Post girls with boyfriends they don't deserve
he is too pure for this world
this bitch
I agree. She deserves somebody worse because she's shit.
does the hero even appear?
Use Yandex if google doesn't show anything helpful
It's ojojojo
Google is your friend
From the same dude that brings you Made-oragon and chi4
It's the opposite, user.
This faggot is a worthy NTR MC
It actually, truly pisses me off how she treats him. Even with a violent abusive bitch she at least has the redeeming quality of caring about the guy she likes but Sayo truly acts as though she's constantly trying to forget he even exists, and all he ever wants is to spend time with her.
That's fucked up.
They're both pretty shit tbqh.
Never understood why Louise didn't beat up the baka maido who was obviously more alpha and confident than her.
MC should have bang the Queen in secret.
how much piss you off?
Could someone tell me what font that is?
Unreasonably so. Guy needs to find a girl who'll appreciate him.