Doesn't Kumiko look a little off in S2?

Doesn't Kumiko look a little off in S2?

They're all growing girls.

She looks way more beautiful than usual. It's very distracting

They have pointier chins in S2. I think they might be a bit shinier too

Did Free start the pointy meme? Phantom World and Hibike 2 had it.

Maidragon and Koe no Katachi are softer though, and Violet looks softer in the new CM.

She's no longer virgin.

She looks very Kumikesque

She's so beautiful.

What would sex with her be like?

Then turn her on a little


Low energy and boring
Unless it's with Reina, then she enters hyper mode

Literally *autistic screeching*


Would Kumiko enjoy anal sex?

She's just ugly.

But she's not a lesbian so she wouldn't be turned on with having sex with a woman???

More importantly, what would she sound like?

Probably doing it with a fluffy octopus.


Full of cute noises, a little bit awkward but eventually just enjoyable and fun.

This bitch is so disgusting.

S2 Kumiko is best Kumiko

Fucking this. I hate their new pointy chin so much.


I love how, depending on the situation, Kumiko can be so different, both visually and in personality. When at home she's comfy and fluffy and when she tries to be more serious she'll wear a ponytail and look more mature. She's a natural dork, but at times she tries to be less silly and acts more goal-oriented and determined. Nevertheless she always remains just Kumiko. Whenever she deals with a more serious problem we can see her struggle to act more honest and mature and not act like an awkward idiot, like in the beginning when she talks to Reina behind the school and we can actually see her building up the courage to speak from her heart. After she's finished she runs away like the complete dork she is, but it's stuff like this that make her so enjoyable to watch, especially because she actually matures quite a lot during the course of the show and she just feels so genuine, even when she tries to hide it.

nah she's still her gay usual self.

Kumiko is shit.