Plz redpill me on "Global warming" i'm a brainlet.
Plz redpill me on "Global warming" i'm a brainlet
Check the archive shill, there's been like 40 GW threads already today.
Cow farts produce more greenhouse gasses than every factory on earth combined.
The earth might be warming up but holy fuck humans aren't the problem.
Nir Shaviv. End of story.
i used the cow fart argument in my uni class and got laughed at and shamed by everyone
It's nothing but a scam to get folks to 'voluntarily' pay for Teh Carbon Tax.
Yes, because replacing all biodiversity on the planet with billions of cows for human consumption could not possibly affect the planet in any way. Fucking leaf education.
What's the story behind this guy?
Did they have valid counter arguments?
Idk i think it's just a retarded black guy.
It's nearly -40c with the wind chill in my province, will be dropping to close to -50c later tonight. Usually snows until May, sometimes going as late as June, and we usually always have snow by the beginning of October, fuck I want some of this global warming.
they said industrial food complex and to go vegan
Global warming doesnt mean that every single location on earth gets warmer. It means that the global average raises which leads to a more unstable climate with more extreme weather and temperatures.
>Canada 2080
>"See? Global warming isnt real hehehe"
There is only blackpill left on that. People are too fucking dumb and selfish to do anything about it. Our ecosystem is heading for collapse, partially due to global warming, partially due to overfishing, partially due to monoculture agriculture and local pollution. Actual root cause of all that is overpopulation.
Overpopulation is a meme.
This planet has a limit how many people it can support. Georgia guidestones might get the numbers wrong, but current projected population growth is unsustainable, especially there is attempt to increase standards of living of shitskins. There simply isn't enough of energy resources or agricultural land to feed ever increasing population.
If you can't answer the question why did ice ages occur, then shut the fuck up about muh global warming, over population and other bullshit. I am amazed that everyone who gets into climate debate never looks at ice ages as a point of reference for understanding climate. If you fall into this category and refuse to follow this advice, then you are a defective human being.
I'll take what is the maunder minimum for 500 Alex
>There simply isn't enough of energy resources or agricultural land to feed ever increasing population.
We can literally generate more energy and land (hydroponics, for example). There's also more than enough food. The only problen is war in nigger countries and poverty (both can be solved with time)
Cows only exist because humans eat meat. There are more cows than humans in my country ffs (over 200M) all because you faggots love meat.
Found the Jew
Your country is a shithole full of niggers. There are more niggers than cows and more cows than humans.
Been here for a week and I can barely stand the smell of dirty nogs.
>muh flag insults
It was not an argument. I actually agree with you on the basic fact that humans produce cows. I love meat and I don't care though.
Anyways, i just wanted to let the steam out. Brazil is niggerland.
> Sup Forums global warming
I believe the term is climate change
Not even unironically or newfag or sharebluing posting
> this fucking place sometimes
>Brazil is niggerland.
Tell me one country outside of east asian and eastern europe which isn't niggerland
>protip you can't
Face it: the US is basically Brazil with a lot of money and Europe... Well...
>if we change the name all our arguments are vaild