How do you watch your anime. Sup Forums? On a desktop computer, on a laptop (including netbooks), on a large TV...

How do you watch your anime. Sup Forums? On a desktop computer, on a laptop (including netbooks), on a large TV, or on a phone/tablet? Or do you project it on your wall with a projector?

I'm curious about your audio gear, too.
Are they large? Are they wired or wireless? Circumaural or supra-aural? Or do you prefer earbuds?
Are they of the home-cinema variety, or are they just two normal speakers with a subwoofer? Or do you use the speakers designed for desktop computers?
>Amps and DACs?

And last, but not least, how do you make yourself comfortable?

Shonen stuff I watch with my dad?
>TV connected to laptop
>Speakers from TV
>On sofa

Other stuff
>Basic earbuds
>On PC chair/bed

Anime movies on bluray that are generally accepted
>7.2 channel home theater system

>5:4 monitor from around 2005 (1280x1024)
Well, they don't constantly press against my ear - I don't understand who'd willingly use that kind of headphones - they're painful, and they don't even isolate the sound in both ways. Everybody can hear what you're listening to, and the other way around. Not every piece of music I play sounds overly bassy and dull, and the headphones have a decent soundstage for their price.

I don't use DACs and amps because I don't really have good headphones that would warrant their use

In order to make myself cozy, during the winter I assume a position that bends my spine quite a lot - I'm huddled in my chair like a fetus; I may possibly regret that over the years. But it's really fucking comfortable to wrap yourself up in a blanket, turn the AC up and listen to your favourite albums while browsing Sup Forums.

properly calibrated and good quality ips monitor. o2 amp/dac and sennheiser hd650s.

How does anime look on an ultrawide monitor?

I just have an HTPC that I can take out to friends houses to watch anime and emulate games with. Shits comfy

>properly calibrated
Sorry for asking, but you might be able to help me.
I use F.lux, so I can keep using my computer during the night. I never minded the orange tint, and besides, I could always disable it if needed.
But one time I fiddled around with my GPU's settings, and the settings program said it had restored the gamma and a couple of other settings to default - the screen turned blindingly white. I started F.lux again and everything was fine.
But the next morning I noticed that wallpaper appeared slightly paler, and certain images on the internet had a slight orange tint to them. I tried uninstalling F.lux, as well as reinstalling the drivers, but nothing got fixed. I'm pretty sure a reinstall would fix that, but I can't really do that right now.
I'm on Windows XP, by the way.

im not sure.

monitor calibration is usually done by 1. using a calibration device to help set monitor hardware settings through the monitor osd then 2. using an icc profile on the pc to finetune settings

flux doesnt work with the changes you can do from the gpu settings and will always override them if i remember right. it does work with icc though so thats where you should make changes. the TFT central monitor settings database has icc profiles for a bunch of monitors as well as instructions and programs.

it sounds like you were using some gpu settings before, then flux overrode and defaulted those changes and youre using default gpu settings now. which isnt necessarily bad. you usually want to do all color calibration on monitor hardware and icc, skipping gpu entirely

youll want to make sure your icc profile is ok. there are instructions for checking it on that TFT page i mentioned.

sorry i cant help more.

in the living room surround sound blaring. I live with my cousin and he's overseas so im king of the castle for now

Why the fuck would u ask this?