Many white supremacists taking ancestry tests aren't happy with the resists

Many white supremacists taking ancestry tests aren't happy with the resists

are you actually 100% white?

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My resists? What do you want with them?

Americans aren’t white and neither are you muhammad


neither is eastern europe, all turkish, asian descendants

grandfather immigrated from Ireland and i'm a ginger with hazel/green eyes and look like a viking

100% white.

23andme admitted to adding 2-3 percent of Jewish and African ancestry to results, for social justice.

>look like a viking

This is the most retarded shit I hear from people abroad.

You need to kill yourself, leaf.

T-t-take that back!

>racists BTFO!

Yeah and so are blacks. I am black and I have a lot of English and Polish blood in me. And some Native American.

Nothing that comes from leftists states is legit anymore

fucker you beat me

Shitty troll. Those sites admit to fucking with the tests to mess with whitey

The good thing about being mestizo is not worrying about racial purity. Whites have it hard

Giving your DNA to a jew company, kys.

So how do they know if you're racist? Is there a check box on the application? Or if you just happen to have the same name as a famous racist, they'll just give you fake results?

I hope this news gets out, because even if you aren't racist, giving something money and expecting a service and getting bullshit in return is just...well, it's a scam.

Yeah, I can trace my family a decent way back. But I don't care. We already have people from those companies saying they add in different races to white people's ancestry to 'fuck with racists'.

Exactly. It's a bullshit story.

Squawker is a bullshit site though.

SS Stammbaum

My (SJW) sister took an test, and to her dismay and my delight, it came back 100% Western European. Feels good mane.

100% white with low I.Q vs 90% White with high I.Q pick one?

Im all German, except for my great grandfather. Who was Filipino.

Call me retarded, I know some of you will, but am I the only one who thinks spitting in an envelope and sending it cross-country to get it examined might be a terribly inaccurate way to determine where your great-great-great-great-great ancestors came from?

hahaha most of you goys have a small percentage of non white european blood, you should all fight over other such trivial things such as being from america and whether or not to be pagan or christian, hahaha goys fight over petty things and don't realise the true enemy who threatens you all. keep the (((divide and conquer))) going

>100% white
define me white

We know Africans have been travelling to Europe since at least the time of the Roman Empire.

There are no racists upset their DNA results aren't 100% white.