Youjo Senki

Christian extremism on the rise!

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First for BestDad


When is the loli going to lose? I want to see her bloody and beaten.

She just did. There was a chance to end the war then and there and wipe out the Republic military, but instead isekai Dunkirk happened and now they're going to be in for another 30 years of brutal knife-fight warfare.

Reminder; Sonzai Ecks doesn't want her dead, it wants her to break down and believe.

How can she break down and believe at this point?

He did a very japanese suicide

Where is my Mary Sue?

Was he even still Anderson ?
He looked to me like a family man, but he didn't even seem to care about informing his family he was still alive.
I wonder if he was a puppet from the moment he "survived".

Put dick in Tanya.


I still don't understand how much does Tanya give a fuck about the Empire.
I understand she's frustrated the Empire just signed its own death sentence but at the same time it's not like she wasn't moving in anticipation for that, she even predicted she would've been able to change the course of events anyways.
Is it because she knows she will be sent on the frontlines for years to come ? Or she's starting to actually give a shit about her own subordinates and homeland ?

Tanya is for Rerugen!

Of course she only gives a fuck about himself.

She's definitely mostly upset over the fact that she'll have to keep fighting at this point. However, you can't say that she isn't starting to become a little more attached to the people she's around since they're actual people.

>yo man write a letter to your family
>fuck dis deus valt
Truly best.

She might have started to care about her squad and homeland.

She voluntarily joined the army.
Isnt it weird Tanya is literally the only german born female mage seen in the show?

There was that lady that failed the 601 selection. But I think her squad only has her and Visha.

I want more child soldiers, there is potential for something henious here.


>she only gives a fuck about himself
every time

I think right now the Empire isn't so desperate they're pushing the levy on women as well, that would be terrible propaganda.
You could as well announce "We're getting our ass kicked so hard we're starting to recruit women and children", and only a woman with a few lose screws would join the army willingly.

>to care about her squad
This. That Wess saving was even reckless.

OK, so Tanya was shot in the shoulder thanks to Visha, how did she recover so quickly? The shoulder is kind of a clusterfuck, you got a zillion different muscles all working to give it a wide range of motion, a major artery running nearby, you got the brachial plexus right there ready to be fucked up hard by a bullet, you got bone ready to shatter and send fragments a million ways. She's not going to be playing tennis any time soon, let alone launching an attack on the French navy. She's going to need a top tier surgeon, and many months of physiotherapy.

Fuck it, don't remind me of mgs 5 and how they fucked everything with that niger midgets.

i ain't gotta explain shit

It's magic, I ain't gotta explain shit!

it's a cartoon.

It's mentioned in the LN that magic is also used for healing.


it's magic i ain't gotta explain Being X

We got ourselves a hive-mind here

She survived blowing herself up and falling from the sky at age 10 without any permanent health fuck-ups and a shot in the shoulder is your beef?

Guys stop it

You are scaring Tanya

Quite possible that was just the body of Anson but had nothing left of Anson himself.


By losing the next war regardless of how well she fights or prepares.

I'm going to kiss her cute lips

>she survived blowing herself up
Let's face it, she has scars on her entire body under that uniform and she is going to look like this when she will grow up.

good luck little ducky

He knew he was a suicide bomber when he woke up. You don't tell your family you survived that horrific attack they thought you died in if all you're going to do is blow yourself up on a ten year old girl as a rage zombie.

The trench gun was a sign of this, and a sign everyone else around him knew it as well. They let him waltz and do something horrific under the basic assumption he was going to kill himself on her anyway.

The only scars she has are mental

summary/spoilers of the LN Youjo Senki

Every time she wants to use her best gear, she has to pray to it. Every single time.

that would be so hot.

Didnt she shield herself from the worst of the blast? I guess maybe Anson's body soaked up most of the bullet's power.

It's simply that manga has very minimalistic design.

What a fucking shitty cheap door if a female child can break it with her fists.

magic fists nigga

The only people Tanya might really care about are Visha and Weiss. She can relate to them both in some ways. Visha got conscripted into joining the military so Tanya understands how being shoved into shitty situations feel. The two have also been together the longest and had fought in the hellish Rhine Theater. Tanya even trusts Visha enough to lead her wing on her own if it comes down to it.

Saving Weiss and his reckless ass last episode is a pretty big indication. I would guess that Weiss just sort of reminds Tanya of her old self. It makes sense because Weiss is a strictly by the book kind of guy that follows orders no matter what. There is a line in Youjo Shenki where she mentions that she used to be inflexible when thinking as well.

In the end those two are directly under Tanya's command it would be odd if they didn't get the most attention. Tanya has pride in her work and training so watching them grow to become the elite that they are now must bring some joy to her. She probably feels that way about her entire unit to some degree. She couldn't care less about the Empire.

Should have bought superior Swedish furniture

She gives a shit about a peaceful, rich life. Defending the homeland is pretty much the best way to do so.

user please, she can pull adult males out of avalanches. A wooden door isn't much to her.

That's kind of at odds with her behavior in episode 2 where he treats his corporate subordinates as tools and drives one of them to murder with unfair dismissal.

lack of personal contact
laid off employee was burden to company
like that moominfucker kid, but he actually shook it off.

Character development, or the quality of her subordinates now is far above the sniveling salarymen he has to manage in the past, so she respects them more

It's called character development.

She still thinks about them as tools, but this time these tools are good, but costly so she needs to make sure they'll serve her as long as possible because she won't get any replacements.


>light brown swede man grabs an aryan loli and doesn't want to let go
Sounds familiar.


She should have worn her anti-rape bracelet.

Tanya's cries of desperation were great
Really hot

So is there gonna be another season, or...?

Was it just me or did it feel like the climactic combat scene fell kind of flat? They'd been setting up for it for several episodes, so I expected it to be something a little more engaging, but I didn't really feel an emotional response to it at all. It looked pretty and the choreography was solid, but it didn't strike the right notes, especially when the squad was dropping like flies and then immediately disregarded for more DOGFIGHTING

Wow, people can change over the course of a series. It's amazing, isn't it?

Yeah they really got me too.

People don't change.

Based Yuuki Aoi

The author gave the studio the freedom to go their own way, if that's the case it wouldn't end up hurting the LN sales and another season might be a possibility.

Being reborn in notEurope during notWW1 in the body of a girl and live with for 10 years might change the nature of a man.

Wow the ending was pretty brutal and now the military must look at Tanya like a war-crazed threat.

Its because they didnt have mary sue.
It was purely a filler fight, it looked and sounded neat but narratively it was devoid of content.

Well. How'd you call someone who knows things you don't? A madman, of course...

She will only need to explain herself, it's not like she actually did commit insubordination and the higher ups know she isn't an idiot.


For the sake of drama, we all know how this is going to play out. The higher ups will suddenly become bereft of all intelligence or awareness of prior context and automatically assume the person who won them the war is actually just off their nut and pushing a warmonger agenda out of neurotic obsession.

because, of course, anything less than a total lobotomy of the competent commanding cast would stifle the story.

They don't need to do that, by the time Tanya actually manages to reach them it'll already be too late.
But again she dug her own grave by acting like a psychopath during the previous debriefing before razing that city to the ground, no shit her commanding officer just dismissed her as some psychotic kid and didn't immediately forward her warning to the higher ups.

Alternative the armistice is just there to make things calm while the Empire makes their demands on the republic and then the war is over.


You are taking cartoons for losers way too seriously.

>no shit her commanding officer just dismissed her
That was not her commanding officer, you silly.
That guy was in charge of western army but she is under Strategic HQ and could and actually did say fuck you to him.

She didnt act like a psychopath, she was pointing out the hypocricy of her superiors in presuming there would be no civilians in the combat area after the evacuation orders.

Only winners watch anime

Wait she's the seiyuu? I was put off by the art style of this but may reconsider for her

She was just acknowledging that she understood exactly what they were telling her to do. They had contrived an excuse to kill non-combatants indiscriminately and wanted her to understand what the expectations of her mission were. It was all innuendo for "make an example of them, and don't worry about the treaty"

Yeah, she's the Seiyuu

She is, and she uses the fired up crazy girl voice for the role 100% of the time.

But please consider carefully. Yuuki Aoi or no, the art style is still a thing and it definitely does not get any better with time.

Reminder that everything will be fine after the war with Everyday Life!

Sonzai Ekkusu~



Great summary! I've read up to Vol. 7 myself, and if I didn't misunderstand anything, then I would like to say that summary is all truth without misreading. Great job!

Now if only someone could do the WN part...


Do not lewd the Ekkusu

Go away Hikari.

They mention in the book version of that red dress thing that she has no scar left from blowing herself up, thanks to healing magic.

her hope was to have the empire win and eventually retire in peace, but now she knows world war will really happen.

what was the point of this? we knew she wouldn't die if he blew himself up. hell she still took the explosion at point blank range and she survived anyway. and no one with a name died despite being shot out of the sky. This whole encounter was pointless. Sonzai Ecks bringing him back was pointless. why does this show refuse to have good writing?

Is the manga good?

I want to do the Seksu with Tanya.

NUT wanted to have some sort of a boss fight without changing the status quo.

By 'divine' decree, she's already taken.