I disagree.
I say this as someone who is currently marathoning the series with my brother.
I mean, yeah, it's pretty cool and has some definitely surprising twists here and there, but it ain't no Mona Lisa either, compadre, it also has its flaws and cliches (whether the latter affects your opinion or not is up to you). It's a pretty great show, but also sadly very very overrated, although I can also understand why people like to defend it.
>And it's that the mangaka is lazy and will probably never finish the series
Give the guy a break, he took ten years to even finish the CA arc if I'm not mistaken. I'm admittedly still on the near end of the Chimera Arc (don't worry about spoiling me, I already have done so for myself, didn't make the Netero x Meruem scene any less hype, my brother's reaction alone for that scene was worth it) so I don't know nothing about the next arc.
I can agree on the soundtrack being great, but sadly, it can get awfully repetitive as the series goes on with very few tracks that are kind of "ehh". Some episodes also tend to drag on perhaps for a bit too long, but at the same time, I can understand why.
I've already elaborated on why the show is what it is and it's because Togashi is more of a guy that enjoys more the journey and the build up rather than the climax and/or conclusion even though if he's able to, he can pull off a twist your great great grandfather would otherwise not come up with, even if it's not essentially a conclusion you'd wish to see. The guy's not afraid to see his characters suffer either, what with making them go through various situations.
This isn't DBZ or some other anime shit which intents are to show flashy awesome fights, yeah, this one's got a few fights too, but the thing is, Togashi is leaning more towards psychological battles rather than physical ones which is something we don't usually see that often.