Best matsu

Best matsu

Other urls found in this thread: san season 2&oq=osomatsu san season 2&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j0l5.1777j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=osomatsu san season 2&tbs=qdr:m&*


I respect your opinion but it's this nerd for me.

Second season never

Any news on when Irino is coming back? Where did he go anyway?

Kara is canonically best matsu

10/10 qt3.14 would hold hands

also cute
wasnt a 2nd season confirmed not too long ago? or did i go full retard?

Preety sure that it was.

Oh shit

when was this, why was I not informed

No. It was never announced. There could be a possibility in the upcoming April event but who knows.

Kara >= Jyushi > Ichi > Choro > Oso > Totty