Reminder that these three will bring the series back to part 1 glory

and potentially even surpass it.

>Girl team mate who can actually do something and has a prominent role and epic powers.
>No edgy rivalry between the two lads. They seem bro as fuck with each other
>Mitsuki himself is just a cool chill dude with an interesting past
>Inojin and Chou Chou have a cute little thing going on
>Metal Lee will actually get screentime unlike his dad in part 2, showing us the true capabilities of Taijutsu
>Shikadai inherits the best character from the old generations personality
>Milf Hinata
>Byakugan prominence
>The story won't be about stalking a person to get him to be friends with you
>Gaara's adopted kids look beast
>Starting off with chill slice of life antics before ramping up the story
>Kawaki seems to have influences from the samurai, indicating their prominence
>Animation looks beautiful

Tell me why your not excited.

Other urls found in this thread:


Reposting is a bannable offense.

>needs glasses
Explain this Joker please

it's fucking anime
I don't see Sup Forums complaining when a little trope girl easily over powers a fully grown man.

That's because little anime girls with super strength also don't need to get their Onii-chan's to open their big bad pickle jar's lid open.

I asked nicely, why does someone, who has the one kekkei genkai that's original purpose was granting acute vision, need an invention made for people born with poor vision.

I can't wait for the linkin park amv's

too late

Over use of sharringan causes eye problems. Hell if sauce didnt get that transplant he'd be fucking blind so its an inherited trait

>Over use of sharringan causes eye problems
Which only happens after getting Eternal Plot-Progression Sharingan.

Salad is the dumbest character ever created, and you haven't done her justice thus far.

Why are people even hyped about this anime? I mean Naruto is cool and good but the boruto anime will be made by SP having filler only episodes while the manga will deliver the true story.

Why not just follow that?

Only the sharingan gives you good vision. Most of the time she has it off.

She doesn't have her sharingan on constantly retard.

that is some serious cringe

fuck off

Pinkshit genes

I will watch it for the art. I can't read the manga.
>Naruto is cool and good
It was cool and good.

Can we just hurry up and get past the kid arc

>boruto anime will be made by SP having filler only episodes
all of boruto is filler

Jesus fuck, you retard, stop being such a tryhard. Cringe isn't a memeword on its own. It's a fucking part of the English language.

Is this official art?

It is? Where?

Are Naruto and Sasuke still there? If so then I'm not interested, they're two of the worst leads I've ever seen in this type of series and only got worse after the timeskip, the only good parts of the story where when neither of them were around to shit things up.

>implying Boruto won't be a rouge ninja by Bortuo Shippuden

Why can't you read the manga?
The anime yes. The manga is semi Canon I think. not sure how much kishi is involved but he basically gave the rights to continue to his assistant

fuck off

yet you didn't use it how the English language intends. Tut tut.

I just hope it doesn't follow the manga like, AT ALL.

>No edgy rivalry between the two lads. They seem bro as fuck with each other
>Mitsuki himself is just a cool chill dude with an interesting past
If they ruin him with some edgy shit I will rage
Is Kishimoto involved in production?

That's a good thing, Kishimoto hates Naruto now, anyone would write it better at this point.

>Girl team mate who can actually do something and has a prominent role and epic powers.
I give that a couple episodes at best, regardless of how the manga goes.

The story seems to be getting interesting after chapter 10.

Besides that the guys drawing skills also have developed mostly when you look at Sasuke. At first Sasuke was drawn really bad but now he finally knows how to draw him right.

The only bad thing I would say is that he can't draw females well like sakura hinata and ino

nothings even happened in the manga. it's just been a recap of the movie, which was good.

Ikemoto's style is a lot more realistic than Kishi's.

Sasuke's hair is a lot more wavier, which in all fairness would happen if you had it that length and straighteners weren't invented.
The problem is Kishi's designs border on unrealistic, making it a bad match.

He's struck a nice balance with the later chapters however. Every artist needs a little time to define their style. After all, look at early naruto. It was very messy with dodgy anatomy. Odd, seeing as Kishi now probably draws the best hands in the industry, which is one of the hardest body parts to get right.

People just need to give Ikemoto a little more time, it's gotta be rough drawing all these pages with a tight deadline, while also trying to change your style. People really don't understand how laborous it all is.

>Why can't you read the manga?
Horrible art.

You really have unrealistic expectations, especially since the people in charge of the new story will be Kishi's assistant and the anime studio responsible for the shittiest filler arcs in existence.

The manga is shit and looks like shit

Hey that looks pretty fucking good
>that Sarada
How come she is pinkshit daughter?

She's not though.


This is going to flop so hard.

She is, you retard

She doesn't know. Salad is a test tube baby.

Have they done anything but a movie recap yet?

>Dadruto has woman's voice
I know it's jap's "respect towards the actors" Dragonball thing, but he still sounds ridiculous.

It would have felt a bit odd with Sasuke and Shikamaru still having the same voices they had as 12 year olds.

>and the anime studio responsible for the shittiest filler arcs in existence

Such as? Do people just watch OG Naruto filler and not even bother with Shippuden's?

Himawari is cute at least. She should have been protag and kicked her useless brother's ass.

Fake glasses, they have no lens.

Obito used googles much the same way.

>naruto ends
>thought it may actually end
>how naive
>anime filler galore
>next generation manga
>and then boruto has a child
>mfw this has taken a life of its own and will never end

>and then boruto has a child
How would the adventures of Hagoromo Uzumaki even work out?

Kishy wanted to make her look smart and only visual shortcut he came up with were glasses.

>Boruto and Mitsuki already got SS forms
>Salad only has her sharingan

I think you mean Naruto the second and his fraternal twin brother Sasuke the second.

>Salad only has her sharingan
Did you forget the shit those things are capable of doing?

Except that Naruto II acts like Sasuke I and Sasuke II acts like Naruto I

Boruto already have half of Hagoromo and all of Hamura genes, if Salad adds her half of Hagoromo it's straight to Kaguya.

Those guys had eternal mangekyos that made them so op.

>all of Hamura genes
Yeah, but nobody cares about or remembers that guy.

Madara and Sauce had EMS and the coolest guy had senju dna which is basically ninja steroids on steroids.
Itachi, I'll give you Itachi, but he is such a huge sue that he could probably solo the three other Uchiha shitters.
Also there is one important thing that made it possible for them to be this strong they have and she doesn't and that is a penis

If they can asspull Bort a hax sage tattoo then I'm sure that if they feel like not making Sarada an useless cheerleader/love interest that they can asspull her a MS that doesn't require killing anybody

Kishi pls.

And it looks like a mangekyo in that picture. The question is whether she's going to awaken it through classical angst or subvert Uchiha principle and get it through love.

Can you blame them?

She will get it through Boruto's dick

Eh, Naruto fillers steadily suck, with exception of a couple, but none of them dip into unbearable shit like Bleach and OP fillers.

I have faith, filler is usually shitty because it is just kinda there and it can't actually have any long lasting effects or go against what is actually canon, so they were very limited in what it could do.
Now they don't have to worry about that so I have faith that Boruto filler will be better than Naruto filler since it can have lasting effects.

I wish they did the reverse.

What do you mean don't have to worry about it? They still won't be able to go against manga canon or have long-lasting effect on it. And I doubt they too have leisure of repeating whole movie like manga did, so they'll probably start with fillers.

Aren't they mostly be doing their own thing and the manga promotion for the anime?
Please don't tell me we are going to have DBS threads with a naruto skin.

Well I have no idea how they're doing it, but manga made it pretty clear it's planning a long run, by having a glimpse of the distant future where Boruto's got a bunch of powerups, some edgelord is destroying Konoha, and Naruto's dead.

I thought the manga was just going to tease stuff what is going to happen in the anime,

Doesn't look that way to me. After all, it recapped the movie and didn't end. If it was just a tease I'd expect them to stop by now.

>Metal Lee will actually get screentime unlike his dad in part 2, showing us the true capabilities of Taijutsu
Don't push your luck. His team are literally whos. In fact, I bet you didn't even know he had a team.

Itachi had poor eyesight too.

Sharingan doesn't mean shit until you actually use it. And even then it's more of a mind/precognition thing than actual eyesight.

Byakugan is the All Seeing White Eye, Sharingan is literally the Copy Wheel Eye.

I thought the manga would only tease stuff what is going to happen in the anime, because it recapped the movie.

It's been 15 fucking years and Linkin Park Naruto AMVs still exist.

And I wouldn't have it any other way

>Itachi had poor eyesight too.
I thought that was because of his ninja cancer/aids and mangekyou abuse.

Do you seriously want to see pic related now?

Kinda. Naruto's the Hokage so he spends most of the time doing fuck all behind his desk, and Sasuke hunts aliens and doesn't talk to his family for decades at a time.

So they've been relegated to background status for the time being.

What is retcon?
It probably goes down to be a fever dream of burrity or something.

because of the Eye abuse, yes, but he still had bad eyesight despite having Sharingan Eyes.

Sarada can inherit bad eyesight from Sakuras side and her inherit Sharingan wouldn't change that unless she actively uses it.


who even makes shit like that at this point?

I haven't seen any in so long it's actually refreshing to see.

I mean... do you see a headband?

>Odd, seeing as Kishi now probably draws the best hands in the industry
I'd say Ikemoto has already surpassed him. Guy draws some sexy hands.

Did you honestly think the ride would end?

He uses god powers to advance himself as a traditional Japanese salaryman because ninja no longer exist.

I don't mind Hinatas new face, she looks closer to the old Hyuga Designs Kishi drew. But I hate the fact that her boobs disappeared.

You know, I was playing with the thought that maybe the new anime would revert the story back to what it was in the Zazuba arc, where the kids had to deal with the fact that ninjas are nothing but tools for the shoguns, feudal lords and rich corporations to exploit. The Sasuke novel sorta dealt on that, and it was kind of cool

But then you look at this and the fact that the PV hinted that it's taking notes from the manga and all hope is lost. I mean look at this flaming faggot, looks straight out of DeviantArt. Event he name, Nawaki, sounds so original character, do not steal. It's a shame really.

I thought the manga was already cancelled and now they're just adapting it into an anime.

ALso what's orochimaru's kid doing

it's Kawaki though.

No idea, we only know that ninja mengele wants him to hang out with Bort specifically.

it looks like he's following Sarada around a lot.

The worst thing about this continuation is the inevitable DBZ-level power-creep and further devaluation of previously rare abilities.

Now there's already another cunt using iron sand out of nowhere.

This is as old as it gets and she does not look like that. I couldn't care less about her boobs. Part I Hinata had the best design followed by Pierrot's equally flat MILF Hinata. But what the fuck is up with her face when Ikemoto draws her?


Fuck if I care, I only looked at the first 3 three chapters and hated the art direction.


Nigger that's only 2 people. Besides, iron sand wasn't even Sasori's deal. It belonged to the 3rd Kazekage and he was just using his corpse as a puppet.

>Inojin and Chou Chou have a cute little thing going on
>Fat mini Shaniqua looking cunt and Inojin
You have some disgusting taste user

Chouchou was already shipped with Mitsuki anyway.

He puts it on later, but it's Sasuke's old one again.