Hunter x Hunter

Hunter x Hunter is objectively the best anime. It has some of the best and most unique character designs. It has an amazing soundtrack. The plot is pretty good also. And the animation throughout the series is exceptional.

But there is one flaw about the anime and its that the mangaka is lazy and will probably never finish the series.

If you disagree then you are probably one of those idiots who watches slice of life cute girls doing cute things anime.

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It's like your begging to be reported.

>implying my post breaks any rules

It's ok. Shits the bed during the Chimera Ants but everything leading up to that was very decent.

Chimera Ant arc had the best scenes though

>It has some of the best and most unique character designs
>It has an amazing soundtrack
Awfully used.
>The plot is pretty good also
Exposition all day, everyday.
>the animation throughout the series is exceptional
Every 10 episodes they bother to animate something that isn't lipsync.

It's a good anime. That's about it. It's good.

I think the beginning is just so good, that it make the chimera ant arc look plain, it did have some good interesting parts, but overall it was just too long. He shouldve just focused on one or two of the ants rather than trying to build on like 10 of them

>no Gon in the new arc

WTF? Why is this allowed? He's the main character

Nichijou is objectively the best anime. It has some of the best and most unique character designs. It has an amazing soundtrack. The plot is pretty good also. And the animation throughout the series is exceptional.

If you disagree then you are probably one of those idiots who watches shounen male garbage anime.

This. There are too many "best" animes around.

It's fucking awful. It starts out decent but heads straight into edgeville and doesn't look back. The only thing I agree on is the soundtrack.

There is no single main character in Hunter x Hunter

I have a feeling that HxH was remade because jump wanted Togashi to get off his lazy ass and start making new chapters

99 has the best soundtrack, yes. 11 is one of the absolute worst I've ever heard in anything ever.

Lol then why would they make an anime that would give him more money while not doing anythig himself?

If anything HxH11 killed Togashi's will to resume the manga de to how shitty the adaptation was.

Yorknew City arc was pretty fucking great, everything before that was okay/meh. Everything after was pretty shit, especially the ant arc.

I give it 6.5/10, far from best.[embed]

Jokes or not, HxH is legit.
Great anime, great source material.
We don't get much of these. Especially in shounen category.

It had the best scenes but it also had the worst scenes

I don't anyone take anyone who calls the CA arc bad with any sort of legitimacy. Especially if they watched 2011, which unfortunately on brought in droves of preteens with probable ADHD.

Except it is and his name is Gon

>People who call CA bad yet say Yorknew was the peak because of how good its villains were
CA was above Yorknew for Mereum alone, not even taking into account the rest of what made the arc amazing.

Thank you for your shit tastes

I bet your favorite series after HxH are Naruto, Bleach and Hitman Reborn.

Wasn't a chapter supposed to come out this February ?

All hype and barely delivered. We were promised the deadliest monster in the world and what did we get? A faggot who could only dash forward in a fight, boast about being number one, and play gungi while being existential with his mortally pet. At least Chrollo was proactive in his arc.

The arc was 60 episodes long, the story could have been told in less then 13. It´s the biggest waste of time in the history of anime. The only good part in it is the character development between Mereum and the girl.

>The arc was 60 episodes long, the story could have been told in less then 13

What would you cut from the arc?

HxH is a 10/10 shounen, but all shounens are 7/10 at their best because they're all held back by their cliches.

All the meaningless fights between random ants

Shorten all the "necessary" fights.

All the explaining of abilities

All the unnecessary build up in the first 30 episodes or so.

Most of the training Gon and Killua are doing.

You weren't promised anything. Togashi didn't promise you a super epik holy shit fight, he focused on the the exact opposite. This is a clear case of a writer wanting to branch out and do something risky with his series. Not everyone will be happy with it.

HxH does the same shit as all other shonen the only difference that Togashi introduces a plot twist at the end of the arc so some of the major conflicts ends up not being resolved, nothing more.

Why do you hate character development?

There was a lot I liked and even loved about the CA arc, but in the middle it had some pacing issues.

I thought the character designs were nothing special some are good, most decent for a shounen. I also thought the story from ep 1-100 was just standard shounen affair and nothing special but after that the story just excelled. The pacing was perfect, action top notch, characterization was in depth, you empathized with main antagonists... pretty much when it stopped having all the shounen tropes it got really good.

>All the meaningless fights between random ants
All 3 of them? Also what made them unnecessary, they had a purpose in that they gave the opportunity to show the abilities of new characters
>Shorten all the "necessary" fights.
What? Even Netero vs Meruem was like 2 chapters long
>All the explaining of abilities
This is stupid, it takes a handful of panels at most and the action would be confusing without it
>All the unnecessary build up
What was unnecessary?
>Most of the training Gon and Killua are doing.
You mean the Knuckle vs Shoot stuff? That's like maybe 6 chapters

That was a stupid fucking post user, i'm disappointed in you

There´s a point where it gets too much and meaningless.

I thought we were talking about the anime here. I haven´t touched the manga at all, so i can't judge that. It´s prolly better executed there, i believe you. The arc in the anime is fucking shit tho.

Gon is done for, he gave up all of his nen. The main character is probably Ging now.

How could you even deny that Mereum purpose wasn't about him being a supreme being, nor being the epicenter of conflict when the story portrayed him as just that? Character development is not an excuse to over initial characterization especially went Meruem only dropped his agenda 2 chapters before his death.

Him being a supreme being =/= you're definitely gonna have an epik fight. Him being killed by a nuke in the end was to show humanity's malice and desperation when faced with a considerable threat.

Togashi intentionally subverts any expectations for people expecting DBZ, he knew what he doing when he made the main antagonist look like Cell.

To a complete idiot, yeah sure

Agree. Also I found the development of individuality by the chimera ants fascinating. Togashi explored it well

He dropped his agenda shortly after meeting Komugi.

What if... Togashi wrote the story and Oh!Great and his team were in charge of drawing it ?

just imagine for a second

No the fuck he didn't, it took him to fight Netero for him say that only a portion of the human race was worthy of being alive.

And that started with Komugi. It was a pretty big deal, almost an entire chapter of it, I think. Even had a spread with the "why am I alive?" cliche.

After constantly getting beaten by Komugi, he stopped caring about food and the selection, even got annoyed by Pouf when he mentioned it. The royal guards assumed he was pissed because of Gungi, but it was clearly not the case. He was doubting himself since he couldn't beat someone as pathetic as Komugi, and that eventually led to his speech to Netero.

I made this exact comment a few weeks ago in some HxH thread. I can't believe someone saved the comment and used it today.

I feel kind of famous.


There is also the scene shortly before the invasion were he basically rants to the his charge about being the king and reaffirms his stances on being the most powerful.

And then immediately goes to kill Komugi and realises he doesn't actually believe that and was just trying to reaffirm how he was born.

Damn nigga are you me? I wanted Togashi x Oh!Great to do HxH since forever.

I'm watching the Chimera Ant arc and I'm loving the royal faggot ant. And the king. I never imagined he would have girl trouble. This is a great show. Poor that red ant guy surrounded by weirdos, I hope things turn out well for him.

Pouf is great. The definition of magnificent faggot.
Also I think the most complex of the chimera ants in his weird manias about the king.

Wait so he had a nuke in his heart?

What if he just, like, had a heart attack one day?

>CA arc is bad meme

This is an ant.

We all agree that he's the best Chimera, right?


>not based Ikalgo

>I also thought the story from ep 1-100 was just standard shounen affair

What other shounen is as good as the yorkshin arc?

I ask that seriously, I would like to read it.

It's like they can't understand that great stories and great characters need great setups. I was amazed at its ambition. Character after character popping up everywhere meant that we were going to have a lot of great fights and great moments. And the way Meruem and the RG were setup and developed was excellent. I was so glad when I started it that it was 60 eps long because I knew there would be enough room to tell a good story and tell it the right way.

Are you 13 or something to reply bullshit like that

It's almost like Togashi is famous for subverting common shonen troupes to deliver something better instead or something.

I disagree.

I say this as someone who is currently marathoning the series with my brother.

I mean, yeah, it's pretty cool and has some definitely surprising twists here and there, but it ain't no Mona Lisa either, compadre, it also has its flaws and cliches (whether the latter affects your opinion or not is up to you). It's a pretty great show, but also sadly very very overrated, although I can also understand why people like to defend it.

>And it's that the mangaka is lazy and will probably never finish the series

Give the guy a break, he took ten years to even finish the CA arc if I'm not mistaken. I'm admittedly still on the near end of the Chimera Arc (don't worry about spoiling me, I already have done so for myself, didn't make the Netero x Meruem scene any less hype, my brother's reaction alone for that scene was worth it) so I don't know nothing about the next arc.

I can agree on the soundtrack being great, but sadly, it can get awfully repetitive as the series goes on with very few tracks that are kind of "ehh". Some episodes also tend to drag on perhaps for a bit too long, but at the same time, I can understand why.

I've already elaborated on why the show is what it is and it's because Togashi is more of a guy that enjoys more the journey and the build up rather than the climax and/or conclusion even though if he's able to, he can pull off a twist your great great grandfather would otherwise not come up with, even if it's not essentially a conclusion you'd wish to see. The guy's not afraid to see his characters suffer either, what with making them go through various situations.

This isn't DBZ or some other anime shit which intents are to show flashy awesome fights, yeah, this one's got a few fights too, but the thing is, Togashi is leaning more towards psychological battles rather than physical ones which is something we don't usually see that often.


Can we stop using this word please? There's nothing "subversive" about hxh.

Imagine having this shit opinion


Him being the most OP being in this case is just a character trait more like a plot point.

>b-but muh ebin dbz fights

That's my wife.

p much this

I loved his chill weed bro design

First explain why do you think that.

'99 is objectively better than '11 in every way until Greed Island.

Here's your wife.

I think that because there's nothing subversive about it. You have any examples of attempts at subversion of common shonen troupes in the show and I'll gladly consider them.

i see what you did there

Meruem's development was already mentioned itt

In the end of Yorkshin City arc instead of "character defeats bad guy with the power of friendship", we get the character giving up on killing the bad guy because he realizes that friendship is more important.

IQ charts
Meruem 195
Pariston & Gin 180
Isaac 150
Kurapika & Illumi 145
Killua 140
Beyond, Muhel, Bisky, Zeno & Hisoka 135
Chrollo 130
Morau & Mizai 125
Cheade & Nov 120

>Cheadle that low

Does her reputation count for nothing?

120 is quite high, she's no genius by any means nor did she mpress me at all during the election arc

>implying Illumi is the smartest Zoldyck

The first one is not really subversive, since he doesn't give up on trying to conquer the world. He just slightly redefines what power means to him and learns that not all humans are worthless. Plenty of shonen villains are morally ambiguous.

The second one I guess, but at the same time gon and killua's lives were on the line in that instant, and it's not like he permanently gave up on his ambitions.

What's Gon's IQ?

I don't know about Killua being smarter than Chrollo.

It's so high it can't be quantified.

He's not book smart but he certainly isn't stupid.

>Best anime

It's not even the best work out of the mangaka that created it.

On Meruem I meant how he's hyped to be the ultimate strongest being and instead focuses on gungi battle, where he can't win. And in his final battle he's the one who doesn't want to fight but ends up being forced to do it by "good guy" Netero.

The last three digits of my post

>I don't rank Bizeff

>Togashi subversive
>pulled typical shounen shit in the last fight in the current arc

I meant to reply to Then if he's not who is? Milluki is a good option too, seems very proficient at hacking
Around 110 or 115 I'd say
What did Chrollo ever do that would put him above Killua

How about Gon and Meruem never meeting face to face once?

I want to passionately kiss Pitou.

I want to fuck that ant

Not using tropes doesn't mean you are subverting those tropes. I think that's what people don't understand.

He accurately surmised Kurapika's moveset and the conditions of the ability he used on Uvo. This is a person he's never met once. And it came about from a mere guess after hearing Hisoka's altered fortune.

The true villain

>But there is one flaw about the anime and its that the mangaka is lazy and will probably never finish the series.

>On Meruem I meant how he's hyped to be the ultimate strongest being

And he was incredibly strong. If he turned out to be a weakling that would be subversive, because we expect him to be strong, I don't really see what's so subversive about an incredibly smart being trying to challenge the limits of his intellect, that's expected.

And again, he was still planning on conquering the world. He was just going to be slightly less autocratic than he originally planned. If he promised to completely give up his ambitions and become a gungi player or something, and Netero still decided to kill him because politics, that would be pretty subversive.

This is pretty subversive, broadly speaking, since it is generally expected for the hero to beat the villain, but it's not like that's a trope exclusive to shonen manga.