Let's have a civil Madoka thread.
Let's have a civil Madoka thread
Okay. Let's have a civil discussion.
So I like Kyoko pretty much as best girl, but I know Mami means maximum comfy if I ever met one of them.
I'm quite conflicted on who to choose.
when will madoka get an actual transformation scene
Sup Forums can't handle anything beyond memery and shitposting, civil discussion simply does not happen here..
What are the best doujin?
'that' doujin of course
I'm in love with this girl.
The one where madoka gets tortured?
Yeah its alright.
Krouko is best girl.
Different Story should've been the main timeline
someone had to say it
No, watch this thread. We will prove you wrong. There will be no waifu wars, there will be no childish arguments, there will be no memes.
Don't fall in love with my wife please
Regular Madoka is like 6/10, but Madokami is 10/10.
Kyoko is the most tragic character (no fuck Homura she had timetravel to nullify her losses) yet she's the only one who didn't go completely bonkers.
Bless the best girl.
None of them are scat or guro righ anont?
Last time an user gived a link to a doujin, I've got an insta-killer boner when I've see fisting + guro + scat....etc
TDS is only good because the main timeline was a thing.
But yeah, I feel like it's better written overall. Plot and characters. Too bad it didn't get an anime.
Kyouko and Mami best pairing
ACK fight me faggot
>Too bad it didn't get an anime.
Homura is definitely the most tragic character. At least Kyoko had a family. Homura is always alone, had to watch the only person she loves die over and over. Kyoko seemed okay throughout the series. Homura was and still is a sad little girl.
Kyoko lost her family and it was her fault (not really but that's how she perceived it as she played a big part to it). She didn't have a single friend for all that time (she told Mami to fuck off because she was grieving her family's deaths) and nothing to look forward to. She then lost the girl she saw herself in and tried to save many times. Tried to save her again, failed, and killed herself to at least clean up what was left.
No time shenanigans to make it right or make the losses ephemeral.
I don't see why people are overhyping TDS so much. Kyoko and Mami were the least interesting, least fleshed out characters in the anime, I guess they had to compensate with a manga. But yeah it's only good because of the main timeline.
If I read TDS as a standalone manga without watching the anime, I wouldn't think it's any good. If I watched the anime without reading TDS I would still find it good.
>Kyoko and Mami were the least interesting
Only Mami. Kyoko actually does a lot of stuff, although it's only for a few episodes.
>If I read TDS as a standalone manga without watching the anime, I wouldn't think it's any good. If I watched the anime without reading TDS I would still find it good.
TDS is made to be read after the anime. Anime makes all the exposition necessary to understand the implications and consequences of what we see in TDS. And to care more about the two MCs.
TDS and Rebellion
>The rest of the Madoka Nanoha crossovers will never be translated
Fuck this gay world
It's scat, don't click on these links.
Madoka's butt
I notice there were no tripfags in the last thread or so far in this one, did they finally all get gassed?
Did this get any attention for 2017 lineup?
Posting like this is a surefire way to attract them.
The other girls also perceive things as their fault too, Madoka calling herself a liar and useless. Sayaka thinking it should've been her instead of Kyosuke, thinking she should have saved Mami instead of waiting to make a wish. Homura saying she'll only make things worse for Madoka even though none of it was her fault.
Kyoko did team up with Madoka and Homura. She had people at least.
Time shenanigans actually made things more tragic for Homu, though. Because she had to suffer way more because of it till it her drove her crazy. Kyoko only had to experience her loss once and she seemed okay with it throughout the series. Homu is always struggling.
They got gassed by
Huh? I didn't do anything.
>The other girls also perceive things as their fault too
yes, but none of them involved your father calling them abominations and killing themselves with their whole family (including the fucking children) because of it
you can't really get more tragic than that
>Kyoko did team up with Madoka and Homura
Only after a year or so of loneliness. Homura had way more people to talk and look up to, especially Madoka. Kyoko had no prospects other than enjoying life until her demise.
>Time shenanigans actually made things more tragic for Homu
It fucked up her mind more of the length but I wouldn't say more tragic. A loss isn't a loss anymore once you've pressed the reset button. I know I'd prefer being able to keep trying even if it seems impossible to solve.
I never found Kyoko or Mami to be interesting in any way even in any of the manga. Not that they're bad characters, they just feel like they're pandering way too hard. Madoka, Sayaka and Homura have glaring flaws that might make them unlikable to the audience, making them feel like actual people.
Kyoko and Mami feel so lazily written and cheap. "Our family dead boo hoo" The most generic type of backstory in all of fiction. Homura is a psychologically damaged freak throughout the whole show. Madoka appears as a wimpy useless kid but she's the one that always states what she wants and gets it. She's the one that saved Homura and told her to go back in time and stop kyubey. Unlike most goody two shoes protag, Madoka actually uses her innocence to save her friend (convincing her mom to go out during the disaster). Literally told her "because I'm so good and pure you have to believe me". And in other timelines she's shown to be the voice of reason, stopping sayaka and homu from arguing. Sayaka has no obligatory tragic backstory, no hidden potential, no mary sue powers, just a goofy kid that wants to be good. She was stubborn and selfless to a fault but also lashes out against her best friend. She constantly does things that makes the audience hate her, but it makes perfect sense because of her character. She also has a crush on a boy just like most kids her age. Her struggle as a newbie, despair and then coming to terms with everything was great. Mami and Homura have the most appealing designs though, definitely more popular with waifufags. I hope the next movie makes those two better characters.
I rewatched Madoka yesterday and it was really mediocre. I have no idea, why it is so famous. There are so many better ''magical girl deconstruction'' anime out there (like princess Tutu, and Utena to a lesser extent).
*Mami and Kyoko
I meant
Kyoko and Mami do have flaws too. Kyoko puts up a nihilistic facade to keep going, which results in indirect murders. She's too prideful which got her into a deathmatch with a newbie. Mami is crushed by loneliness and tries too hard for her own good, not exactly unlike Sayaka.
Madoka is probably the less flawed character of the anime. She hesitates and curses her powerlessness, but she gets over it and acts.
I guess that's normal to think, as Madoka, Sayaka and Homura are given most of the focus and point of view. Mami and Kyouko, while fairly important, are ultimately just side characters... even in Rebellion, you can have them be replaced or not be there and the movie could still end up the same.
Kyoko's story is just so tryhard and overly edgy. Her family weren't fleshed out characters either, they were just there to die. She barely had screentime and then the writers just said "we need to make everyone feel sorry for her" so they just killed off a one-dimensional family that we never got to see. Homura's loss had more impact because we actually got to see how important Madoka was to her in those flashbacks. Hell, even someone as minor as Kyosuke, he still had a little bit of character.
>it can't get more tragic than that
Yes, it can. Homu didn't even have a family, didn't even talk or think about them. She only loved Madoka and had to watch her die over and over again. Sometimes, the whole planet even gets destroyed because of her failures. Kyoko seemed to have gotten over her tragedy when you watch the anime. Homu on the other hand is literally holding back tears and fails to do so in a couple of scenes.
>other than enjoying life
At least she was enjoying life.
>once you've pressed the rest button
Kyoko only had to suffer her loss once. Homura had to over and over again and it drove her nuts. Clearly the person who was so sad, angry that it drove them insane had a worse life than someone like Kyoko. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure Kyoko felt very sad too but she never got messed up as bad as Homu. She was happy way more than her.
I'll just agree to disagree on this argument. Homura made Madoka Magica what it is. Take out Homura from the series, and it becomes mediocre. Take out Kyoko, and it largely stays the same. That's all I have to say.
The series is pretty mediocre. For a deconstruction of the genre, it seems to lack focus on the basic elements of mahou shoujo, and too quickly delves into heavy-handed grimdark and filler stemming from inexplicable character decisions.
Rebellion however is 10/10, for showing us the core mahou shoujo element and dismantling it in a perfectly paced and truly mind-blowing way.
>Rebellion however is 10/10
Eh considering Madoka Magica had to be limited to 12 eps, I think its quite admirable.
I consider Rebellion pretty close to flawless. How do you think it could be improved?
>She barely had screentime and then the writers just said "we need to make everyone feel sorry for her" so they just killed off a one-dimensional family that we never got to see
That's how a flashback works though. There's no reason why Kyoko would give us 20 minutes of details of her pre meguca life. The important event that shaped her vision of things was her family's death and how her wish brought nothing good, destroying the hopes she initially had. That's what the flashback focuses on : her hopes, and her they were destroyed.
>Homura's loss had more impact because we actually got to see how important Madoka was to her in those flashbacks.
Adding "muh best friend" interactions doesn't necessarily make it better. These are not the same goals anyway.
>Homu didn't even have a family, didn't even talk or think about them
Is having no family better than losing it in a horrible manner? That's arguable. But from a story standpoint, Homura's lack of a family is never expanded on. She doesn't seem too bad in her initial appearance. Not really good either, but her tragic character only appears after the Madoka loss.
>Kyoko only had to suffer her loss once. Homura had to over and over again
It's not a loss when you have a reset button.
>Homura made Madoka Magica what it is.
I'm not even arguing the characters quality. And Homura did in fact make most of Madoka, but because of the time travel episode, and her being close to the second most important plot carrier, Madoka.
>I rewatched Madoka yesterday and it was really mediocre
This is the main issue.
Madoka is amazing if you watch it weekly without any knowledge of future events. Preferably with group of people to discuss latest development with and brainstorm future events.
One major issue with Madoka's series is that it lacks rewatchability. It is all based around slowly revealing a fucked-up background. If you know about this background and major events, then it looses most of the impact.
>How do you think it could be improved?
By not doing it at all.
Madoka's main story has concluded. Tacking an otaku-pandering cash-grab shit on top of it doesn't make it better.
You didn't make any point here. Calling something otaku pandering is too easy.
Also, marathoning the show is terrible idea.
As taking time between episodes allows events to soak in and realize possible foreshadowings.
I think only people who live-watched Madoka as it aired got the full impact of it. And that is where it's fame comes from.
>One major issue with Madoka's series is that it lacks rewatchability. It is all based around slowly revealing a fucked-up background. If you know about this background and major events, then it looses most of the impact.
Then it is a bad show. It relies only on shock factor, and once that is gone, you can see everything wrong with the show.
>Calling something otaku pandering is too easy.
And that is all what it takes to take down Rebellion. 90% of the movie is in some form taken from otaku's fantasies.
Again, you're not making any point. "Otaku" is a blurry enough qualifier to be used in any statement. You could use that to criticize anything (only changing the qualifier for something else that's still blurry enough and looks bad).
Please note that that thread has 740 replies.
And it was in time when Sup Forums had thread limit of 100 (or was it 200?)
>Madoka's main story has concluded.
Who died and put you in charge of where the story ends? There were a lot of unanswered questions and undeveloped characters (Mami, Kyouko etc.) after such a very short and very complex series, so a follow-up should come as no surprise to anybody and I'm not sure why you think it'd even be unwelcome either. Far inferior anime have double the time to develop their worlds.
There's nothing like that in there, not sure what you'd even point to by way of example.
Well, lets take it one by one
>Nagisa/Charlotte paired with Mami is clearly taken from fandom
>Kyouko/Sayaka pairing is clearly taken from fandom
>Mami vs. Homura fight is basically powerelevel question of "who would win"
>Homura turining into devil was talked about before Rebellion was announced
>Kyubey being fucked up and being bad guy (did you know there is huge "Eveybody hates Kyubey pool on *booru?)
>Homura's love for Madoka, even though no such thing is in the original series
This is all that I can remember right now, but there is much more. All of those exist not because they were part of some overaching story, but to please the fans.
So you're mad because it was too entertaining?
He probably means the "yuri" part, that was quite prevalent in Rebellion.
I think I did something wrong then, because I loved it just as much watching it for the first time last year as I did with each of the two consecutive rewatches.
It's really fun to rewatch too, because you notice all the foreshadowing at the start and it gives you a completely different perspective on Homura. It's also a very concise show, you get 12 episodes because you don't really need more to tell the story and it just goes with its own pace with no fillers and unnecessary crap.
It is not entertaining when plot seems to be written by group of 2channers.
And Urobuchi clearly said he wrote original series with clear and conclusive ending.
You're mad because you said it gives the fans what they wanted. You can always just pretend it doesn't exist and nobody will know any better. The movie was amazing and clearly people liked it.
>The movie was amazing and clearly people liked it.
Anything clear about Rebellion is that it is devisive as fuck. There are as many people praising it as there are damning it.
Just google “Rebel With A Misguided Cause”
I agree with all of that, but Sayaka and Kyouko definitely had a thing going in the series. Maybe they weren't all gay for each other, but the shipping fuel was definitely there.
The one true timeline.
Is the yuri aspect out-of-place in Madoka Magica or mahou shoujo more generally, to the point where we would call the film 'pandering'? I mean, the series itself has Sayaka feeling up Madoka in the first episode. Compared to stuff like that, Rebellion is nowhere near as overt, or particularly sexual at all actually.
>Sayaka and Kyouko definitely had a thing going in the series
Maybe in Kyouko's side, but definitely not on Sayaka's. By the end of it, Kyousuke was still her most highest priority and interest. She didn't even talk about Kyouko during her "last" moments with Madoka before being part of the cycle.
>Nagisa/Charlotte paired with Mami is clearly taken from fandom
They have an obvious link because of Nagisa killing Mami in the og series. It makes sense to have them united in the dream world. It also makes the watcher feels like something is very wrong. Obviously you know there isn't a big chance that Charlotte of all people is the big bad of the movie but she's still unsettling, being around Mami and all.
It makes sense plotwise.
>Kyouko/Sayaka pairing is clearly taken from fandom
Fandom loves it, but it was a thing in the series. Just got turned up to eleven. Not like it doesn't make sense since Kyoko sacrified her life for Sayaka the last time we saw her.
>Mami vs Homura
it wasn't powerlevels but clearly just a "let's have a cool action scene for the sake of it". Still not a big deal, I liked it (>inb4 that's because you're a filthy otaku)
>Homura turining into devil was talked about before Rebellion was announced
Foreshadowed in ep12
>Kyubey being fucked up and being bad guy (did you know there is huge "Eveybody hates Kyubey pool on *booru?)
He's not being worse than in the og series. That makes sense.
>Homura's love for Madoka, even though no such thing is in the original series
Did we watch the same thing? Homura is obsessed by Madoka. She spent years of her life working for her sake.
So you agree with me that none of those exist for sake of plot, but as way to please the fans? Just you "liking it" doesn't make it part of the plot.
Hoping for a second season instead of a movie, since I hate watching camrips.
Only Mami vs Homura isn't really part of the plot (has no consequence whatsoever, doesn't flesh out anybody, it's just distraction in the middle of the movie to make things shake a bit)
The rest is all important to the movie structure and as a sequel to the series.
>scrolling through thread
>nothing new
Lets go back to Madoka's posterior.
Why not Sayaka's? Or armpits.
Sayaka's is full of shit.
Madoka's is full of miracles.
Madokas butt is full of Homuras seed.
You are so cute!
>dom Madoka
Kyouko and Homura are the best character wise but Mami and Sayaka are breast girls and the hottest Madoka is okay
You would like that, would you.
But only if you bow before me and swear your imortal soul to me.
a very civil thread you guys having here
Read this just now. I completely disagree with almost everything, but it was at least interesting and well-argued.
This is actually very civil
People can be very civil when discussing porn.
This guy knows
It is actually a scientific fact that there is no lewd civil meguca thread. Only barbaric.
I'm still hoping they animate TDS at some point.
Personally I'm just waiting for ACK although his posts are getting pretty samey.
Yeah, just wait for the Barney-loving ACK.
Looks like that'll come soon
Theres literally nothing wrong with loving Barney.
even when user wont give me attention ACK is there for me and I like that
Do you type out your posts or do you have a copy paste pool or something? Also give me more (You)s.
thanks for (you)