How do we fix American education?
Make it illegal for women to become teachers.
>fix the American education system
There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s operating the way it’s intended to.
Get rid of common core
Privatize it. Make schools compete for your child's enrollment and keep government as far the fuck away as possible.
Get rid of the public school system and pay for own greasy kid's education.
Fire the marxists
re institute segregation.
With inequality increasing in this country you would basically make America dumber by doing this. Good public education isn't hard. If other countries can do it well and have way better education then us the solution shouldn't be "fuck it. get rid of public schools".
Can you name any places where only private schools is a system that works?
tear it down and start over
>mfw my school wasn't built in the 1940's
have you misses every "common core thread".
the images speak a thousand words
Replace teachers with AI. AI teacher avatars can literally be Ben Franklin. MLK, etc and the kids can ask them anything. Hustory, mathematics, etc is taught like video games. Kids of tomorrow do not need trivia- driven rote memory from a human teacher that memorized it themselves.
Also, no more school buses, or brick and mortar school. All school will be cyber. Why not? Kids already socialize online. Schools, teachers, lunchroom, and buses- already beyond obsolete.
Why Zuch, Gates, and alphabet aren't pushing the already there technology?
Democrat controlled teacher's unions.
Tech the Edu!
I guess I have. redpill me on common core.
Remove jews and women. Segregation. Even spend more money on educating blacks. When they fail it will be even funnier.
I spent 6 years trying to get a meme degree to help poor kids rise through social mobility. What you have to understand is that no one wants to fix the system, its working exactly how they want it to. If the system is fixed then the unions cannot justify asking for more money, they need to keep it broken to line their pockets. The whole system is incredibly politicized, they brainwash kids to hold leftist ideals and pin all the problems on white males. It is a system of indoctrination designed to fail so teachers can direct that anger at white republicans all while making money by screwing over the students. No one wants to fix it and any ideas put forth that would help get stifled due to ones background, or red herring fallacies are used all over till the conversation becomes so convoluted you don't even know what is being discussed, then it swings back to redlining and the evils of white males. Don't ever waste your time trying to go into education, its just filled with racist, sexists who want to propagate their failed ideologies. I have been groped by professors for having muscles, hit for supporting Trump (in cali, so not surprising), and been threatened with legal consequences for sharing my opinion and exercising my first amendment rights.
tldr: (((they))) already fixed the education system
Jamal and Shaquifa are failing English, so we need to make it easier for every retard in the school to pass by doing down the curriculum
It started with "everyone gets a trophy!". And that was when I was leaving school.
Um this isn't what common core is lmao. This was one by Bush "No child left behind" plan.
You can't fix stupid. You can only try to adopt policies that favor intelligent people by "natural" selection to evolve Americans into intelligent humans.
That's pretty anti-free market bro, companies can hire women for less than men so that would just make it harder on small business.
Godamn commie
The nigger is right
Now, we just have to lower white trash wages, like this poster, so small business can hire everyone super cheap, and everyone can be fat poor and retard happy like him and production and the economy will go through the roof.
Praise be our messiah trump first of his name
Empower schools to expel students without taking a funding hit. High school scores will SKYROCKET as the niggers and spics are forced out.
Can't take a compliment can you?
There's literally nothing wrong with American education. We have the best schools in the world.
start firing low performance teachers, hire replacements, repeat. GE became the most powerful company in the world because they used to fire the bottom 25% every year.
School choice.
Let the effective curriculum be sought after.
More funding but stricter guidelines for teachers.
"white trash" is also a compliment, would you prefer I call you "nazi" or "underageban", because all those fit.
Now, I suggest you call McDonalds pronto and demand your boss pay you less or heck not all to support the growing economy, I mean you're not some fuckin degenerate commie welfare queen taking free handouts are you?
>Homeschooling is still legal
This meme is going a bit far
- Less homework
- Smaller classrooms
- Less standardized testing
It works in Finland.
Make failing school a capital offense
Is Sup Forums ready for a big secret?
There's nothing wrong with public education in the US. Nothing at all. Schools are simply mirror images of the communities they serve. It's not the school that fails, but the community as a whole. When we see a failing school on the news, almost no one bothers to ask about the price of a new home, employment statistics, or the local crime rate. In communities that have strong local economies, intact families, and low rates of crime the schools are phenomenal.
Trust me. I grew up in Mississippi. My public high school was ranked as one of the best in the country while the schools within the same district a few miles away were among the worst. It's all about the constituent community using the school.
Standardized tests are good and fun
The problem with common core is a one size fits all solution to a problem.
It's like mass producing education.
While it works on a population, there is always a percentage of students that fail to learn this way. There is also a group of students who learn the basics, but fail to exceed the subjects.
While it works, the larger problem is that as our population grows, so do the two groups I identified. Meaning larger portions of the population are only meeting the bare minimum or are failing to learn entirely.
It's literally commie core.
Add in underpaid shit teachers and constant cultural differences between students (cough niggers cough) and you have a shit education system.
A teacher is suppose to be able to use their specific strengths to help a particular type of student, the idea being eventually a teacher will try something that each student will eventually respond to.
While a lot more varied when it comes to education, a lot of children respond better to this approach and the positive outlier numbers increase.
Another huge issue is student to teacher ratio.
There just isn't enough time to have 1 on 1 with a student anymore when teaching 20 plus kids.
Absolutely this. It has nothing to do with how much funding or anything, but what the people that teach or attend are like, which is determined by the community.
I prefer white garbage. More class with it
Btw I work for bk
make it private
What you did there, I saw it. True, too.
>Btw I work for bk
My plan would work systemically, Mr. garbage :)
Abolish it and dump all funding into educational shit for phones and tablets? Kids are glued to that shit
more money
At the heart of it lies the power of the teachers unions.
Teachers unions are by far the most powerful groups in American education. More than that, they are special interest groups, which means that they use their power to promote the special interests -- the job interests -- of their members. They are not in the business of representing the interests of children, and no one should expect them to do that.
The purpose of a union is to represent the job interests of its members -- and these interests are simply not the same as the interests of children.
The teachers unions have used their power from the bottom up, through collective bargaining, to burden the schools with organizations that are literally not designed to be effective. And they've used their power from the top down, through politics, to stand in the way of accountability, choice, and other major reform efforts.
My parents are both educators and these are a few things.
1. Remove government bureaucracy. Teachers have to follow a stringent lesson plan from the state because they are micromanaged by administration. This structure does not allow them to adjust the pace of the course, or review material. Failure to comply will get you fired.
2. Raise the salary for teachers. Qualified individuals are discouraged from teaching because of the poor salary and treatment compared to other options. Yes, some people go in because of the profession and not money, but these individuals are not numerous. Why should someone become an economics teacher when they can make 2-3x as much in finance? A chemistry teacher who could be a Pharmacist? An English or history teacher a lawyer?
3. Raise the barrier of entry. Too many inept college grads can become teachers, even more so if not white. Combining this with a larger salary will attract competent, motivated individuals.
>Make schools expel, instead of help underperforming kids and teach to the test even more
Maybe up north, teachers union in Florida has no power.
Get rid of summer vacation. The countries with the best school systems are the ones with the longest school years. We keep arguing over how to make the most of the school year that we have when the real question is why is the school year so short? theatlantic.com
That idea has been around for a long time in the US. I graduated in '05 and I can remember my teachers talking about that potential for change. They'd argue that the first 9 weeks period of each new year is spent essentially reviewing the material from the previous year. A lot of wasted time. The idea was that students would get one month on and then a whole week off.
Purge the marxists.
Eliminate the humanities completely.
Gas all niggers.
I agree
>Can you name any places where only private schools is a system that works?
The United States before John Dewey.
You won't find a country with 100% private schools today, but Japan and South Korea have significant private K-12 education.