I just watched railgun and all but

I just watched railgun and all but.

What is her true purpose?

To break the 2nd law of Thermodynamics.

"She" isn't who you should be concerned about.

The flowers are "Uiharu"

She's a dimension hopper. In Heavy Object she plays the role of a soldier.


Saten's girlfriend and fuck outlet.

To be Kakine's onahole

You mean Uiharu starred as Myonri in the HO.

Tsuchimikado did a good job with Heivia after all

>Saten's girlfriend
Still stuck in 2009 buddy?

to do that thing with the parachute

Nothing's changed.


>What is her true purpose?
Being the most adorable girl.

Uiharu is some sort of super hacker, her purpose is to be used to stop other super hackers when the plot says they need to be stopped. Otherwise she's some cute flowers that animate a cute corpse.

Frenda might be dead but Saten will never be the same.

Uiharu is the coolest and would never date a jobber

I wish there were more sexy drawings of her because she is so innocent and cute

The friendship that Frenda and Saten had was special. It's actually sad to see some people try to demean it with shipping faggotry.

But Frenda was always a lesbian's fucktoy.

I really want to see what Railgun do with her after Accelerator interrupted her flirting.

Their friendship was meaningless and just served to wank Railgunfags because they were the top waifus.

low-key rival to Kuroko

How are Fre, Saten, and Nda the top waifus?

Is there any Raildex stuff at Anime Japan 2017?

So without the MISAKA network, Accelerator is just a brain-damaged retard, right?

>take responsibility
>come eat it
Come on user, she was totally setting us up.

Miki caught dancing on stage that wasn't raildex related so he was detained by the police

It's way too early to claim that their friendship was meaningless. Those four or so chapters were great regardless.

Not quite, if you block the signal he doesn't lose the ability to speak or anything, but he's not exactly up to dealing with a pop quiz.

No, she was trying to convince Frenda not to get herself killed. Saten knew she had no real power or way to save Frenda, so she was tying anything she could to make her stay.

Saten is a good person and didn't want to see someone die. That's hardly shipping faggotry.

Why can't he just fix his brain while connected to the MISAKA network?
It can't be that hard.

Yes user, I read the chapters. I was making a joke.

>preforming brain surgery on yourself
He's insane, but not that insane.

With how literally autistic some people are, it's hard to tell what's a joke and what's not.

Why not, though. It's not like he'd fail at it. Even more so if he did while awakened.

Not even HC could fix his brain. I'm pretty sure it's unfixable.

I'm pretty sure rearranging your own neurons is a recipe for failure no matter who you are.

Isn't Accel smarter than HC? And like someone said, if he was in his awakened form he'd probably have zero issue fixing his brain.

Though, I think it was a plot point somewhere that he doesn't want to fix his brain and that it was a self imposed punishment.

CGDCT shows have to have at least 4 girls

It's probably been mentioned before, but Uiharu is basically useless now. Misaki completely usurped the position of intel provider. Kuroko too, since Mikoto's interactions with Misaki are superior.

>Isn't Accel smarter than HC?
Not when it comes to brain surgery.

>not using Dark Matter to fix his brain

>It's probably been mentioned before
Yes, many times. She's a superior information gatherer than Uiharu because of her connections with the Dark Side, and a superior "friend" to Misaka simply because how much their personalities bounce off each other.

I could only see that happening if someone forced it on him somehow. Knocking him unconscious and the like

I wanna beat her up

It kind of annoys me that the Railgun filler episodes focused on totally irrelevant characters instead of bringing in Misaki earlier.
I don't think anyone gave two shits about Haruue and the other girl outside of Hanakana's voicework.

I wanna bet YOU up, nerd.

season 3 when?

> mfw when Telestima figured out the flowers

Nah, She beat those Academy City black-hat only with PlayStation console stick


>Aleister kidnaps Accelerator
>uses dark matter to repair brain
>result is an Accelerator that not only has white and black wings, but has better than pre-head shot calculation ability AND can use Dark Matter a little but not as well as Kakine
>oh and the Dark Matter brain also fits him in the Misaka Network perfectly so he doesn't leave that

I can see it. I can also see people shitposting it even if this new Accelerator never fights or shows off this new power level

I want Kongou to fan my penis

Dark matter is useful but undoing brain damage is too much.

Do you think Kamachi was lingerie-fetish???

I just want Kongou.

She has microwave powers.

I mean it doesn't get any creepier than that.

She's there to lend a hand.

that mean, She can cook or just warm Kakine penis?

Let's hang out.

Where was this from

Boku no Pico

To aru majutsu no geso

>Sup Forums

It's an anime short that aired on the anime network. Basically a short funny mashup of a bunch of anime.

She will prevent heat-death of the universe.

Uiharu is the Gate and Key to the Windowless Building.

Being cute.

Is this one of those shows with 1 meme girl everyone likes posting on forums while the show itself is boring sol?

>while the show itself is boring sol

Yes, if Nagai gets his way.

>boring sol

To be psychopass


I want to look EXACTLY like Saten.

She wasn't even THE meme girl when the series first aired.

Uiharu is the cutest Railgun. I want to rail her face with my fists.

Rewatching HO like 2 weeks ago when it was streamed right after reading this index chapter made me realize why I feel insatiable homolust towards heivia

He really looks like Heivia

She's certain to be turned into a Kihara at some point

>Isn't Accel smarter than HC?
HC is basically the medical equivalent of a magic god.
If he can't do it, nobody can.

>Kihara Weeharu

Hey biribiri...

>The heat death of the universe is a plausible ultimate fate of the universe in which the universe has diminished to a state of no thermodynamic free energy and therefore can no longer sustain processes that increase entropy.
Our Lord and Saviour Uiharu exist to prevent this.


Uiharu will save us from global warming with her power


Tomorrow is the day we get the PV

>ywn tell Biribiri that she's a good girl to see her mellow down
Kill me.

Slices of lives indeed.

>not a single post about numerous niggers
Sup Forums is dead

Seria-Senpai is cute!

Just a temporary influx of newfags due to s3 hype. Oldfags got burned out after a month of chain threads.

>tfw no Last Order imouto


Tech support

to have an utterly useless power


>sixty weeharus

extra material reference for dojin artists

is this level 5?