there are only 6 anime that i want to watch next season..
There are only 6 anime that i want to watch next season
Thats six more then me.
Thats twice of what I watched this season
There's only three normal length anime and one short I want to see.
I get one show on average. Two if I'm lucky. Once every few years I get three shows in a single season.
Same here.
I only watched 2 this season Ys/kobosuba and next season has Tsugumomo + berserk meme threads, it'll be great.
Good. You're developing standards. Remember - for every bad airing show you're following you could instead watch a classic you've missed.
>only 6
I wish I wasn't a cynical, picky bastard.
I watched one series in the past 5 years.
I just read manga now.
19 for me.
Why not go a step further and read popular novels and some late night hbo shows?
Fucking lucky.
I have maybe 1 I plan on watching next season. Everything else looks like garbage.
>implying someone who watches basically everything currently airing has a backlog
What happen to my life.
Sure thing user, any recommendations from experience?
Let me just check my list here...
Yep, I was right, I don't give a fuck.
12 shows I'm probably going to watch and 6 I might watch.
>Only exciting things are the sequels.
>only watch mecha
>no mecha next season
was that Astroboy prequel next year or next season?
Wait, I often watch six or seven per season.
I am not even sure if there are any to look forward to.
>No mecha
M8, there's ID-0, Frame Arms Girls, and possibly Clockwork Planet (from the PV there looks to be robots and some basic mech)
There are 21 shows that I'm planning to give a shot next season. I'll probably finish only 12-15 of those though, as usual.
If you dont watch 6+ shows per season you're a filthy casual.
>continuing LWA
>maybe picking up Boku no Hero S2 if I like S1
>down from the 7 shows I watched this season
Shit. I-I guess it's just about time to head outside anyway.
Looks like LWA is picking up just in time.
I usually start with a lot and finish with three or less, I know what I want to continue watching, but without enough info it's stupid to prune shows based on studio or premise.
Should be 8.
>Check charts
>Can't even imagine what SIX shows you might be talking about
Manga is superior in every way so dont feel bad.
I watch every single episode one.
Then rarely continue any of them.
>not animes
You're on the losing side of history, user.
Shingeki no Kyojin 2
Boku no Hero Academia 2
eromanga sensei
Alice to Zouroku
>Alice to Zouroku
this is the only one that piques my interest but dammit it looks very promising. It's like a cute girl show that grew a storyline.
>Meido Dragon
>Gabriel Dropout
>Youjo Senki
>Nyanko Days
>Little Witch Academia
>Urara Meirochou
Expand your taste.
Then it would stop being taste.
The Great British Bake Off is pretty comfy
You still haven't killed yourself yet?
Just read manga. Its so much better.
You don't watch battle harem anymore lelouch?
>what is voice acting
>what is sound direction
>what is sound
But OP there's not to watch this sea-
>crazy tanuki adventures part 2
Oh boy.
>being allergic to fun
Whats stops adding sound/voice acting to manga?
2 android girls, one bigger robot if they get that far, no mecha.
I know what anime I'm looking forwards to
>tfw too old and mature to enjoy anime
What will be next season's meme show?
sadly this...
Good for you, maybe now you can finally do something useful out of your life.
I watch like 5 animes a season max
That's 20 less than me
Ever since the 90's, we only get good anime once in a blue moon. For example, Jojo's bizarre adventure.
Why? Everyone in anime looks like a fucking **twig** now. Everything is *computer animated* so the heads are circles with little triangles attached for chins. THE MOUTHS AREN'T IN THE RIGHT PLACE ANYMORE.
That's not a bad amount. Think of all the things you could do with your free time other than watch anime.
Anime is the same as always
You just watched too many so obviously it all starts to feel extremely stale because thats anime
4 years ago i used to watch 15+ per season now i can barely find 5 good ones
Happens to everyone dont worry.
That last stage is pure bullshit unless you lobotomize yourself.
>we only get good anime once in a blue moon
The way I see it, a lot of it's crap, some is decent, we usually get a pretty good show or 2 a season, and a truly great show is rare.
Luckily, my backlog of shows is so huge i've got plenty of good shit to try out.
You'll drop several by episode 3.
>dropping anything ever
>Jojo's bizarre adventure.
>not Bananya
Come on user
>anime isn't getting worse
>we're getting older
What causes tomoko to do this
Is SnK season 2 a manga adaptation or its own thing?
If it's the latter I might give it a shot.
>thunderbolt season 2
>first episode was weak
this is gonna be rough.
>tfw Im that person
I dont do it because I dont want to be around them most of the time, its because Im awkward around people I dont know.
>tfw after 1000 watched shows my standards got so low I can enjoy any average show of the season
Feels good.
How creepy is the series, after reading about the plot and seeing that guy's smile it makes me feel like it was some Ito's story
I have only one and two maybe's.
That's a lot.
>dumped Sup Forums
>dumped Sup Forums
>watching 30+ anime per season
Feels good.
What are the titles for this season?
I don't even watch anymore, I just browse the threads to see what eveyone else is up to.
one of those better be pic related I swear to god
You are me.
What look good besides the popular big ones like Oratoria and Boku Hero Academia?
Might watch Zero kara Hajimeru and Hinako Note
Not what i expected, but i'm ok.
Season looks fine. I expect lot's of drops and hope for some surprises. It still has lots of stuff I'll enjoy regardless.
I'm gonna watch and enjoy the shit out of:
>Titans S2
>Shingeki no Bahamut: Virgin Soul
>Natsume Yuujinchou Roku
>Sakura Quest
>Uchouten Kazoku 2
>Alice to Zouroku
>Kabukibu! (I miss CLAMP)
>Nobunaga no Shinobi: Ise Kanegasaki-hen
Will try out
>Sakurada Reset
>Fukumenkei Noise (I like shows about bands and shojo)
>Tsuki ga Kirei
Wasn't big fan of S1 but will try anyway:
>Hero Academia S2
Last airing show I actually kept up with was Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume
I only bothered with 3 last season. It seems like Japan doesn't make anime I like anymore.
six more than I watched this season
Glad I'm not jaded yet and watch more than 20 shows each season. As long as I can find one or two reasons to latch onto a series I can finish it regardless of overall quality.
Watching weeklies takes no effort since its a only a couple episodes per day.
I wouldn't say so. I've been watching more shit each season than the last for the last decade so far and I'd say I have pretty fair standards. I generally avoid BL, idols, cgdct, sports and still end up with 20+ series to watch a season. I've picked up 27 + 9 shorts for this next season and might only drop a couple if any. Not finding much to watch is disinterest in the medium or reddit tier shit taste.
>not enjoying every medium
After a while i was asking myself why do i watch the same shit with different hairstyles and eyes. You'll get there don't worry.
Same here. And 4 of them are sequels.
Down from 9 this season.
Alice to Zouroku
Boku no Hero Academia 2nd Season
Clockwork Planet
Nobunaga no Shinobi 2
Shingeki no Bahamut: Virgin Soul
The Snack World
Warau Salesman New
I've already been there. The answer is simple: because I like it. I'm not there for novice.
If i like vanilla ice cream i won't question myself, why I'm buying it.
It's a great time to work on that backlog
We have the same "discussion" every season.
Taste is subjective, get the fuck over it already, you are not a better person because of the entertainment you consume.
If you're not looking forward to Uchouten 2, it's your own fault for having shit taste
yea right. I bet every one of you are going to watch Berserk
Think i'm going to be the only one giving Renai Boukun a shot