, a limited resource. You can't just claim you love someone a lot and have it be true just because you say so. You need to put devotion, time, effort, faithfulness and meaning into your relationship with the other person. Obviously a relationship where you are with the other person 100% of the time is impossible, due to at the very least, needing to work so you can support yourself and your partner.
So, break it down like this, hypothetically.
10% work, 5% hobby, 85% partner.
That is in a monogamous relationship.
Even in the most "ideal" situation with two people it becomes like this.
10% work, 5% hobby, 42.5% partner one, 42.5% partner two.
This mean that by definition your relationship with them is shallow. Thus degenerate.
From a biological perspective, wouldn't it be more beneficial for the species to have alpha males impregnate a larger amount of women to increase the spread of their superior genes rather than a random mating system?
Again, needs to be an auto ban word. Anyone with a brain never uses this term.
You can't just call something an opinion and have it be one. Guess what? You can explain why something is an opinion and support that by making it match the definition of opinion. But instead, you just use it as your cover all excuse for anything you disagree with.
>Correct, but the opposite isn't true either.
It actually is. Because you can't be committed and sleeping with multiple people. It goes against the definition of the word.
Except that a three partner household will have the man pay attention to both women at the same time so your math is wrong.
Just because you cannot comprehend how a type of relationship work doesn't mean it cannot logically happen and be beneficial for everyone.
No point in arguing with fruit loop religious nut, guys. There's only room in his head for one idea and I'm afraid that spot is already taken with whatever his "pastor" told him to think this week.
I want an animu where two girls agree to share the guy, as long as he isn't a boring, dull fuckwit.
I think I can see a merchant in here somewhere
>he is faithful
Wrong, you don't even know the defintion of the word.
>(of a spouse or partner) never having a sexual relationship with anyone else.
By very definition you can not be faithful to multiple contradicting things.
>Who gave you the authority to decide how relationships works?
A brain. Common sense. The definition of words.
You're degenerate scum, and you just want to have your cake and eat it, too. Literally anything you do is all for the sake of being self serving.
>opinion (plural opinions)
>A belief that a person has formed about a topic >or issue.
Would you look at that, just about everything you said is an opinion.
You never know, maybe R3 will scratch that itch. I hope so.
Please go back to Sup Forums, tumblr, twitter, etc. if you can't divorce your political beliefs from fictional relationships.
Hang yourself. Really, do it. The fact you think making baseless assumptions is logical proves you're not smart.
Epic downvote, redditor. You sure showed me.
And it has nothing to do with politics. Try reading what you're replying to. Instead of just going "person thinks what I like is bad".
>pay attention to both women at the same time
Literally impossible. Pay attention means to give focus to one thing. You are saying to give focus to two things. That goes against the definition of the word.
>Reddit calling
Go back to your Sup Forums and Sup Forums hole.
>By very definition you can not be faithful to multiple contradicting things.
When both women are his spouse, then the man is faithful.
>You're degenerate scum, and you just want to have your cake and eat it, too. Literally anything you do is all for the sake of being self-serving.
Nah, I've studied history and realized there is a wide range to interpret human relationship. a harmonious group household -is- possible as long as they have a supportive community and family, not too different from a monogamous relationship my good sir.
You're just having an emotional, knee-jerk reaction to this subject.
>A view or judgement formed about something
>not based on fact or knowledge.
Try using actual definitions. Also, you still don't get it. Because the problem is that you try to "win" arguments by calling something an opinion and that's that. You don't actually address what's said. You do anything you can to dismiss people.
>acts like he's on reddit
>is mad he gets told as such
Don't try to "downvote" posts like you're on reddit, then.